Gary continues his discussion about how we should respond to the grievance merchants in modern society.
The biblical position is that there must always be judicial representation. Adam represented all of mankind before God in the fall. Jesus Christ represented all of mankind as well as His people before God in His death, resurrection, and ascension. There must always be representation. Moses represented the civil magistrates of Israel. Aaron represented the people as the high priest of Israel.
There must always be judicial representation, and it is established biblically through ordination. There are but three covenantal offices that God recognizes: Church, State, and Family. Each of them is established by a vow taken before God. We state a self-maledictory oath in our marriage vows, " ’til death do us part." In the Church, we are baptized, which symbolizes going through the death and resurrection with Jesus Christ. Death is always a possibility for covenant-breaking. This death is announced through excommunication. In the state, we take a vow, or at least implicitly we do, to uphold the law. We are brought under the sanctions of God if we unlawfully violate an oath of subordination. The point is: there must be, in every covenant, a representative. This representative is ordained to his office.
The father represents his wife and his children before God because he holds a high covenantal office to which he has been ordained. The minister represents the congregation because he has been ordained. The civil magistrate represents the covenanted nation because he has been elected or lawfully appointed by those who have been elected. There is no lawful covenantal office without ordination.

Lone Gunners for Jesus
A biblical response to anti-abortionists who claim that the individual has the God given right to kill abortionists in God's name, or in the name of natural law ("common sense"). These letters to convicted murderer Paul J. Hill were written before he was convicted. They respond to his printed defense of the use of violence against abortionists as well as to his personal letters to the author.
Buy NowGary continues his discussion about how we should respond to the grievance merchants in modern society. The Bible deals directly with this issue and gives a lot of guidance about what the proper response should be to tyranny and social injustice.