We rely on donations all-year-round, not just Giving Tuesday. But in the spirit of the new designation for the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, we are asking for your financial help and to become part of the team here at American Vision. As Gary points out below, we run a slim operation at AV, keeping employees, equipment, and expenses to a minimum. This allows us to crank out a lot of material, but there’s much more to do. The political and religious situation in America always seems to be tenuous and we need a comprehensive biblical worldview like never before (Proverbs 23:19). Teaching materials from AV serve that mission but we can’t do it without your continued support. Please consider partnering with us this Giving Tuesday.
The older I get, the faster time flies. It’s December already. The 2024 election is nearly a month behind us. The results lowered my blood pressure by 20 points. We dodged a bullet. Only time will tell if the GOP decides to shoot itself in the head. Was Trump the perfect candidate? To defeat Kamala Harris, I think he was. It remains to be seen how well he and his hand-picked cabinet will do. There are still too many RINOs and Establishment Republicans in power.
I was glad to see that the media got stomped on. New and diverse media outlets are the name of the game. There is no going back to the so-called Mainstream Media. I don’t think it can recover. Their pundits still think their opinions matter. They don’t.
Trump winning the election was a battle, not the war! There is no way we can relax. The opposition will try to regroup. Hollywood and the entertainment industry in general showed how irrelevant they are. These multimillionaires (some billionaires) had the audacity to tell us that the economy was fine while they live behind gates in multiple homes around the world and fly in their private jets to protest “climate change,” a money-making scam for corporations and politicians who own stock in their companies. The same is true for the war-mongers. War means profits for the Military Industrial Complex.
One of the most positive results of the election was the shift among young voters. There was even a move to the GOP among Hispanic and male Black voters. Once again, the GOP must deliver a better economy without government spending. The free market must thrive and lead the way. I would love to see massive changes in the bureaucratic state, the real governing power in the United States.
In some small Way American Vision has had a role in helping Christians navigate the issues from a biblical perspective. My God and Government series has been around for 40 years. You’re hearing about many of the principles that are outlined in it even if voters don’t understand the source. Those principles are not unique to me. The free market and understanding multiple jurisdictions and their limitations are additional fundamentals that are catching on.
God and Government
With a fresh new look, more images, an extensive subject and scripture index, and an updated bibliography, God and Government is ready to prepare a whole new generation to take on the political and religious battles confronting Christians today. May it be used in a new awakening of Christians in America—not just to inform minds, but to stimulate action and secure a better tomorrow for our posterity.
Buy NowAmerican Vision would like to expand the reach of works like God and Government and Gary North’s book Victim’s Rights that’s at the printer. AV has been upfront in the critique of Last Days Madness. Too many Christians have been mesmerized by the belief that the end is near, and Jesus is about to whisk them to heaven in something called the “rapture.” How long has that drum been beaten? The death of Hal Lindsey 20 days after the election brings to a close many false prophetic claims by him. First, the “rapture” of the church would take place sometime before 1988. Second, that the 1980s were the “countdown to Armageddon.” Third, his certainty that the “rapture” would “take place before the year 2000.” (More about this in an upcoming article.)
It’s a shame that so many Christians have little sense of prophetic history. Millions of Christian are following teachers who use the same debunked arguments used by Lindsey, for example, Chuck Smith, Tim LaHaye, Max Lucado, David Jeremiah, and many others. How many Christians have “prophetically dropped out” of the world because of this? In terms of politics, we are around a 51 to 49 percent nation. If more Christians were engaged, the nation could be put on a better path.
Eschatology is a big deal. It’s one of the reasons American Vision spends so much time on it, and it is showing results. I get countless emails from people around the world who thank AV for the work we are doing in this area.
With your support, American Vision has had a great 2024. Our reach is expanding. So are the ways we are getting the message out. Book publishing is our standard method. We have expanded that reach with eBooks and audio books with more coming. I have started posting one-minute reels that reach the 40-thousand mark in just a few days!
I have five books I’m trying to finish as well as some reprints that will be a great addition to worldview studies. An annotated study of the Bahnsen-Stein debate is in the works. We hope to have it out for the 40th anniversary of the debate. I’m really excited about it. It will include some behind the scenes commentary by the moderator of the debate as well as two articles written by Greg dealing with the “antithesis.”
More about these and other AV products in the works will be coming later. As you think about your year-end giving, please consider American Vision. We run a very lean operation. There is nothing fancy about our work. I’ve learned how to run a business without a fancy office and furniture or sophisticated equipment. There are certain operating expenses that must be financed to keep the doors open. We keep them at a minimum. Our goal has always been to put donations to work in the products we produce. Your end-of-the year generosity would very much be appreciated.
Thank you,
Gary DeMar (President, American Vision)