Every Sunday, millions of people attend church services in this country. They usually hear a nice message about Jesus and what He did during his three-year earthly ministry. What is mostly missing is the “go and do likewise” application for each listener of these weekly sermons. What actual difference does what Jesus said and did make to 21st century Christians?
A constant need is crisis pregnancies among young girls and women. Too often, the Church is better at dishing out judgment than help and care for those caught in a difficult situation. Rather than judging and condemning, the Church should recognize the great mission field that exists right in their own towns and neighborhoods. Girls and babies need our help, but talk is cheap; action and love are what is really needed to save babies and girls from being sacrificed to the American political god of Molech.

Trespassing for Dear Life
In this remarkably simple and concise book, Gary North cuts to the heart of questions of civil obedience and disobedience by examining them in the light of the Scriptures. He shows just where, when, how, why, and by whom those questions can be settled. He outlines what the Biblical limits are. And he brings into focus what the Biblical imperatives are.
Buy NowAbortion remains a plague in the United States (and across the world). The church has such an open opportunity for helping and ministering to young women in the middle of a crisis. Ignoring it because of the political ramifications is sin, and the church needs to get involved. On today’s podcast, Gary interviews Pat Page—a long-time warrior in the pro-life movement in Georgia—about what individuals and local churches can (and must) begin doing today to help.