2021 is about to end. It’s been interesting and productive. I had two bouts of cancer. My left kidney was removed in January and my prostate was removed in May. I’m not experiencing any ill effects. In fact, I participated in a Masters Track and Field meet in July in the shot put and won my age group in Georgia. Of course, it’s not that hard to do since there aren’t that many 70-year-olds who can throw a nine-pound iron ball or would want to.
These mortality indicators are helping me get more done. Time waits for no one.
I’ve been sitting down with Dr. North to discuss some projects. His cancer diagnosis does not look good. Even so, he’s working on future projects. He’s a real inspiration.
American Vision has had a great year. The uncertain nature of our political and social institutions have made organizations like ours vitally important. More than ever, people are seeking Truth and not listening to the mainstream propaganda that flows out 24 hours a day. Cancel culture is consistent in their attempts to shut the opposition up but these tactics are backfiring. People are waking up and looking for alternatives to puppet “news” outlets. Thanks to this, we are encountering opportunities for growth like never before.
We produce four podcasts each week and publish two articles on our website. I have been traveling around the country speaking and meeting people from all over the world. They are thankful for the work being produced by American Vision and other related ministries. Electronic publishing has been a great gift from God. We can reach people in countries who cannot order books because shipping costs are so high. Ebooks and audio have made it possible to spread the Word worldwide.
We finished the Bahnsen Apologetics Trilogy with the publication of The Impossibility of the Contrary. Dr. Bahnsen’s works have spawned an apologetics Renaissance. Greg would be so thankful that his teaching is having an impact around the world. Against All Opposition is now an audiobook. A number of people are working on Spanish translations.
We republished The Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States. It’s now in its 10th printing. We sent it off to the printer in October and it’s finally ready for shipment as of this week. Printing companies—like many other businesses—have been short-staffed and had to cut production. Paper was also in short supply for awhile leading to delays. A three-month turnaround on a printing project forced us to change our inventory and stocking methods. While Covid always gets the blame for such things, the economic consequences are quickly becoming the larger issue.
We’re putting the final touches on several publications:
· The four-color The Case for America’s Christian Heritage.
· James Jordan’s The Law of the Covenant and his new commentary on Matthew 23–25.
· The republication of House Divided by Ken Gentry and Greg Bahnsen.
· The republication of Theonomy: An Informed Response.
· My chapter on “Failed Eschatologies and their Consequences” will be published soon.
I have several books in the works that I hope to finish in 2022. We are looking to hire a top-notch researcher and editor to help with the extra load. Finding qualified people to do what we do at American Vision is difficult.
We have expanded our reach by partnering with Canon Press. This has helped us get to a broader market. We’ve also expanded our presence on many social media platforms. It’s been tricky, but we haven’t been booted off yet. Of course, PayPal dumped us some time ago because the SPLC listed us as a hate group. In fact, PayPal canceled my account and my wife’s account on the same day with no explanation even though we hardly used it. There are leftist weasels everywhere.
My longtime friend Dr. Archie Jones is finishing up his magnum opus on the First Amendment that AV will publish. It was his doctoral dissertation that he’s updating for publication. It’s a real blockbuster.
We have also been working with Darren Doane on brand building. For example, Eric Rauch and I traveled to Aledo, Texas, outside Dallas to film some history spots for The Christian Life and Character book. The videos we brought back were turned into short historical vignettes by Darren’s agency. They were a real hit with those who saw them.
We are producing “Heavy Lifting with Uncle Gary” for the CrossPolitic platform in addition to the three Gary DeMar Podcasts we do each week.
I’ve been a regular Thursday guest on The Schaftlein Report with host Mark Schaftlein that airs on numerous platforms.
There are other projects in the works but I’ll hold off telling you about them until we know they are in production.
On a sad note, one of American Vision’s board members, Dr. Richard Vest, passed away this year in a bicycle accident. He was a wise and important member of our board for several years. He will be sorely missed.
I would like to thank all of you who have upheld us in prayer and supported American Vision by purchasing our many publications and donating. We would not be here without you. As always, we need and appreciate your financial help to continue shining the Light in the darkness. Christ is building his Kingdom despite the gloom and doom predictions. Invest in the future with an end-of-year gift to American Vision here.

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American Vision is a 501(c)3 organization and is supported through the generous giving of individuals, churches, foundations and businesses. Your gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Thank you for your financial support.
Buy NowWe’re looking forward to seeing what God is going to do in 2022.
Hope you have a great New Year!
-Gary DeMar