People are shocked at the perversion at the opening ceremonies of the 2024 Paris Olympics. I wasn’t. France has lost its way. So have most sports conglomerates. Advertisers are equally compromised. It seems that no lessons were learned from the actions of the Nazi pagan regime and its near conquering of the French Republic in WW2. Let’s not forget France’s Revolution to cast out Christianity. The Christian calendar was changed. No longer was time measured from the birth of Christ. A New Year One was established.
The meaning of a change in the calendar is significant. It plays a major role in the 1968 film Rosemary’s Baby.
Roman Polanski’s Rosemary’s Baby and its story about the manipulation of a young woman by an elite witch coven to carry and give birth to the Anti-Christ captured the mindset of this era and became symbolic of the irreversible shift that happened in the late 60s. However, it is the real-life events surrounding the movie that truly defined this era: Less than a year after the release of Rosemary’s Baby, Roman Polanski’s pregnant wife was ritualistically murdered by members of the Charles Manson family. This horrific event brought a brutal end to the “good vibrations” of the 60s and is viewed by many historians as a pivotal moment in American history…. The evil coven is not composed of stereotypical, pointy-nose witches but of friendly neighbors, prestigious doctors and distinguished individuals. They are elegant, rational and intelligent and are connected to important people. (Source)
And that’s what made Rosemary’s Baby really scary. Witches on brooms and devils with horns were nowhere to be found. Rosemary’s husband made a deal with the devil, and the devil’s minions looked like everyone else. Rosemary’s husband Guy “is told that his career will succeed if he were to join them. The price of entry is however steep: He must allow his wife to be drugged and impregnated by Satan during an occult ritual.” Who knows how many globalists have made similar deals. I’m not suggesting that a Rosemary’s-Baby-pact was made. Today’s globalists have imbibed the perverse waters of scientific materialism. It’s corrupted them. “Freedom to choose” is just another way to describe debauchery, and who is there to object?

Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths
Too many Christians believe that the Bible is irrelevant this side of heaven. Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths takes a closer look at God's Word and applies it to erroneous misinterpretations of the Bible that have resulted in a virtual shut-down of the church's full-orbed mission in the world (Acts 20:27). Due to these mistaken interpretations and applications of popular Bible texts to contemporary issues, the Christian faith is being thrown out and trampled under foot by men (Matt. 5:13).
Buy NowWhen Rosemary is in the waiting room to visit her pediatrician, she picks up a real copy of TIME magazine that asks the question “Is God Dead?” The elites have been answering in the affirmative for centuries. They have crowned themselves as the new gods.
Then the real nightmare begins with Rosemary and Guy. When Rosemary sees the baby’s reptilian eyes after its birth, she starts screaming. Roman Castevet, the head of the coven, let’s her in on the origin of her demon seed:
“Satan is his father, not Guy. He came up from hell and begat a son of mortal woman. Satan is his father and his name is Adrian. He shall overthrow the mighty and lay waste their temples. He shall redeem the despised and wreak vengeance in the name of the burned and the tortured. Hail, Adrian! Hail, Satan! God is dead! Satan lives! The year is One, the year is One! God is dead”
The baby was born in June 1966 —6/66. Today’s occultists are just as demonic by making the creature replace the Creator.
Roman Polanski suffered the result of the worldview where right and wrong have no fixed moral point. His pregnant wife, Sharon Tate, was brutally murdered along with her unborn child by acolytes of the Manson Family. In the world where “DNA neither knows nor cares,” who is to say that anything her “murderers” did was morally wrong.
We forget the opening ceremonies of the Berlin Olympics where Adolf Hitler and Nazism were of full and open display. Within ten years the Third Reich was reduced to rubble. If the worldviews of Dionysus and Darwin are legitimate choices, then Adolf Hitler was living out the implications of both Ds. Who are we to judge?
A drag queen who carried the torch of the Olympic flame in Paris’s opening ceremony told critics, “We ain’t going nowhere.” Nowhere is exactly where homosexuals, drag queens, and transgenders are going since nearly all of them do not reproduce. As Paul told Timothy, “they will not make further progress, for their folly will be obvious to all” (2 Tim. 3:9). It’s not enough for us to disdain what happened. Gary North often commented in situations like this, “What’s the proper response?” and “Stick to your knitting.” We’re seeing the demise of the materialistic worldview. It cannot sustain itself except by force. What we do in the interim will make all the difference.

Liberty at Risk
Without a proper understanding of civil government's biblical function and limited jurisdiction, Christians can be trapped into believing that civil government should promote policies beyond its designed purpose as long as they are for "the good of the people." This reasoning can lead many to choose security no matter what the cost to liberty.
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