In one of American Vision’s talks from the archives, Dr. Gary North discusses the Scopes Trial and the importance of William Jennings Bryan as an American political figure.

The story I have written here has not previously been told. There are books on the Presbyterian conflict. There are doctoral dissertations on it. But chronicles are not enough. We know that the liberals captured the Northern Presbyterian Church. But something was missing: a detailed study of how the liberals did it.

This book partially fills the gap. It was a large gap; that is why this is a very large book. Yet this book only surveys the highlights. Furthermore, there is no comparable book for any of the other mainline Protestant denominations, most of which have succumbed to the liberals’ strategy of subversion. This void points to the present intellectual condition of American Protestantism. One thing is sure: conservative American Protestantism is not future-oriented. In this sense, it is lower class. Lower-class people and movements do not shape history; they are carried along in the back of the bus in order to be milked by those future-oriented people and movements that do shape history.

I wrote this book for Christians who are tired of being milked, bilked, and forced to ride silently in the back of humanism’s bus. If this is you, keep reading. Understand, however, that you are part of a small remnant: a person who is willing to pick up a book about one aspect of Presbyterian Church history. The final remnant will be even smaller: those who finish reading this book. Few are called; even fewer are chosen. But cheer up; there are words of comfort available: “Woe is me, my mother, that thou hast borne me a man of strife and a man of contention to the whole earth! … The LORD said, Verily it shall be well with thy remnant; verily I will cause the enemy to entreat thee well in the time of evil and in the time of affliction” (Jer. 15:10a-11).

Crossed Fingers

Crossed Fingers

Crossed Fingers is the first book to identify and discuss in detail the five points of liberalism and the rival theological positions. It is also the first published book that "follows the money" by tracing the sources of the funding of theological liberalism in twentieth-century America. It serves as a handbook for the diagnosis and defeat of the same liberal forces that have captured American Christianity.

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In one of American Vision’s talks from the archives, Dr. Gary North discusses the Scopes Trial and the importance of William Jennings Bryan as an American political figure. So many aspects of modern media came out the trial, and Dr. North exposes all of it in this fascinating presentation. (Part One of Two)

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