Gary discusses recent comments coming from rabid pro-abortionists about their dissatisfaction with the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision in June.

Former seminary and college professor Tremper Longman III claimed that pro-abortion advocate Joe Biden “is a devout Christian by all accounts.” All accounts? Supporting abortion on demand is not in any way a Christian view. The Democratic Party platform position supports abortion on demand. A “devout Christian” could not run on or vote for such a platform.

Many Christians engaged politically when the 1973 Roe v. Wade pro-abortion case was decided. At first, there was a visceral reaction to the decision since abortion has been looked upon as a criminal offense. Of course, this did not stop women from getting abortions illegally. Prior to Roe v. Wade abortion was illegal in thirty states and legal under certain circumstances in thirty states.

While a visceral reaction to abortion was helpful, it did not ask the more fundamental question about what the Bible says on the subject. Tremper Longman III writes that “[t]he Bible does not speak directly to the issue of abortion or . . . clearly about the status of a fetus in the womb.”[1]

The major problem with Longman’s view on the abortion issue in his support for Biden and the Democratic Party is that the Democrats believe that even a “fully formed” fetus can be killed. This is hardly the Christian position even by Septuagint translation standards. Since the Democratic Party supports abortion throughout a woman’s pregnancy it would mean that the abortion of Jacob and Esau, John the Baptist, and Jesus would have been lawful any time up to birth. Longman certainly does not believe the Bible or common sense would support such a position, but that’s the political party he is supporting.

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Gary discusses recent comments coming from rabid pro-abortionists about their dissatisfaction with the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision in June. Abortion advocates have no logical, scientific, or moral leg to stand on, yet they still can’t stop running their mouths and showing everyone what they actually believe.

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[1] Tremper Longman III, The Bible and the Ballot: Using Scripture in Political Decisions (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2020), 136.