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The abortion roaches have come out in broad daylight since the preliminary SCOTUS Roe v. Wade ruling was surreptitiously leaked to Politico. The abortion roaches are in a full-scale panic like when the light comes on when you’re looking for an after-midnight snack from the kitchen.
But in the case of the abortion roaches, they are not retreating to their typical hiding places.
Before Biden lost his mind and sold his soul to the highest bidder, he had this to say about Roe v. Wade:
“I don’t think that a woman has the sole right to say what should happen to her body,” he told the Washingtonian in 1974, one year after the court legalized abortion.
“I don’t like the Supreme Court decision on abortion. I think it went too far,” he added.
Biden doubled down years later in 1982 when he voted to approve a constitutional amendment that would have allowed abortion to become a state issue instead of a federal one. (Source)
Biden slowly changed his view in a Faustian bargain to gain prestige, power, and fortune. What are 60 million aborted babies when it comes to satisfying the mob that got and kept him in power and cheated to get him elected President?

Culture 101: Christ is King Over All
Jesus said to ‘do business’ until He returns, and that means living and working in the world. Christians are sometimes given the idea that only ‘spiritual’ pursuits are worthy of the true Christian, but this is a misguided view. The truly spiritual Christian will have great impact in all areas of life, including business, entertainment, and art. The Christian life is one of thinking AND living to the glory of God. Using video, audio, and printed materials, Culture 101 gives a small glimpse into what Christian-influenced orthopraxy should look like.
Buy NowIt’s finally come to the realization for some people that abortion is not about “reproductive health,” it’s about killing defenseless human life, and they don’t care who knows it. Roman Catholic Joe said what we’ve always known about the so-called “pro-choice” movement:
“The idea that we’re gonna make a judgment that is going to say that no one can make the judgment to choose to abort a child based on a decision by the Supreme Court I think goes way overboard.”
Biden said that it’s a “right to choose” to kill (abort) a child! When someone says, “I have a right to choose,” I ask, “A right to choose what?” What is a pro-abortion advocate choosing to do? It always goes back to the identity of an unborn child in his or her mother’s womb.
To make matters worse for unborn children killing, Biden recalled what he said to then-Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork:
“This reminds me of the debate I had with Robert Bork,” he said, claiming, “Bork believed the only reason you had any inherent rights is because the government gave them to you.” The president recalled his 1987 comments to Bork “when I was questioning him as chairman [of the Judicial Committee].”
“I said, ‘I believe the rights that I have, not because the government gave them to me, which you believe, but because I’m just a child of God, I exist.’” (Source)
Is he saying that as a “child of God,” that God gives a woman the right to kill her own child? Does an unborn baby only become a “child of God” when he or she is born?
Biden also claimed that “all basic mainstream religions” say that the beginning of life is uncertain. This is nonsense. Even science confirms life begins at conception. Pope Francis, in his “Apostolic Letter: Misericordia et misera of the Holy Father Francis at the Conclusion of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy,” stated, “I wish to restate as firmly as I can that abortion is a grave sin, since it puts an end to an innocent life.”
The Presbyterian Church in America, in its “Report of the Ad Interim Committee on Abortion,” states the following:
The clear and absolute declaration of the sixth commandment, founded upon God’s making man in His own image, defines for us the most fundamental question which must be answered from Scripture. Is the unborn child a human person in God’s image? While Scripture may not provide a precise scientific statement in answer to this question, the theological understanding of man revealed in Scripture leaves no doubt about the continuity of personhood which includes the unborn child. Simply, yet profoundly, the life resulting from conception is designated “man” both before and after birth (Gen. 4:1; Job 3:3). A “man-child” is conceived; the unborn child is not less than a man.
This does not mean that members of anti-abortion denominations agree with their church on the topic. Biden and Nancy Pelosi are two influential examples of hypocrites.
The PCA has its Biden-Pelosi roaches. Andrew White is a Democrat who ran for governor in the state of Texas in 2018.
White … dismisses any connection between his faith and how he would govern if elected: “My personal faith is personal to me, but I will not let it interfere with how I govern.” He sees no conflict between the doctrines he has vowed to uphold and his statement, “I’m for marriage equality and everyone deserves to be treated equally under the law.” On top of that, the Houston Chronicle reported, “If elected governor, he promised to respect Roe V. Wade and not push for further abortion restrictions in state law.”
White eventually resigned as an elder in his church. “But in confirming his resignation to the Houston Chronicle, the 45-year-old Houston entrepreneur took a shot at Republican leaders who he said worship ‘a Jesus who is judgmental, revengeful and fear-mongering.’” Jesus wasn’t judgmental? Really? How did this guy ever become an elder?
I’m sure many church-going Christians took the same position over slavery. “I’m personally opposed to slavery, but my personal faith is personal to me, but I will not let it interfere with how I govern.” Do you think White would have condemned those opposing slavery with the same weasel words? White’s position is an outgrowth of “Two-Kingdom Theology.” For a helpful analysis of Two-Kingdom Theology, see “Governor-Candidate Andrew White and Two-Kingdom Theology” by Larry Ball.
There is no neutrality. Abortion has become a tenet of religion. As one unborn child-killing advocate stated, “Let’s be clear: The right to an abortion is sacred.” Ann Coulter writes the following in her book Godless:
Abortion is the sacrament and Roe v. Wade is Holy Writ. This is why we have to have World War III every time there’s an opening on the Supreme Court. As long as Roe is the law of the land, elected Democrats can hide behind the Supreme Court’s ruling. They rarely have to cast votes on abortion bills, because the High Court has removed abortion from the democratic process. All the Democrats have to do is smear any Supreme Court nominee who might possibly vote to overturn Roe and finally allow Americans to vote on abortion.
The Democrats and their faithful minions have exposed themselves as anti-life roaches. Not only are these unborn-child-killing advocates evil, but they are also stupid in the proper use of the word. Yamiche Alcindor, a PBS “journalist, and also of NBC, said, “for a lot of vulnerable women, women who are poor, women of color, they will be forced to have pregnancies that they cannot afford to terminate, and pregnancies that will then turn into children.” Will some turn into pumpkins? Then we find out that you really can define what a woman is, and you don’t need to be a biologist to make that determination.
This has got to be the all-time worst statement by a Leftist Democrat. Actress Amanda Duarte (never heard of her) reacted to the potential overruling of Roe v. Wade, by tweeting, “I do wonder how these white supremacist lawmakers would feel if their little white daughters were raped and impregnated by black men.” Talk about white supremacy. Candace Owens had the best response:
Been telling you guys for years that white liberals are at their core, racist. They use racial scenarios to get what they want…. I actually don’t know what is worse here—wanting babies dead in the first place or wanting people to imagine a white woman impregnated by a black man as such a horrific event that we must rally the troops and fight for the right to kill their would-be offspring.
Here’s the kicker. Democrats are blaming Saint Ruth Bader Ginsburg for not retiring during Obama’s reign as President. As a result, Pres. Trump was able to nominate Amy Coney Barrett But Ginsburg, although she supported the right to kill unborn babies, was a notorious critic of the Roe v. Wade. She once described the decision as “heavy-handed judicial intervention [that] was difficult to justify and appears to have provoked, not resolved, conflict.” (Source)
Ultimately, the issue of unborn child-killing is not a constitutional issue. That’s something the Supreme Court refuses to deal with.

Thinking Straight in a Crooked World
The nursery rhyme ‘There Was a Crooked Man’ is an appropriate description of how sin affects us and our world. We live in a crooked world of ideas evaluated by crooked people. Left to our crooked nature, we can never fully understand what God has planned for us and His world. God has not left us without a corrective solution. He has given us a reliable reference point in the Bible so we can identify the crookedness and straighten it.
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