Gary discusses MAGA, Trump, and the Washington DC political machine.
Politics is one biblical sphere of God’s delegated temporal governments; family and church governments are two others. Politics (civil government) has a major impact on our lives. It’s the Christian’s duty to be involved, if only to keep the State from imposing its will over us and oppressing the church and family.
Civil government (the realm of political activity) was never meant to save any more than the family or church. Family, church, and civil government are God-ordained governmental jurisdictions. While we are to redeem politics (actually, politicians), we are never to view this government as the solution to our nation’s problems. The purpose of involvement in politics is more than the replacement of non-Christians with Christians. There are numerous things that civil government ought not to do. A civil government based on a biblical view of the State would mean a drastic reduction in its size and power and a return of jurisdiction to individuals, private enterprise, families, churches, and local civil governments.
The danger from within the church is just as serious as the danger from without. In many cases, the danger from within is more sinister because it bears the voice, mark, and presumed authority of the church (Acts 20:30). The church must not be tricked into believing that our problems can be solved solely or even mainly through political means. Getting a Christian President will not do it. Stacking Congress and the Supreme Court with Christians will not do it. These are all good things, but they are not enough. Those who hold these powerful offices must understand the purpose and limits of civil government. Civilizations are built when all of life is influenced by the leavening effects of the gospel resulting in changed lives and changed lifestyles.
Too often we are quick to turn to politics because as individuals, families, and churches, we generally have failed to be faithful in areas of immediate responsibility. Our efforts must be directed at the top and bottom. Individual lives, families, and churches must be reformed, and at the same time, reforms must come from the centers of political influence. You can’t change just one thing.

Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths
Our nation is in a crisis. The world is crying out for answers in the face of bewildering and seemingly unsolvable problems. Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths shows that the Bible has real answers to these problems—answers the church is currently ignoring. Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths takes a closer look at God's Word and applies it to erroneous misinterpretations of the Bible that have resulted in a virtual shut-down of the church's full-orbed mission in the world (Acts 20:27).
Buy NowGary discusses MAGA, Trump, and the Washington DC political machine. The reason why the uniparty can exist at all is because Americans (and many Christians) have disconnected from truth and history and care more about what vapid celebrities shout into the media echo chamber. It’s not a difficult equation: if you allow it to happen without consequences, you will get more of it (think assassination attempts).