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Economist Robert J. Samuelson gets it right: “By not having children, people are voting against the future—their countries’ and perhaps their own.” This is why it’s astounding that Costco, Kroger, Walmart, and other stores with pharmacies are considering selling the baby-killing drug mifepristone. For every child aborted multiple lifetimes of purchases are wiped out at these stores. David Bahnsen writes, “selling chemical abortion drugs undermines a retail pharmacy’s bottom line. Instead of selling a lifetime supply of everyday goods like diapers, cough syrup, groceries, toys, food, and clothing, a store settles for a one-time purchase that undermines a lifetime of opportunity.”
Even if these companies fail to understand the immorality of abortion, one expects they will understand the economic bottom line. Literally killing off future business is not something anyone would learn in a business class. Jerry Bowyer puts a fine point on it:
A company can sell the stuff of death once or it can sell the stuff of life for many years: diapers, Pedialyte, baby aspirin, Vicks VapoRub, bigger diapers, antibiotics for toddlers’ ear infections, shoes, vaccinations, Halloween outfits, candy, Band-Aids, bigger shoes, Whiffle balls and bats, still bigger shoes, and on it goes.
I’ve shopped at Costco. Families are the main customers. I’ve seen the loaded shopping carts. Retired couples don’t load up on jumbo packs of food items. The same is true for Walmart and Kroger.

The Maker vs the Takers
A close reading of the Gospels, taking history and archeology into account, demolishes the myth of a socialist Jesus. Theologians virtually ignore the economic commentary in the Bible. In the few cases where it gets any attention, economic commentary in the Gospels and other New Testament writings tend to lapse into simplistic class warfare nostrums. Liberation theologians import Marxism wholesale (but they try to sell it retail) into theology.
Buy NowSupporting abortion is a business killer. (Where’s Rodney Dangerfield when you need him?) Walter Billingsley, the chief financial officer for the American Family Association, provided the following numbers in Bowyer’s article.
Mifepristone sells for roughly $200. That is, tragically, a one-time thing. Costco averages roughly $3,000 in revenue per customer per year. The average household is 2.5 people. So, for a Costco member, the average per capita spending is roughly $1,200. Over 10 years, that’s $12,000. The grim mathematics of abortifacients show that Costco can monetize one death for $200, or it can hope to enjoy revenues on $12,000 of sales over 10 years. … In short, life is more financially valuable than death.
The Democratic Party has been pushing Planned Parenthood, abortion, birth control, and the new money game transgenderism. The abortionists were giving away free vasectomies at the 2024 National [Abortion] Convention. According to the New York Times, Planned Parenthood Great Rivers, which operates in parts of Illinois, had “mobile ‘health clinics’ around the DNC on August 19 and 20. Those ‘health clinics’ provided “FREE vasectomies and medication abortion,” according to the local Planned Parenthood X account.
Democrats and their fellow-leftists are killing off their future through abortion, deciding not to have children, supporting sexual mutilation through transgenderism, and homosexuality. A good apologetic response would be to look in the camera during an interview and point out the self-destruction of their worldview to those engaged in these practices. It’s no wonder that our government wants a tight grip on education. They need bodies to indoctrinate. They want our children because they are running out of their own, and a majority of Christians voluntarily turn their children over to the State.
While pro-abortion liberals are pushing the abortion and contraception cart, Christian conservatives with their large families will dominate the culture in a generation or two. At least one very liberal columnist has noticed the problem for liberalism:
“[F]or the past 30 years or so, conservatives — particularly those of the right-wing red-state Christian strain — have been out-breeding liberals by a margin of at least 20 percent, if not far more. . . . One theory goes like this: Libs are generally more socially conscious and hence tend to actually give a modicum of thought to what it means to pop out a brood of children in this modern overstuffed age. Also, many other liberal bohos [Bohemians] are (admittedly) happy selfish suckwads who want all the modern booty for themselves and won’t want to give up the Ducati [motorcycle] and the plasma [television] and the biannual trip to Cinque Terre [Five Lands on the Italian Riviera] for the sake of a pod of rug rats and 15 grand a year (each) for private kindergarten. Translation: Libs just aren’t procreating like they could/should be.”[1]
It’s no wonder the Democrats are pushing for mass immigration and voter registration of non-citizens. What the Left does not understand is that they can’t control what might be coming. Islam is making inroads in England. “There were 1.6 million Muslims in England and Wales in 2001, or 3 per cent of the population, according to the census. By 2011 the Muslim population had grown to 2.7 million people or 4.8 per cent of the population. Most of the ‘native’ populations of Europe are failing to have enough children, while birth rates are higher among Muslim immigrant populations, so it seems inevitable that the British Muslim population will rise in the coming decades.” It remains to be seen how lower birth rates among native populations and the increase in immigration and higher birth rates among them will impact England and the rest of Europe. “This can be partly attributed to the fact that the UK Muslim population is quite a young demographic, which is also true of the wider Muslim population of Europe.”

Christian Economics in One Lesson
Christian economics must begin with the issue of ultimate ownership. This sets it apart from modern economic analysis, which begins with the issue of scarcity. Second, this leads to the issue of theft, which in turn raises the issue of ethics. The ultimate form of causation in human history is ethical: right vs. wrong. Modern economists do not share this view. In fact, it goes beyond this. They openly reject it. They proclaim economic analysis as value-free—this is self-deception. It is a variation of an ancient temptation: “Hath God said?” Yes, He has. “Thou shalt not steal.”
Buy Now[1] Mark Morford, “When Liberals Rule the World: Stats say the GOP is dying. But red-staters are breeding like drunken ferrets. Who wins?,” SF Gate (March 28, 2007).