Gary explains the interaction he had on Facebook with a former pastor who has since deconverted.
There is no such thing as “human dignity” or “rights” given the operating assumptions of today’s secular religion of evolution. As Richard Dawkins put it, “The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is at the bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil and no good. Nothing but blind pitiless indifference. DNA neither knows nor cares. DNA just is, and we dance to its music.” [1] Now it seems that even DNA is suspect because judges say so. These judges will now determine how we will dance to their music. DNA is being used to exonerate prisoners who were incarcerated for crimes they did not commit, but DNA is irrelevant in determining a person’s sex. It’s madness!
Something from nothing evolution is irrational. There is nothing within the context of observational science that gives any credence to a matter-only origin of life as we know it on earth. It’s no accident, therefore, that scientific irrationalism is influencing law and social movements. The “notion that there is a sex ‘spectrum,’ where people can choose ‘to identify as male or female,’ regardless of their anatomy, is irrational and has ‘no basis in reality,’ say biologists Colin Wright and Emma Hilton. ‘It is false at every conceivable scale of resolution.’ As they explain, ‘In humans, as in most animals or plants, an organism’s biological sex corresponds to one of two distinct types of reproductive anatomy that develop for the production of small or large sex cells—sperm and eggs, respectively—and associated biological functions in sexual reproduction.’” [2]
In order to justify a wholesale reworking of a creational moral order, science must take a backseat to whatever the latest ideology demands of it. The problem is evolutionary science can’t account for any justification for doing all things rationally.

Why It Might be OK to Eat Your Neighbor
The most damning assessment of a matter-only cosmos devoid of a Creator is that we got to this place in our evolutionary history by acts of violence whereby the strong conquered the weak with no one to support or condemn them. Why It Might Be OK to Eat Your Neighbor repeatedly raises the issue of accounting for the conscience, good and evil, and loving our neighbor. It’s shocking to read what atheists say about a cosmos devoid of meaning and morality.
Buy NowGary explains the interaction he had on Facebook with a former pastor who has since deconverted. Alan Bondar now claims to be an atheist and even wrote a book called “How to Kill God the Easy Way” (presumably those without the book are stuck with the “hard way”). Gary ties his discussion with Bondar into the classic debate between Dr. Greg Bahnsen and Dr. Gordon Stein.
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[1] Richard Dawkins, River Out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life (New York: HarperCollins/Basic Books, 1995), 133.
[2] Michael W. Chapman, “Biologists in WSJ: Only Two Sexes, Male and Female, There is No Sex ‘Spectrum,’” (Feb. 14, 2020). Link here.