Gary DeMar talks with Dr. Gary North about the need for Christians to take action. (Part One of Three)
We have been given both a dynamic of history and a tool of dominion. We have done our best to ignore them both. We have, especially in the last hundred years, retreated from both in the name of “Christian liberty,” or “separation from the world.” But such an approach is doomed to defeat. Those who adopt such an attitude will become less and less influential in the world they have abandoned to the devil in the name of God.
Those who adopt an eschatology of victory and a commitment to biblical law will steadily displace the retreatists. The retreatists get what they expect: defeat, both by the devil and by those Christians who have decided to take charge. The retreatists, or as they are also known, the pietists, are the modern equivalent of the Israelites of Moses’ day. They are not happy with the wilderness, but they know nothing else, and they are convinced that it’s not their responsibility to march into Canaan and take charge. They see themselves as ambassadors of a distant kingdom whose Master has kept most of the kingdom’s assets and weapons with Him in that distant land. They know He will return eventually, but without warning, without sending in backup troops until the last moment.
Today’s Christians are not confident ambassadors for Christ, for they do not recognize the comprehensive nature of their assignment and the incomparable power of God’s tool of dominion. They also don’t recognize the state of disarray of Satan’s forces—lawless, covetous, innately rebellious, without a philosophy of life, and without hope of long-run success. They are not effective ambassadors, for they don’t recognize the imminence of God’s kingdom—not the Second Coming of Christ in power, but the nearness of power available to them for the task of dominion.

Unconditional Surrender
Everyone knows Christianity is a religion, but what difference does it make in a society? Is Christianity just a religion for private time, or is it a way of life that shapes one's understanding of the world—even able to transform a nation? Does the Bible teach anything specific about how to raise a family, run a country, or manage an economy? Moreover, if the Bible does have something to say, do we have to observe those commands, or are they mere suggestions or general principles?
Buy NowIn this first part of a three-part interview, Gary DeMar talks with Dr. Gary North about the need for Christians to take action. The research and study has all been done. The books and newsletters have all been written. More information isn’t necessary; action is what is needed now.