Who is Antichrist?

Will antichrist be Islamic, Roman, American? Is he one specific person or many people? Is he alive in the world right now? What does the Bible really say about antichrist? Come to American Vision’s National Prophecy Conference to learn more about this and many other Bible prophecy questions. [...]

It's the End of the World! Or is it?

Speculation that we are in the last days has been around for a while. Through the decades leaders, from Mussolini to Hitler, have been put forth as the anti-christ and a sign that we are in the end times. Today is no different, Harold Camping is teaching that the rapture will occur May 21, 2011. As Christians, we have to know what the Bible says about these things. That is why American Vision is s [...]

Do You Know What the Bible Really Says About Rebuilding the Temple?

Many popular prophecy writers and teachers claim that the temple will be rebuilt as a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Though there are many references to a rebuilt temple in the Old Testament, and that rebuilding did happen, there is no reference to to another rebuilt temple in the New Testament. Come to American Vision’s National Prophecy Conference for an accurate and comprehensive look at [...]

Rewriting History

D.W. Griffith directed the 1915 epic-making silent film masterpiece The Birth of a Nation, based on the play by Thomas Dixon called The Clansman. The purpose of the film was to rewrite the history of the South and the Civil War. The title The Clansman was changed to The Birth of a Nation to give the film broader appeal. President Woodrow Wilson, a former classmate of Dixon’s, praised the Ku [...]

Don't Be Afraid to Put Your Prophetic Views to the Test

Every time American Vision posts an article on eschatology or sends out an email promoting a prophecy product, we get quite a few emails from people who get upset with us, actually with me. The email advertisement promoting John Bray’s Matthew 24 Fulfilled was no exception. I got the usual rants: “You’re ignorant when it comes to the topic of Bible prophecy . . . God’s timing is not our timing . [...]

Signs of the End Times in the Middle East

Rioting in Egypt, dead birds falling from the sky, dead fish and cattle, many modern Bible prophecy experts would have you believe that these are all signs that the end is near. American Vision has a very different understanding of Bible prophecy, one of hope, victory and purpose. We would like to share this vision with you at our first National Prophecy Conference. Visit NationalProphecyConferenc [...]

The Scourge of Unbridled Democracy

Islam is a worldview masquerading as a religion intent on world domination through fear, terror, and the ballot box. The talk from both ends of the political spectrum is that “democracy” will cure the ills of Iraq, Iran, Egypt, and the surrounding Muslim nations. What if the protesting people of Egypt decide they want a Taliban-style social and political system whose goal is to defeat the infidel [...]

The Rapture: May 21, 2011

Predictions of the rapture are no new thing as the image to the left shows. In spite of the failure of his 1994 rapture prediction, Harold Camping is predicting May 21, 2011 as the date the rapture will take place. American Vision is so confident that Camping is wrong, we are holding our National Prophecy Conference just a few weeks after his predicted rapture date. Join us at the beautiful Ridgec [...]

Hoover's Dam

Hoover Dam was named after President Herbert Hoover who was instrumental in its construction. This marvel of engineering began in 1931 and was completed two years ahead of schedule in 1936. Hardhats made of two baseball caps dipped in tar and allowed to harden were used for the first time. A surveyor was one of the first people to die in the dam’s construction. The son of the surveyor was th [...]

Political Protests and Liberal Hypocrisy

The people of Egypt are protesting in the streets of Cairo, and liberals are ecstatic. They are hoping the Mubarak regime will collapse and the people of Egypt will find their political voice. “The whole world is watching” their anti-government protests. There is no place to hide from the watching eye of the new technology. Obama and company are critical of the way Mubarak has turned off the inter [...]

American Vision to Host National Prophecy Conference to Evaluate Growing Prophecy Threat

American Vision, a Georgia-based Christian worldview ministry, will hold a National Prophecy Conference at the Lifeway Ridgecrest Conference Center in Ridgecrest, North Carolina, from June 1–4, 2011, to evaluate the soundness of the current evangelical obsession with speculative prophecy, and assesses its impact on the resurgence of the New Christian Right. For the past 40 years, popular Christian [...]

The Accidental Entertainers

If you’re looking for a sweet, peaceful tale to help you drift off to slumberland, don’t choose one of the stories from Grimm’s Fairy Tales. The stories collected by Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm in the 1800s often paint a cruel life as many generations of central Europeans knew it. In collecting and writing down the Germanic folktales, the brothers were attempting to preserve a part o [...]

Taking on the Know-Nothing Atheists

The Christian faith is being attacked from all sides—from classrooms to billboards. As any student of the Bible and later history knows, there’s nothing new in this. It’s not a sign that the world is coming to an end. A majority of Christians never learn how to defend what they believe. Some claim that Christians should not be involved in arguments about the Christian faith because it’s not “spiri [...]

Prophetic Speculation Out of Kilter and Hurting the Bible's Authority

Dead birds . . . Dead Cows . . . Dead Fish. Some Christians see these events as signs that the end is near. So-called “on-line theologian” Paul Begley is one of them. TIME magazine quotes Begley: “There’s something biblically going on with the signs of the second coming of Christ.” He is using Hosea 4:3 for support: Therefore the land mourns, and everyone who lives in it languishes Along with the [...]

Bones That Started a Reformation

England had a head start on the Reformation because of the work of John Wycliffe (c. 1324–1384). It was Wycliffe who held that the Bible alone (sola Scriptura) set forth the definition of true Christianity. Wycliffe’s efforts to translate the Bible into the language of the people prepared the way for a reform movement that would take England and the New World by storm. His hand written translation [...]

American Vision Gets Its First "White Powder" Attack

While out of the country last week, I received the following email from my office: “We received a letter today—our address was typed, no return address (postmark ME) with a typed letter that had been folded into a pouch that included some white powder. The letter said “Death to Traitors” and quoted Congress making no establishment of religion. To be on the safe side, David, Nakitta and I dec [...]

Mysterious White Powder and Death Threat

As reported in my January 18, 2011 article, American Vision was sent a letter containing white powder, apparently to simulate Anthrax. The person who sent it is a coward. The next time you hear some Leftist claim that social and political activists are about “hate,” direct them to the article “American Vision Gets Its First ‘White Powder’ Attack.” Here’s a short video taken by American Vision’s vi [...]

Leftist Rhetoric, Political Assassinations, and Race Riots

NPR’s Scott Simon claims that events like the Tucson shootings “Didn’t happen when 63 million people watched Walter Cronkite (1916–2009) every night.” “Uncle Walter,” as he was affectionately called, reported during a time when there were only three major TV news sources—ABC, CBS, and NBC. There were no comparable conservative competitors. Conservatives got their message out through privately publ [...]

Avoiding Bible "Tunnel Vision"

Christian filmmaker, Darren Doane, and President of American Vision, Gary DeMar, discuss the big picture of the Bible. Darren picks Gary’s brain, in an off-the-cuff dialog on how to present the essence of the Bible, clearly and quickly. Watch this episode of Vantage Point to hone your apologetic skills. [...]

The Bible You've Never Read!

Have you been frustrated in your study of the Bible? Does it seem like you’re getting bits and pieces, but the big picture is just out of focus? Gary talks to filmmaker Darren Doane about an exciting new project designed to help people see the big picture, the over arching story of the Bible. Watch this episode of Vantage Point for a sneak peek of “The Bible You’ve Never Read!&rd [...]