There May Be Hope for Some End-Time Prophecy Theorists

A few weeks ago I was asked to participate in a panel discussion on Bible prophecy. I had been on this program before. To my surprise, the audience reaction to the first show was very favorable. As a result, I was invited back. One of the participants is a behind-the-scenes producer who has been involved in a number of end-time film projects. He knew who I was, but it was obvious with our conversa [...]

Timing and Audience Relevance and Interpreting the Bible

Yesterday I received a review copy of Eric J. Bargerhuff’s The Most Misused Verses in the Bible: Surprising Ways God’s Word is Misunderstood (2012) published by Bethany House. The author writes that common biblical phrases like “an eye for an eye” and “do not judge, or you will be judged” — “derived from the bestselling book of all time, the Bible — have often been misunderstood and mi [...]

How Differences in the Gospel Accounts Support the Bible’s Integrity

An article written by someone named Lynda O, who describes herself as “Christian, Calvinist, Premillennial, Dispensational, and a Biblical Creationist,” is not a preterist. She does not believe that the Olivet Discourse describes events leading up to and including the destruction of Jerusalem that took place in A.D. 70. One of her arguments is there are significant differences in the gospel accoun [...]

The Charge of Replacement Theology is a Cover for Fuzzy Theology

Joseph Farah of WND (WorldNetDaily) has written the following in an article titled “To those Israel-rejecting Christians. . .”: “[A]n evil doctrine known as Replacement Theology, every bit as ugly as Liberation Theology, has taken root in the church. I’m sorry to say it, but you’ve got to discard or allegorize much of the Bible to adopt either one of these views and still call yourself a Chr [...]

More Evidence that the Theory of Evolution is Falling Apart

Atheists argue that they’re all about reason, logic, and rational argumentation. In fact, they had a big “Reason Rally” in Washington proclaiming these bedrock atheistic principles. Atheists extend their paradigm by claiming that if you are not an atheist and do not believe in evolution then you are anti-science. They seem to forget that some of the world’s greatest scientists were Christians – fr [...]

Does the Bible Teach an Israel-Church Distinction?

Gaining a proper understanding of the Greek word ekklēsia, most often translated “church” in the New Testament, ((The Greek word ekklēsia is used 115 times in the New Testament, and in most translations it is translated as “church.” Exceptions are often found in Acts 7:38, 19:32, 39, 41, and Hebrews 2:12.)) is the key in answering the charge that non-dispensationalists teach that the church replac [...]

Chuck Smith Says the End is Near – AGAIN!

Chuck Smith is predicting that the end is near – again! At a three-day conference, with 8000 in attendance and the usual suspects misinforming thousands about Bible prophecy, Smith, the founder of Calvary Chapel, delivered “a strong message of hope in a fallen world,” the Christian Post reported. And what is the message of hope? “We’re on the verge of, it looks like, a war in the Middle East [...]

Is Damascus About to be Destroyed in a Nuclear Holocaust?

A number of websites are pushing the belief that Isaiah 17 is being fulfilled in the events of the Middle East. Their claim is that the events prophesied in Isaiah 17 about Damascus were never fulfilled in history. Here’s an example: Damascus in Isaiah 17 is going to be destroyed in 1 day. This is about to occur in our lifetime in just a matter of months. It’s in the news and everywhere you [...]

Dispensationalist says Pendulum Has Swung against Dispensationalism

The following is from Michael Vlach’s article “My Thoughts on the Dispensational Study Group at ETS.” (ETS is the Evangelical Theological Society that meets yearly.) “The panel discussion was interesting. [Bruce Compton, of Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary] believes there is a pendulum swing against Dispensationalism today, but he is hopeful the pendulum will swing back toward Dispensati [...]

Young Earth Creationism and Gap Theology

Young Earth Creationism (YEC) is all about interpreting the Bible literally. They take the days of creation literally as well as the genealogies. YECs are very critical of Old Earth Creationists (OEC) for not taking the Bible literally on these and other creation issues. For years I have tried to get YEC organizations that push for literalism on creation issues to insist on the same hermeneutical [...]

When Prophecy Books Go Bad

“The single best-selling nonfiction book of the 1970s was not The Joy of Sex or even The Joy of Cooking; it was Hal Lindsey’s The Late Great Planet Earth.” ((Bruce J. Schulman, The Seventies: The Great Shift in American Culture, Society, and Politics (New York: The Free Press, 2001), 93.)) It was declared by the New York Times to be the “no. 1 non-fiction bestseller of the decade.” ((Quoted in Nan [...]

Atheists Make Better Thieves, Murderers, and Rapists

“Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Or you will also be like him. Answer a fool as his folly deserves, That he not be wise in his own eyes. Atheists are at it again” (Proverbs 26:4-5). The Backyard Skeptics have unveiled a billboard that claims “Atheists make better lovers.” The atheist billboard tells us why atheists are better lovers. It’s not due to love but because “nobod [...]

Another Liberal Argument Bites the Dust

I was surfing through Facebook looking for some good articles to comment on, and I came across this post with an accompanying sign: “If God didn’t make gays, there wouldn’t be any.” Most of the hundreds of comments I read didn’t see how absolutely illogical this attempt at being logical in support of homosexual behavior actually is. Too many of those who commented saw this as a slam-dunk refutatio [...]

Why Our Constitution Fails in Other Countries

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is being raked over the coals for her comments about the use of the U.S. Constitution in a post-Mubarak Egypt. She said the following in an interview on Egyptian television: Q: Would your honor’s advice be to get a part or other countries’ constitutions as a model, or should we develop our own draft? A: You should certainly be aided by all the constitution-writing that has gone [...]

The Christian’s Lot in Life is to be “Oppressed and Disenfranchised”

The following article is a follow-up to “Are Lobbying, Rallying Voters, Organizing Protests, and Harnessing the Evangelical Movement UnChristian?,” a response to Phil Johnson’s “Salt of the Earth” article that was published in the January 2012 issue of Tabletalk magazine. Our duty as citizens is to see that civil government stays within its jurisdictional boundaries. [...]

Are Lobbying, Rallying Voters, Organizing Protests, and Harnessing the Evangelical Movement UnChristian?

There is a reason we call the revelation given to us from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22 the “Bible.” The Greek word biblos (βίβλος) — from which we get the English word Bible — means “book.” The Bible is one book even though it has 66 (39 + 27) individual parts. No single verse can be properly explained and understood without considering it in the light of the whole Bible. No verse can or should stan [...]

Why Liberalism Will Die by its Own Hand

On the eve of 39th anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade pro-abortion decision, the Obama administration has mandated that “many church-affiliated institutions will have to cover free birth control for employees.” This does not mean that Christians will have to get abortions. Keep this in mind as you read the rest of this article. Not only is Obama the food stamp president, the unemployment presiden [...]

White House Mixes Religion and Politics

Christian pastors, you are now free to talk about politics from the pulpit. You can even endorse a candidate. And when your sermon is finished, you can register people to vote right in your church. Who gave you this right? Well, first, the First Amendment does: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of [...]

Interpretive Gymnastics

I’ve been reading through the book The Big Three: Major events that Changed History Forever written by Dr. Henry Morris III, the son of Henry Morris who co-authored The Genesis Flood with John C. Whitcomb in 1961. In The Big Three, Morris has a chapter with the title “Interpretive Gymnastics.” A good title. He writes: “No one has the right to change the words of God to suit his idea of what [...]

The Stealing of America

While channel surfing, I came across The House I Live In (1945), a ten-minute short film starring Frank Sinatra. Made to oppose anti-Semitism and racial prejudice at the end of World War II, it received an Honorary Academy Award and a special Golden Globe award in 1946. It reminded me of where I grew up. While Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, my hometown, is not as ethnically diverse as a city like New Y [...]