My Final Thoughts on the End of the World

The Los Angeles Times reports: “If there’s one government agency really looking forward to Dec. 22, it’s NASA. The space agency said it has been flooded with calls and emails from people asking about the purported end of the world — which, as the doomsday myth goes, is apparently set to take place on Dec. 21, 2012.” I find all of this kind of funny. Now evangelical prophetic sensationalists have t [...]

Evidence for God Exists... if You Start With God

John Stossel has been a consistent spokesman for free market economics. Thomas Sowell recommends Stossel’s latest book No, They Can’t! as a great Christmas gift. I agree. “It is written with a light touch, but gets across some pretty heavy stuff about economics. The title is a take-off on Obama’s old slogan, ‘Yes, we can!’” Sowell adds the following: “It is the first book I have read t [...]

Are We Creating a Culture of Moral Misfits?

Nothing I write or say will do anything to comfort the parents of the children who were murdered by an evil person. I remember the effect the cancer deaths of three of my very young cousins had on my aunts and uncles. They were never the same. Sending children off to school and then getting word that a madman has entered their school and killed more than 20 students elevates the anguish to an unbe [...]

Atheist West Point Cadet Can't Take the Persecution

Cadet Lt. Blake Page is an atheist. He is a cadet at West Point nearing the completion of his four-year program. In fact, he’s only five months away from graduating. He is upset about the religious nature of some aspects of West Point. He describes it as a blatant violation of the Constitution: “These men and women are criminals, complicit in light of daily defiance of the Uniform Code of Military [...]

Have We Reached the Cultural, Moral, and Political Tipping Point of No Return?

In the 1980s, I wrote a three-volume book series titled God and Government. It has sold nearly 250,000 copies. A better title would have been God and Governments (plural) since the series attempted to show that in biblical and historical terms there are three governments — family, church, and civil. Underpinning these three institutional governments is the necessary requirement of self-government [...]

The Age of the Earth is Not the Issue

Once again a Republican presidential hopeful is under attack by the Left and some on the Right for comments about the age of the earth. An article in GQ, Gentlemen’s Quarterly, wanted a little more information on what Florida Senator Marco Rubio meant by socialism not having “worked in 6000 years of recorded history.” The media don’t want to know why socialism doesn’t work; they only want to set t [...]

Even Bartertown Had Laws

In post-apocalyptic Australia, “Mad” Max Rockatansky, played by Mel Gibson in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985), finds himself stranded in the desert after he is attacked by a father-and-son robbery team who patrol the skies in a pieced together airplane scavenging for anything of value that they can sell or trade. They spot Max’s caravan filled with bits and pieces of accumulated treasure in a wo [...]

Is It Ever Okay to Lie?

A number of critics of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have criticized the Pentagon’s “use of deception and disinformation against enemies, real or imagined, abroad.” The question is, In a time of war, should governments always tell the truth to the enemy? The architects of the D-Day invasion, for example, used deception to mislead the Nazis. Was this wrong? Is wearing camouflage, a form of decep [...]

Israel and Prophecy Writers are in the News Again

Prominent dispensationalist and end-time advocate Jan Markell had this to say about the latest conflict in the Middle East: “God hasn’t abandoned Israel. He does have an end-times plan for her. It involves some harshness, but it also involves salvation as a nation — though that comes later, during the time of the tribulation.” Every time there’s a dust up in the Middle East prophecy pundits tell u [...]

The "Rapture" is Not a Prophetic Inevitability

WorldNetDaily published an article that I wrote, titled “Why Pat Robertson is Wrong” back in 2005. ((World Net Daily It dealt with Robertson’s claim that today’s earthquakes are signs of the soon coming of Christ. As usual, I received my share of hate mail. Words like “stupid,” “lukewarm,” and “heretical” were thrown about with careless ease. The nastiest lette [...]

You're Not Getting Raptured Out of Here. Deal With It.

Because American Vision is a worldview ministry, we address issues that are broader in scope than most ministries. As a result, we take issue with a number of topics that many Christians hold dear. My discussion of eschatology gets the attention of many who first land on American Vision’s site. Some of them are shocked that I hold a position on prophecy that is not in the mainstream. Of course, th [...]

How Can Atoms be Put on Trial for Killing Other Atoms?

“Compassion and humanity are virtues peculiar to the righteous and to the worshipers of God. Philosophy teaches us nothing of them.” — Lactantius (c. 240–c. 320), Divinae institutiones Literature is often a signpost for where we are in our worldview thinking. It’s not that everybody who reads the latest popular novel holds to what an author is expressing, but popular literature can tell us somethi [...]

The Intolerance of the Tolerant and the Brainwashing of a Generation

I had an interesting conservation with a long-time friend who told me about a symposium that took place in the former Soviet Union. Three people were invited — a well known academic, a representative from a prominent libertarian think tank, and a writer from a former Eastern bloc nation who now lives in the United States with his family. The libertarian is a self-professed homosexual. He did not l [...]

Why I Keep On Trucking

People ask me what keeps me going. Why do I continue to write on subjects that so many people resist? For the simple reason that I see progress. When I first did radio interviews on Bible prophecy in the late 1980s, I was bombarded by some pretty nasty callers. I was called a heretic. Some called to ask if I was a Christian. As time went on, the nasty callers faded, and I started to get calls from [...]

Denying Sola Scriptura: The Attempt to Neutralize the Bible

I was raised Roman Catholic. My religious upbringing included Catholic school through the fifth grade and service as an altar boy through my teen years. My first dose of a foreign language was Latin, a necessary prerequisite if you wanted to be an altar boy. There is much I appreciate about my Catholic training. I was taught the cardinal doctrines of the faith as expressed in the Apostles’ C [...]

Atheists Have No Business Suing over Marriage (or Anything)

An atheist organization has sued the Indiana state government over its marriage statute. The atheists are arguing that the law forbids them from having their own non-religious official perform a marriage ceremony. This is where I start asking a few questions. Here’s the first one: Where in the atheistic evolutionary worldview is marriage necessary or even an ethical norm? Marriage is a creation or [...]

A Pastor Speaks Out on Christians and Politics

More pastors are speaking out on the relationship between the Bible and politics. Unfortunately, some of them are creating a false dichotomy between the gospel and everything else, including politics. The gospel is the first step not the final step in regeneration. That’s why it’s called the “new birth.” The writer of Hebrews calls on his readers to leave behind “the elementary teaching about the [...]

Is a Return to Natural Law a Good Thing?

When Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas appealed to Natural Law theory in some of his legal opinions and writings, there were those on the Senate Judiciary Committee during his confirmation hearings in September 1991 that took exception. The most vocal critic was former Senator and now Vice President Joseph Biden. It was that debate more than 20 years ago that helps us to understand how politic [...]

Obama Administration Forces Bible Publisher to Pay for Abortions

The Obama administration is arguing that Tyndale House Publishers, a Christian publisher of Bibles and ministry material, is not religious enough to qualify for an exemption to the contraception mandate — which includes drugs many Christian groups say are abortifacients. The First Amendment does not make a distinction between for-profit and non-profit religious groups: “Congress shall make no law [...]

Einstein ‘God Letter’ Up for Auction for $3 Million

Start with nothing . . . absolutely nothing. No air. No matter . . . not even an atom. No energy. No space. No thought. No time. Just a long dead silence. This is the evolutionist’s reality before the dawn of something becoming everything. At some infinitesimal moment in time all the stuff that makes up our world came into being. Like the Millennium Falcon coming out of light speed, the cosmos app [...]