Atheists Work with IRS to Dismantle First Amendment and Attack Churches

The following is from Freedom Outpost: “The Internal Revenue Service settled a 2012 lawsuit brought by the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FRM). The lawsuit was settled after the IRS agreed to monitor what is said in houses of worship.” Monitoring churches is something the Nazis did. When German anti-Nazi theologian and Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) used his pulpit to expose Adolf [...]

‘Ruthlessly’ Stamp Out Those Who Oppose Same-Sex Sexuality

It’s shocking how 1.6 percent of the population—I’m speaking of LGBTers—are controlling our culture. Years ago they told us over and over again that a person’s choice in sex partners shouldn’t matter. Now it seems that’s all that matters. Michael Sam feels compelled to tell the world that he has sex with other men, and he and his fellow-LGBTers demand that we accept his choice in sex partners or e [...]

Tullian Tchividjian Claims Evangelicals are Damaging Christianity

Pastor Tullian Tchividjian (pronounced chuh-vi-jin), the grandson of famed evangelist Billy Graham and senior pastor at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, “believes that evangelical Christianity has been tarnished by its association with the religious right.” Tarnished by whom? Who is making this claim and where are they getting their information to formulate an opinion? [...]

Woody Allen Says Life is Meaningless

An atheist post on Facebook got me thinking about the meaning of life. The post was about how beef production is ten times more damaging to the environment than automobiles. Putting aside the factual basis of the study and who funded it, I raised a couple of questions: “I thought you were an atheist. Woody Allen says life is meaningless. The Sun will one day burn out it will all end. [...]

My Response to Elizabeth Warren and Her “11 Commandments of Progressivism”

Crazy leftists want Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren to run for president in 2016. She’s described as a “liberal superstar.” Many are dumping Hillary for Warren. Speaking at Netroots Nation, a convention for liberal bloggers and activists, Warren outlined her “11 Commandments of Progressivism.” My brief commentary follows: 1. We believe that Wall Street needs stronger rules and tougher enfor [...]

Judge Says Man’s Law Higher than God’s Law

Judges around the country have become a law unto themselves. There were five church-going judges in Alabama who ruled that sodomy marriages are constitutional. Their Christianity made no difference in their lives. I don’t know who to blame, the churches they attend who separate the Christian faith from politics (and nearly everything else) or the law schools they attended that do the same thing. U [...]

Elton John Says Jesus Would Support Same-Sex Marriage

As I’ve mentioned numerous times, liberals love to quote the Bible, but only if they get to manipulate and interpret it. In a recent interview, Hillary Clinton said, “The Bible was and remains the biggest influence on my thinking.” Then why does she support same-sex sexuality and the wholesale slaughter of unborn babies? Nancy Pelosi says she believes she must pursue public policies “in keeping wi [...]

Chuck Schumer Says Religion No Longer a Constitutional Freedom

A federal judge ruled that the Constitution trumps religion. “In America even sincere and long-held religious views do not trump the constitutional rights of those who happen to have been out-voted,” U.S. District Judge John Heyburn in Louisville argued. What a fool. Not to be outdone, “At a press conference Thursday, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said people with religious beliefs who disagree with [...]

Are There Limits to Loving My Enemies?

I saw the following post on Facebook that came from the article “What’s So Complicated About ‘Love Your Enemies’?” written by Benjamin L. Corey: I’ve been trying to figure out why this is the case for quite some time. I must admit, out of all of the controversial topics I’ve tackled on the blog, I continue to be amazed at how infuriating the topic of enemy love is for people, and for the many ways [...]

Is Spoken Hebrew a Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy?

While flipping through TV channels while on vacation, I came across a program hosted by the late prophecy enthusiast Grant R. Jeffrey (1948–2012). Jeffrey dogmatically claimed that our generation is the generation that will see Jesus’ return. In a previous article, I made the comment that modern-day prophecy speculators are more dangerous than Harold Camping because while Mr. Camping made a predic [...]

We are Being Manipulated by the Redefinition of Everything

It’s hard to believe how much things have changed in less than 20 years. There are several reasons for this. First, many conservatives have dropped out of the fight. It’s not hard to understand why. Our two-party system does not give us many options. While there are differences between the Democrats and Republicans, the differences aren’t great enough. Second, as Lord Acton (1834–1902) observed, “ [...]

High School Students Blow Off Threat from ACLU

Anti-bullying campaigns are having unintended consequences. Not only are playground and school bullies being rebuffed and put down, but bullying organizations like the ACLU are being put in their place. The ACLU is not the government. There is no reason for anybody or any organization not to tell the ACLU to take a hike. The organization bullies schools and city councils with threats of large lega [...]

The Jesus Was a Socialist Meme and Lie

“If Jesus had been born 30 years ago, Fox News and the Republican Party would label him a dangerous Middle Eastern man who wants to impose socialism on the world and enable the poor.” The above meme is making its way around Facebook. The last time I checked, it’s not Jews who are beheading Christians, setting fire to churches, kidnapping and killing Christian school children, engaged in “honor kil [...]

Kirsten Powers Jumps on the Pro-Homosexual Bandwagon

Kirsten Powers is a new Christian. Writing in an article for Christianity Today in 2013, she explained: Just seven years ago, if someone had told me that I’d be writing for Christianity Today magazine about how I came to believe in God, I would have laughed out loud. If there was one thing in which I was completely secure, it was that I would never adhere to any religion—especially to evangelical [...]

Panel Rules that CO Baker Must be a Slave to the State

What’s a simple definition of slavery?: “submission to a dominating influence.” If a person is forced to do work against his will, then that person is a slave. That’s certainly the case with Colorado baker Jack Phillips: Colorado’s Civil Rights Commission on Friday ordered a baker to make wedding cakes for same-sex couples, finding his religious objections to the practice did not trump the s [...]

Racist Conservatives Pick Ted Cruz and Ben Carson in Presidential Poll

Conservatives prove once again that they’re racists. Look what they just did. No doubt the Democrats will pull the ubiquitous race card again: Ted Cruz, R-Texas, has won another straw poll, boosting his national profile and elevating his name among potential 2016 presidential contenders. . . . Cruz finished in first place in the annual conference’s presidential straw poll at 30.33%. Dr. Ben [...]

Unnatural Morality: Nature, Sex, and Bigotry

The following comments of mine were posted on Facebook: The homosexual, transgender, bi-sexual, and whatever-sexual movement works overtime to hitch its cart to the civil rights horse. . . . Sexual behavior cannot be compared to the struggle of blacks to secure full civil rights. . . . Being black is not a behavior trait. Homosexuality is. Homosexuality is what a person does. As usual, there were [...]

Planned Parenthood Uses Bible to Support Abortion

The newest low for Planned Parenthood is to use the Bible and religion to convince women that they are morally justified in killing their unborn babies. The organization’s so-called “Pastoral Letter” begins with this outlandish claim: Many people wrongly assume that all religious leaders disapprove of abortion. The truth is that abortion is not even mentioned in the Scriptures. Inherent in this st [...]

The Theological Schizophrenia of Franklin Graham

Franklin Graham has come out with a broadside against pastors. He describes some of today’s pastors as “cowards” for not addressing the social evils of our day. Graham told a large gathering of pastors on [May 22] to address controversial issues from the pulpit, declaring that “God hates cowards.” Ouch! Graham, president and CEO of Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Associat [...]

Why John Kerry’s Flat Earth Society Slam is all Wrong

John Kerry said the following in a speech he gave at a graduation ceremony at Boston College: If the US does not act and if it turns out that the critics and naysayers and the members of the Flat Earth Society — if it turns out they’re wrong, then we are risking nothing less than the future of the entire planet. This isn’t the first time Kerry pulled the “flat earth” card to support the man- [...]