Christian Publishing Companies are a Bigger Problem than Amazon

Tim Challies has written, “The Power Over Christian Publishing We’ve Given To Amazon.” He’s describing the free-market censoring of books that Amazon deems irredeemable in terms of its Leftist publishing standards. Here’s some of what he wrote: The great problem here is that we Christians have given Amazon immense power over us. As Amazon has grown in its retail domination, [...]

The Real Constitutional Crisis That No One is Talking About

While everyone is questioning Pres. Trump’s conversation with a Ukrainian official about the possible criminal actions of former Vice President Biden and his son’s sweet financial deals, the real constitutional crisis is that billions of dollars, taken from US citizens by force, have been given to foreign governments like Ukraine. Where in the Constitution does it say that elected officials can ta [...]

'Gary and the End of the World' is Now on Amazon Prime

I wrote Last Days Madness in 1988, the 40th anniversary of the dispensational claim that the rapture should have taken place 40 years from 1948. It began as a series of articles I had written. A new publishing company, Wolgemuth & Hyatt, had just started up and was looking for new authors. American Vision eventually got the rights. I followed LDM with several other prophecy books and numerous [...]

Three Church Ships in the Harbor. Which Church Ship Do You Attend?

The following article is written by someone who has watched his denomination stray from its founding principles By an Anonymous Presbyterian The harbor of Protestantism is a great and historic port filled with too many ships to count, but two that immediately catch the eye are the ships “Baptist” and “Charismatic.” They are similar in several ways: both are very large ships, and neither is in the [...]

Romans 13 and the Persecution-Seeking Christian

Whenever we ponder Christianity and government, you can almost wager some well-meaning believer will argue that we can’t expect rulers to be just because Paul actually had the Roman Emperor Nero Claudius Caesar in mind when he penned Romans 13. Like many of his predecessors in the Julio-Claudian dynasty, Nero was a bit of a beast. He had his own mother killed. The Roman historian Tacitus had this [...]

The Question Democrats and Republicans Refuse to Ask

“Judges are like umpires. Umpires don’t make the rules; they apply them.” On the opening day of testimony before the Judiciary Committee, then-Supreme Court candidate John Roberts used this baseball metaphor to describe his judicial philosophy. Joe Biden, who was then a Senator, stated that “the metaphor is not very apt, because in baseball a set rule defines the strike zone.” Biden went on to say [...]

Princeton University Study Claims Gog and Magog Battle is “Realistic Scenario”

“Princeton University’s Program on Science and Global Security concludes the Gog battle is a ‘realistic scenario,’” a recent article from WND reports. “The study forecasts the toll of a massive nuclear war.” Christian prophecy writers have been making similar claims for decades. Are they right? Chuck Missler writes in his book Prophecy 20/20 that “the apparent use of nuclear weapons has made this [...]

Idols for Destruction

I met Herbert Schlossberg after the publication of his book Idols for Destruction: Christian Faith and Its Confrontation with American Society in 1983. I own two autographed copies. No, they are not for sale. Every Christian should read it. It’s a masterpiece. Marvin Olasky, editor-in-chief of WORLD magazine, wrote the following: One hundred publishers rejected Idols for Destruction, which c [...]

Is the Christian Right Driving Liberals Away From Religion?

Michele Margolis is a political science professor at the University of Pennsylvania and the author of From Politics to the Pews: How Partisanship and the Political Environment Shape Religious Identity. She writes, “some people on the left are falling away from religion because they see it as so wrapped up with Republican politics.” As someone who identifies with the Religious Right, I could just a [...]

Christian Writer Asks, “Will Trump Enable Third Temple Construction?”

When will this last days madness end? Christians have been preoccupied with making unbiblical claims about Bible prophecy for centuries. I thought it would all be over after the so-called rapture did not occur in 1988. Here we are more than 30 years later, and the prophetic claims keep coming based on the same arguments that have repeatedly been weighed and found wanting in terms of what the Bible [...]

More Homosexual Penguins on Parade to Propagandize Children

The following is from an article about homosexual penguins and their “gender-neutral” chick: Two female penguins are set to raise the first “gender-neutral” chick, a London aquarium said on Wednesday, the latest same-sex penguin parents to take a furry baby under their wings. Homosexuals have been able to convince many people that homosexual behavior is normal by some false analogies, [...]

It's First About Ethics and Only Secondarily About politics

Question: Why aren’t there enough votes to elect God-honoring candidates? Answer: Because there aren’t enough Christians who understand the basic biblical principles of government. Since the 1976 election, there has been a Christian voting block. Jimmy Carter was the first “Born Again” President. He turned out to be a disappointment. He was pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, and [...]

Dominion vs. Chaos

This year is the 50th anniversary of the Manson murders. While the 1950s ended with the assassination of JFK, the 1960s began with the arrival of The Beatles to the USA in 1964. The 1960s reached their peak with Woodstock and ended with the Manson murders and the Kent State shootings on May 4, 1970. The world was ripe for change. The 1960s did not rise Phoenix-like from some neutral dawn. [...]

The 911 We Can’t Discuss on Social Media, In the Media, and from Members of Congress

September 11, 2019 was a day of remembrance. The question is, What were we supposed to remember? Certainly the lives of the victims of an attack. An attack by whom? That’s the question. Here’s how the New York Times led the day of remembrance: “Planes took aim”? How did they do this? By remote control? Who was controlling the remotes? There were people in the planes that hi [...]

She Who Is in Babylon

Ron Rhodes’ book New Babylon Rising: The Emerging End Times World Order claims that ancient Babylon will be rebuilt (see my brief review). A similar view was held by Charles Dyer in his book The Rise of Babylon: Is Iraq at the Center of the Final Drama? first published in 1991 (rev. ed 2003). Dyer linked Saddam Hussein with Nebuchadnezzar. The image below appears on the back cover of the first edi [...]

Pete Buttigieg Argues that Unborn Babies Are Not Human Beings until they Take their First Breath

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, a self-admitted homosexual who claims to be married to a man contrary to what the Bible says, argued that unborn babies can be aborted up until they draw their first breath. He bases this on the creation of Adam. Buttigieg might want to look at the Genesis account to get a better understanding about sexuality before he makes similar ridiculous comm [...]

Swedish Professor Says It’s OK to Eat Your Neighbor to Save the Planet

Here’s the latest craziness from the Lunatic Left: A Swedish professor in the field of applied behavioral science has suggested that we may need to rethink cannibalism and begin eating human flesh to save the planet from climate change. Instead of burying or cremating the dead, we should barbecue them and get over our aversion to cannibalism. In reality, we’re all just animals. But is it crazy giv [...]

Two Big Errors that are Neutralizing the Church

There are two big errors that have infected the Church. There are others but these two are especially destructive. The first error is that there is a sacred-secular divide. Too many Christians are under the false impression that Christians can only exist in the secular world, that there’s no transformative impact on the world with the Gospel and the application of the Bible to the world. Whi [...]

Six-Month American Vision Update: New Material on the Way!

I’ve been back at American Vision for six months since mid-March of 2019. The financial condition of American Vision was worse than we knew. The email list had gone from 70,000 names to around 15,000. AV was sitting on tons of inventory that was not being utilized. Since then, we have been able to stabilize the finances with book sales and donations. Many donors who stopped donating have come back [...]

The Bible Has Some Very Unsavory Political Figures that Would Upset a Lot of Christian Voters

Consider the following scenario: There are two people running for political office. You have inside knowledge of what these candidates will do in the future. The first candidate will expand the military, implement confiscatory taxes, enrich some of his trusted political allies with property stolen from the people. The second candidate will commit adultery, be an accomplice to murder, be identified [...]