Episode 12: Discussing Bible Prophecy With My 11-Year-Old Granddaughter

Episode 12: Discussing Bible Prophecy With My 11-Year-Old Granddaughter

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope: Episode 12 Gary does a short Bible study with his granddaughter, who had a few questions about Mark 13 and Jesus’ coming. In terms of audience relevance related to a study of the Olivet Discourse, students of Scripture need to begin with Matthew 21:1 where we read that Jesus and some of His disciples had come “to the Mount of Olives.” By the time we get t [...]

Make Halloween Great Again

Make Halloween Great Again

It seemed appropriate to re-run this article, which points to the podcast on a Christian response to Halloween. Why do Halloween, the Day of the Dead, and Diwali all fall around the same time of year? Is this because paganism is so consistent and ubiquitous around the world, or is the answer much simpler? Christians seldom think in historical terms and assume that since Halloween has pagan origins [...]

Mass Election Hysteria

Mass Election Hysteria

Gary discusses a few of the nonsensical claims being trotted out by leftists about the election. The Enlightenment philosophers of the eighteenth century rejected special revelation (the Bible) as the ultimate standard of authority and declared reason to be supreme. Reason was elevated to god-like status. She was “carried shoulder-high into the cathedral by men dressed in Roman costumes.” The chur [...]

Meet the Real Fascists

Meet the Real Fascists

When you hear Leftists accuse conservatives of something you can bet that they are the ones who are doing it. Their accusations are a cover for their own beliefs and actions. In the parable of the speck and the log in the New Testament, Jesus warned against what is described today as “projection,” a defense mechanism in which an individual recognizes their unacceptable traits or impulses in someon [...]

Going Back to Find the Way Forward

Going Back to Find the Way Forward

Gary interviews author Mike D’Virgilio about his book, Going Back To Find the Way Forward. To truly grasp the promise ahead, we must unravel the threads of our past, uncovering the hidden opportunities that surround us. It may seem paradoxical, but amidst the apparent chaos, there’s a silver lining waiting to be seized. The metaphorical red pill, a ubiquitous symbol, has awakened millions to [...]

Episode 11: Putting It All Together

Episode 11: Putting It All Together

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope: Episode 11 Gary gives a quick lesson on how to do biblical hermeneutics, which simply means how to interpret the text. Many people grow up thinking the Bible says one thing when it actually says something else. For example, when asked who cut off Samson’s hair, a high percentage of people will say “Delilah!” By reading Judges 16:19, we quickly learn that she “c [...]

Is There a Problem in Some Black Churches?

Is There a Problem in Some Black Churches?

The racial divide in the United States is wider than it has ever been. Most Americans are not racists. They sympathize with Black Americans who have been treated unjustly. The history of Black suppression is real. It’s been a slow road to right past injustices. Unfortunately, the Black Lives Matter movement has hijacked much of the goodwill that has been growing in the past few decades and turned [...]

The Former Shock Jock as Liberal Political Tool

The Former Shock Jock as Liberal Political Tool

Gary discusses a few recent news items about the political hot-potato of abortion, or more accurately, the murder of pre-born children. The debate over abortion is not just about the evidence. It can’t be since the evidence is the same for pro- and anti- abortionists. The same is true in the creation-evolution debate. Biologists, anthropologists, chemists, and philosophers from both positional sid [...]

What We Could be Headed for Because We’re Nearly There

What We Could be Headed for Because We’re Nearly There

We’ve been taught that fascism is a foreign-born ideology that spawned the political aspirations of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. Fascism has had a long history in America and has been resurrected by people who believe that power guided by good intentions can do no harm. They are ignorant of history and human nature. We don’t have to go abroad to find examples of fascism. The political philos [...]

Christians, Kamala, and the Apostle Paul

Christians, Kamala, and the Apostle Paul

Political liberals, like Kamala Harris for instance, are more than willing to use every means necessary to get their message out, even breaking tax laws they supported. When, in 1800, President John Adams received a letter from Germany, proposing to send over to this country “a company of schoolmasters, painters, poets, etc., all of them disciples of Thomas Paine,” he made prompt and emphatic repl [...]

Episode 10: Prophetic Schizophrenia Under the Microscope

Episode 10: Prophetic Schizophrenia Under the Microscope

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope: Episode 10 Many modern preachers and authors are schizophrenic. They don’t seem to understand that their messages are contradictory and often cause their hearers to become paralyzed with indecision. Thousands of tracts, magazine articles, sermons and radio messages tell the people, “Jesus is coming soon!” “These are the last days of this dispensation” and [...]

It’s Time to Talk Again About God’s Kingdom

It’s Time to Talk Again About God’s Kingdom

[Those who reject special revelation] are like the Irishman who preferred the moon to the sun, because the sun shines in the day-time when there is no need of it, while the moon shines in the night time; so these moralists, shining by the borrowed, reflected light of Christianity, think they have no need of the sun, from whose radiance they get their pale moonlight.[1] I’ve watched a series of sho [...]

Un-Separating the People of God

Un-Separating the People of God

Picking up with Gary’s interview with the Resistance Chicks from a few months back, this third part deals with Dispensationalism and how it influences both eschatology and politics. It is evident from Scripture that with the coming of Christ (particularly after His formal, public manifestation at His baptism) the Kingdom has drawn near. There is a repeated emphasis on the proximity of the ki [...]

Columbus Day, Indigenous People’s Day, Thanksgiving, Racism, Genocide, and Socialism

Columbus Day, Indigenous People’s Day, Thanksgiving, Racism, Genocide, and Socialism

There was hardly a peep out of Monday being Columbus Day. The malcontents are happy enough to get the day off with pay. A new revelation (which is an old claim) is that “Spanish researchers have claimed that DNA and other analyses indicate that Christopher Columbus likely came from a Jewish family in Spain.” This should give some of the same people more reasons to hate him. The usual dissenters co [...]

Making Connections to Learn and Remember

Making Connections to Learn and Remember

Gary points out that making mental connections between things that interest you is a helpful way to learn and remember new things. The brain is a magnificent creation. A typical adult’s brain contains fifteen billion to one hundred billion neurons. If we accept the lower estimate, this means that you and I can remember two-to-the-ten-billionth-power bits of information. How big is this number? It [...]

Episode 9: Dividing Matthew 24 Under the Microscope

Episode 9: Dividing Matthew 24 Under the Microscope

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope: Episode 9 Gary puts the popular claim of dividing Matthew 24 into past and future events under the exegetical microscope to see if it stands up under scrutiny. Matthew 24:33 tells us what audience Jesus had in view: “so, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door.” It’s obvious, and without any need for debate, that the [...]

Christians, Politics, and the Upcoming Election

Christians, Politics, and the Upcoming Election

This November’s election will be the most impacting election our nation has faced because it deals with two opposing political philosophies. Being informed on the platforms of each political party is important to make intelligent decisions that will have long-term consequences for us, our children, and grandchildren. Should Christians be involved in politics? Should Christians vote? These and othe [...]

The Meta-Hermeneutic of the New Testament

The Meta-Hermeneutic of the New Testament

Gary discusses the second volume of the book, The Hope of Israel and the Nations, and what Kim Burgess calls the “meta-hermeneutic” of the New Testament. History cannot be “sliced and diced” without destroying it. History is an organic whole! One also has to understand what the German term, Sitz im Leben, the “situation in life,” is getting at, for it is vital. One has to take fully in [...]

Dissent is Good and Necessary

Dissent is Good and Necessary

Leftists love to suppress dissent while decrying banning books. They devote a week to banned books while they regularly ban books. It’s a clever deception. Hillary Clinton is finally telling the truth. “Hillary Clinton Declares ‘We Lose Total Control’ If We Don’t ‘Moderate and Monitor’ Social Media Content More.” Leftists have been in the business of shutting down dissent for a very long time. So- [...]

Get Yourself Educated

Get Yourself Educated

Gary interacts with a recent clip from Charlie Kirk where a questioner asks Kirk about “common law” and America’s founding. When modern-day critics of America’s Christian heritage argue that America was founded by deists on Enlightenment principles and call into evidence Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson and for good measure James Madison, John Adams, and [...]