The Failure of Christian Socialism

The Failure of Christian Socialism

The recent passing of Ronald Sider is an opportunity for Gary to tell the sad history of Christian socialism in America. In 1972, a collection of articles by F. A. Hayek was published in Great Britain: A Tiger by the Tail. It was on central bank inflation. The tiger today is much larger. It is much more dangerous. The world is still on the tiger’s back. Money is the most marketable commodity. [...]

The End of What Age?

The End of What Age?

Gary discusses Dr. Michael Brown’s recent article, “What Does the Bible Say About the End of the Age?” “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” (Matt. 24:3) The disciples’ question above involves three interrelated, contemporary events: (1) the time of the temple’s destruction; (2) the sign that will signal Jesus’ [...]

Kicking Against the Prophetic Pricks

Kicking Against the Prophetic Pricks

In an interview I did a few days ago, I mentioned that it’s difficult for people to change their views when confronted with contrary evidence, especially when there are many credible and influential people who teach a popular position. This is especially true of Bible prophecy. Since I first wrote on the topic of eschatology in the 1980s, Bible prophecy has become a hot subject again similar to th [...]

The Anti-Morality of Abortion

The Anti-Morality of Abortion

Gary discusses recent comments coming from rabid pro-abortionists about their dissatisfaction with the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision in June. Former seminary and college professor Tremper Longman III claimed that pro-abortion advocate Joe Biden “is a devout Christian by all accounts.” All accounts? Supporting abortion on demand is not in any way a Christian view. The Democratic Party platfo [...]

Is Satan the 'God of This World'?

Is Satan the 'God of This World'?

Christians will use all types of excuses to keep themselves out of today’s religious-moral-cultural battles. One of the most diabolical excuses is to claim that Satan is the rightful god of this world. This translates into believing that this world is demonic. Let’s see what the Bible actually says about this. Satan is a creature. Like all creatures, he has certain limitations. Even under the Old [...]

Inflation and Revelation 6

Inflation and Revelation 6

Gary discusses an economic statement made by a seminary professor surrounding economics and Revelation 6. Prophetic speculation is popular. Who doesn’t want to know what’s going to happen in the future, especially if it’s bad and there’s a way to escape it? The rapture is the escape hatch for a troubling future. That’s why the rapture has been described by some as the Great Escape. Charles Wesley [...]

The Storyteller of America's Christian History

The Storyteller of America's Christian History

Gary relates a few memories of Marshall Foster and how he was instrumental in the beginnings of American Vision. In 1976, Dr. Marshall Foster founded the World History Institute, a nonprofit educational foundation, to teach the biblical and historical foundations of liberty. Dr. Foster trained tens of thousands through live seminars in 40 states, Canada, and Europe. He was the co-host of a weekly [...]

My Online Exchange with More Last Days Madness

My Online Exchange with More Last Days Madness

The following is a brief exchange I had with two people in the comment section who were responding to Dr. Michael Brown’s article “What does the Bible say about the end of the age?” on the Christian Post site (watch for an upcoming podcast for my comments on Dr. Brown’s article). I don’t answer every point these commenters make. If you want more specific answers, see my books Is Jesus Coming Soon? [...]

Churches and Worldview Training

Churches and Worldview Training

Gary discusses several recent instances of Christians not being able to answer basic challenges to a biblical worldview. Many Christians seem to believe that thinking is an act of unbelief. They do not even begin to understand how the Bible might apply, for example, to science, economics, politics, law, or education. They might have opinions about these topics but no formulated, thought-out biblic [...]

Failed Attempts to Discredit the Bible on Homosexuality

Failed Attempts to Discredit the Bible on Homosexuality

I saw the following post on Facebook by a woman who identifies as a Christian. It’s typical of the barely literate when it comes to the Bible: “Jesus said absolutely nothing about homosexuality.” Following this line of argument, that if Jesus didn’t say it, it’s not a law, one could claim that tripping blind people, rape, pedophilia, cannibalism, not having a fence around an open pit or roof, kidn [...]

America is NOT a Christian Nation

America is NOT a Christian Nation

Gary responds to a Facebook commenter who claimed America was not founded as a Christian nation. A single line in the first Treaty of Tripoli (ratified June 10, 1797) is often cited as incontrovertible evidence that our founders self-consciously denied any attachment to the Christian religion, and that there is a radical separation between religion and civil government. This conclusion is based up [...]

The Five-Point Covenant

The Five-Point Covenant

In this rebroadcast, Gary DeMar sits down with the late Dr. Gary North for a discussion about the five-point covenant model. In The Godfather books and films, Don Corleone is a lot like today’s politicians. He’s the man in charge. He grants political favors. He makes and enforces laws. He even collects taxes. The Mafia is run like a government. Five Points of Government Vito Corleone b [...]

The Attacks on Crisis Pregnancy Centers

The Attacks on Crisis Pregnancy Centers

Did you read in the news about the three mosques in the U.S. that were set on fire just the other weekend? Did you hear in the mainstream media about the scores of attacks, including some firebombings, of the Planned Parenthood facilities by pro-life extremists? Did you hear about the harassment of pro-abortion politicians and judges for their pro-abortion stance? You didn’t? Neither did I, becaus [...]

The Impact of Christianity on the Western World

The Impact of Christianity on the Western World

The church has a long history of applying the Bible to all of life. “Throughout American history, the moral principles of Judeo-Christian ethics have been used as one of many effective tools to evaluate and reform a wide variety of social structures, and have continued to be invoked in political debates.”[1] This perspective is best exemplified in the life and work of the Puritans who applied the [...]

What the Founders Believed

What the Founders Believed

Gary responds to a statement from Hawaiian Sen. Mazie Hirono claiming that we have no idea what the Founding Fathers believed. One way to keep Christians out of the public arena, especially in the realm of politics, is to claim that there is a separation between Church and State. The argument is based on the assumption that in biblical times Church and State were merged, and in modern times the Fi [...]

Evolution is a Religion

Evolution is a Religion

Gary shows how to force unbelievers to live consistently with their stated anti-God beliefs. All worldviews are by definition belief systems. A person does not have to believe in God to be considered religious. John H. Dietrich, for example, admits that he is a religious humanist. For centuries the idea of God has been the very heart of religion; it has been said, “No God, no religion.” But humani [...]

'This Generation' = Only the Generation of Jesus’ Day

'This Generation' = Only the Generation of Jesus’ Day

What you’ve read up to this point (here and here) is enough to refute Hicks’ claims that “this generation” refers to “trans-historical people” that “includes (past generations) tied to Cain, through to the contemporaries of Jesus, and will extend down until the return of Christ.” There are a few more issues that need to be discussed. Early in his 26-page article he refers to me and other preterist [...]

Daniel 12 and the Resurrection

Daniel 12 and the Resurrection

Gary answers a listener question about Daniel 12 and the resurrection of the dead. The events of Daniel occur at the very beginning of a new covenantal and historical situation. The Restoration Covenant places the priestly covenant people in a wider context, the context of a world empire. This is the beginning of the “latter days.” This new covenant and new priestly service come, as always, throug [...]

'This Generation' as a Single Generation in Jesus’ Day

'This Generation' as a Single Generation in Jesus’ Day

Ian Hicks has a novel interpretation of the meaning of “this generation.” While he believes the phrase applies to the generation of Jesus’ day, he also claims it refers to “trans-historical people [that] includes (past generations) tied to Cain, through to the contemporaries of Jesus, and will extend down until the return of Christ. My view of genea,” Hicks argues, “is not limited to a singular gr [...]

Dobbs and What Comes Next

Dobbs and What Comes Next

Gary discusses the recent Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v Wade and what it means and what comes next. As citizens of political jurisdictions, Christians must submit themselves to those who rule because God has established the civil realm by His own sovereign will (Rom. 13:1). Keep in mind, however, that civil authorities are not absolute in the way they exercise their authority since they a [...]