Ian and Climate-Change End-Times

Ian and Climate-Change End-Times

Gary discusses climate change end-times “prophets” who sound just like religious end-times authors. Climate Armageddon is the new secular apocalypticism. In the 1950s and 1960s, it was nuclear destruction. That was always a possibility because the United States and the former Soviet Union had real nuclear weapons. Students were to “Duck and Cover” in case of a nuclear attack. Like this [...]

Frankenstein's Monster and Trans-Everythingism

Frankenstein's Monster and Trans-Everythingism

“The publishers did not see that my purpose was to write a moral lesson of the punishment that befell a mortal man who dared to emulate God.” — Mary Shelly’s character in The Bride of Frankenstein (1935). October is horror film month because of Halloween (“Hallow,” not “Hollow”). The genre has come a long way. The older horror films often blend elements of legitimate science with the occult, alche [...]

What Jesus Didn't Mention...

What Jesus Didn't Mention...

Gary responds to an article about political commentator Joe Scarborough calling the “pro-life” movement a “heresy.” Tom Ehrich, an Episcopal minister and writer living in Durham, North Carolina, claims that the religious debate on the subject of abortion “is one best captured in shades of gray rather than . . . in black and white.”[1] Ehrich asks where God stands on the iss [...]

The Seduction of Statism

The Seduction of Statism

Guest article by Jason Mattera [see original post here] Remember the part of Jesus’ parable where, after seeing the beaten and half-dead traveler on the ground, the Good Samaritan rushes to find the nearest Roman official, urging him to impose an obligatory progressive income tax on the locals to bankroll the battered man’s recovery at the nearby inn? Me either. Must be in the other red-letter edi [...]

The Local Indicators in Matthew 24

The Local Indicators in Matthew 24

Gary discusses several claims in a recent book by an author who claims to be an atheist because of failed prophecies about the “end times.” There is a history of skeptics that turn to Bible prophecy and claim Jesus was wrong about the timing of His coming at “the end of the age” (Matt. 24:3) and the signs associated with it. Noted atheist Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) wrote [...]

Ruled by God’s Laws or the Dictates of the State?

Ruled by God’s Laws or the Dictates of the State?

Most people who have seen the film The Ten Commandments on television have never seen Cecil B. DeMille’s opening introduction. DeMille had something more in mind than just making a film about a religious figure from the Bible. He considered his production to be so important that he came out on stage to deliver a short but powerful statement on the nature of freedom under the law of God: The theme [...]

Art and the Bible

Art and the Bible

Gary discusses art and worldview with Pastor Doug Giles and his several series of art to help change Christians’ perception of biblical persons and events. Interest in the occult emerges when the prevailing Christian worldview fails to impact people’s lives in concrete, life-transforming ways. When the Christian message becomes defeatist, retreatist, and exclusively otherworldly, the door is [...]

The Struggle for Power and Money

The Struggle for Power and Money

Gary concludes his interview with Chris Arnzen about abortion, racism, transgenderism, and so much more. The Bible shows that apologetics and worldviews in general deal with fundamental assumptions that guide reason and give meaning to facts. For example, the first verse of the Bible states without equivocation or defense, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1). The ne [...]

Americans Don’t Know Much About Theocracy

Americans Don’t Know Much About Theocracy

It’s not surprising that most Americans don’t know the definitions of various governmental systems. “A professor found that a vast majority of his university students were unable to tell the U.S. Constitution from the Russian constitution…. Many students respond confessing how they have never read the U.S. Constitution and how they appreciate the foresight of the founding fathers to implement mini [...]

The Unraveling of Secularism

The Unraveling of Secularism

This is Part One of Gary’s recent interview by Chris Arnzen on Iron Sharpens Iron Radio. Defending the Christian worldview against unbelieving thought takes an understanding that every worldview has a centralized guiding principle that serves as its foundational operational assumption about the nature of reality. By going after the head, as Jael did to Sisera (Judges 4–5), as an unnamed woma [...]

Stay Away from Red Heifer Mythology

Stay Away from Red Heifer Mythology

The red heifer story is back in the news. “The delivery of five red heifers to Israel has sparked a worldwide debate about its significance in biblical prophecy, particularly among Christians who believe a third temple will be built during the End Times,”[1] of which the New Testament says nothing. You will search the New Testament with a fine-tooth comb, and you won’t find any mention of another [...]

Christian Nationalism and Dominion

Christian Nationalism and Dominion

Gary discusses several recent books and articles based on the topic of Christian Nationalism and “dominionism.” Question: Is it possible that the Bible teaches that the gospel will have worldwide success, that nations will be discipled, and that we will see the Word of the Lord cover the earth as the waters cover the sea before Jesus returns in glory to rapture His saints? (Isa. 11:9). [...]

Who is the Man of Sin?

Who is the Man of Sin?

Gary discusses the man of sin (or lawlessness) in 2 Thessalonians 2 with Pastor Joel Webbon. Many believe that 2 Thessalonians 2 describes the end times leading up to the rapture of the church, the revealing of antichrist, and the second coming. Tim LaHaye, a representative of this perspective, writes: “Second Thessalonians 2:1–12 contains the rapture, Tribulation, and Glorious Appearing all in on [...]

Do Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 Harmonize?

Do Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 Harmonize?

I try to be patient with people who have legitimate questions about the fulfillment of Bible prophecy as they relate to the Olivet Discourse, but I get irritated with people who claim they’ve found the magic exegetical bullet (to change the metaphor) to counter a preterist (fulfilled) interpretation. What follows is an example of someone trying to use a flawed prophetic shoehorn to make his size 1 [...]

The Values of Old Movies

The Values of Old Movies

Gary discusses the value and values of classic films from the Golden Age of Hollywood. Dan Gilbert, writing in Hell Over Hollywood in 1942, stated that “Hollywood has a power to shape, to mold, to direct and control the life of America which exceeds that of any dictator.”[1] Like so many Christians today, Gilbert, who was the Chairman of the Christian Newspaper Men’s Committee to Investigate the M [...]

Prophetic Shoehorning

Prophetic Shoehorning

When I was growing up, most kids owned a shoehorn. I’m not sure if they are used much today. It may be because young people wear casual shoes to school and even church. For the uninformed, a shoehorn is a device to help the heel of the foot to slip comfortably into the back of the shoe so the back of the shoe is not broken. Some popular biblical doctrines need a shoehorn to work. [...]

Progress or Defeat?

Progress or Defeat?

Gary concludes his interview with Pastor Joel Webbon regarding worldview and action. People ask why young people are leaving the church. In some cases, it’s because they don’t see any real-world relevance. Yes, when they die, they’ll go to heaven, but what do they do until then? God created the world and established its boundaries and rules for living in every area of life. The justice system we h [...]

The Consequences of Unbelief

The Consequences of Unbelief

Gary continues his discussion with Pastor Joel Webbon about eschatology. Too many Christians believe, along with a watching world, that the Bible is irrelevant this side of heaven. While the homosexual community is about one percent of the population, it has had and continues to have tremendous impact on our culture and laws. Christians, who make up about 35 percent of the population, seem to have [...]

Gun Control in a World Where Godlessness Reigns

Gun Control in a World Where Godlessness Reigns

Once again, there’s talk about more gun control in the United States. It happens every time some lunatic murders people. Murder is a crime, and yet people still murder. The vast majority of people in the United States who own guns have never unlawfully used their guns, and yet Democrats want to put further restrictions on them. Cleotha Abston [Henderson], 38, kidnapped and killed Eliza “Liza” Flet [...]

Reassessing Eschatology

Reassessing Eschatology

Gary is interviewed by Pastor Joel Webbon about biblical eschatology. A future kingdom means a future king. A future kingdom and an absent king means a future set of kingdom laws that have no present-day, this-world application. If this is what Christians mean by stating that God’s kingdom is yet to come, then we are in a terrible dilemma. If God’s kingdom can be expected solely future, then God h [...]