Gog, Magog…Russia and the Rapture?

Gog, Magog…Russia and the Rapture?

We repeatedly find prophecy writers who try in vain to apply Old Testament fulfilled prophecies to current events. What’s surprising is that they claim to interpret the Bible literally. For them horses mean “horsepower,” bows and arrows mean “missile launchers and missiles,” and chariots mean “tanks.” But in the case of Ezekiel 38-39, these prophecy speculators really get things wrong. The God and [...]

The Jesus Movement and Movie

The Jesus Movement and Movie

Gary discusses the current movie, Jesus Revolution, which tells the story of the Jesus Movement in the late 1960s and early 1970s. It is upon a final standard—a standard to which no greater appeal is made—that all worldviews rest.[1] What we are looking for in our apologetic task is a reliable gauge of truth that does not depend on the fallible, finite, and fallen character of man for validation. [...]

The Fullness of Israel

The Fullness of Israel

Biblical eschatology has been studied, discussed, and debated for millennia. No chapter is more pivotal—and controversial—than Romans 11. It has been used for nearly every future scenario and scheme in biblical prophecy. Oddly, with as much focus as there seems to be on Israel in most systems, they usually miss the point Paul is making and the context of what he is actually saying throughout the e [...]

The Five-Point Covenant Model

The Five-Point Covenant Model

Gary North and Gary DeMar discuss the benefits and biblical application of the Five Point Covenant Model. The Tower of Babel, the first “Tower of Power,” is a good place to start in understanding the nature of political power. These early empire-builders wanted to make a name for themselves (Gen. 11 :4) by supplanting the government of God and replacing it with a centralized, bureaucra [...]

What Makes Something Valuable?

What Makes Something Valuable?

Gary talks about his decision to sell his comic book collection, as well as the concept of collecting and value as a whole. The story of Paradise thus gives us important information about the origin and meaning of precious metals and stones, and therefore of money as well. Right from the beginning, God placed value upon gold and gems, having created them as reflections of His own glory and beauty. [...]

Christians Being 'Less than Loving' Means Criticizing Jesus for the Same Thing

Christians Being 'Less than Loving' Means Criticizing Jesus for the Same Thing

The enemies of the truth are always awfully nice. Truth is the strong compost in which beauty may sometimes germinate. — Christopher Morley (1890-1957) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) said the following about the $20 million spent on the “He gets Us” campaign: “Something tells me Jesus would not spend millions of dollars on Super Bowl ads to make fascism look benign.” Huh? Does she have any idea wh [...]

Do Luke 17 and Matthew 24 Describe Different Comings of Jesus?

Do Luke 17 and Matthew 24 Describe Different Comings of Jesus?

A post on a Facebook page has an interesting discussion on Luke 17 and its relationship to Matthew 24-25 and Greg L. Bahnsen’s view of that relationship. Dr. Bahnsen took the view that Luke 17:22-37 refers to the Second Coming while Matthew 24:1-34 refers to the judgment on Jerusalem that took place before that first-century generation passed away (24:34). Kenneth Gentry agrees with Dr. Bahnsen. K [...]

Spiritual Charlatans

Spiritual Charlatans

Gary riffs on one of his favorite side-topics: spiritual manipulation and magic. Jeane Dixon, astrologer and alleged “psychic,” became famous when she supposedly predicted that John F. Kennedy would be assassinated sometime during either his first or second term of office. It was in 1952 that Dixon claimed that “the 1960 election… will be dominated by labor and won by a Democrat. But he wil [...]

The Hope of Israel

The Hope of Israel

Kim discusses Hebrews 9, Acts 2-3, 2 Peter 3, and other NT and OT passages regarding the biblical understanding of Israel. Building on what he’s already taught in earlier podcasts, he continues his exegetical case for covenant hermeneutics. The consummation of Israel’s eschatology opened the door for the restoration of the nations, which is still ongoing today. Click here for today’s e [...]

To Serve Man

To Serve Man

Gary discusses comments by John Kerry made recently at Davos 2023. Metaphysical explanations are becoming credible, even in a time when secularism has become the nation’s official civil religion. But one show, The X-Files, accomplished the metaphysical reentry with an interesting twist that keeps one foot in both worlds. The rationalist Dana Scully is pitted against the open-minded genuine seeker [...]

Why Creation and Eschatology Can’t be Separated

Why Creation and Eschatology Can’t be Separated

The Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed describe God as “Creator of heaven and earth”/ “Maker of heaven and earth.” Nothing is said about the age of the earth. The Westminster Confession of Faith states the following, but does not say anything about how old the earth is: It pleased God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for the manifestation of the glory of His eternal power, wisdom, and goodness, [...]

The Assault on Biblical Values

The Assault on Biblical Values

Gary concludes his interview with Jay Rudolph on the Plumb Line radio program. Family, church, and civil governments reflect the self-government of the people, whether good or bad. At the civil level, a nation gets what it votes for. Civil government, no matter how righteously conceived, cannot make people better. Leadership, like water, rises to its own level, the righteousness or unrighteousness [...]

Gestapo Tactics Exposed at the DOJ

Gestapo Tactics Exposed at the DOJ

“Intelligence analysts and the chief counsel for the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Richmond, Virginia field office are concerned ‘radical-traditionalist Catholics’ are a threat to our democracy and could be ripe for recruitment by white supremacists.” What are the red flags? • Homeschooling • Meeting Every Sunday with Other People Who Want Good Lives • Pro-Life and Anti-LGBT+ Look what the DOJ [...]

Secular Fundamentalism

Secular Fundamentalism

Gary was interviewed by Jay Rudolph on the Plumb Line radio program. God assures believers He will “abolish all rule and all authority and power” in opposition to His kingdom (1 Corinthians 15:24). While Satan rails against the church, God promises “the gates of Hades shall not overpower” it (Matthew 16:18). Jesus describes the church as a marching army, ready and able to move against the stationa [...]

Does God Understand Time?

Does God Understand Time?

Gary responds to recent article by John Piper, which is an excerpt of his new book, Come, Lord Jesus. The biblical writers are straightforward in their claim that certain prophetic events were to happen “soon” for those who first read the prophecies. The eschatological events were near for them. No other interpretation is possible if the words are taken in their “plain, primary, ordinary, usual, o [...]

Separating Fact from Fiction

Separating Fact from Fiction

(The following is the preface to a new edition of Left Behind: Separating Fact from Fiction. The book is currently in production and will be available in print next month.) I thought we were done with the Left Behind film franchise that started in 2000 with Kirk Cameron who played Buck Williams in three films, a television journalist investigating the sudden disappearances of millions of people. L [...]

AI and God's Revelation

AI and God's Revelation

Gary discusses a recent article about artificial intelligence that raises many important points and Gary takes it in several different directions. Marvin Minsky of MIT “believes that humans are nothing but meat machines that carry a computer in their head” also made of meat. Minsky, who is an atheist and works in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), “claimed that people should give their mon [...]

How Should the Greek Word 'Mello' be Translated?

How Should the Greek Word 'Mello' be Translated?

There’s a debate going on about the translation of the Greek word mellō. Depending on the context, mellō can mean “about to” and “on the point of being done.” At times mellō is not translated and has the meaning of “necessity.” By reading some (most?) translations, the reader unfamiliar with Greek would never know mellō is used in some passages since it is often untranslated. For example, in Revel [...]

Pushing the Antithesis

Pushing the Antithesis

Gary gives several examples of how Christians should do apologetics by “pushing the antithesis.” Instead of beginning with the bits and pieces of a worldview (evidences for this or that doctrine, or this or that god), the starting point is more fixed and fundamental. “Thus, when all is said and done,” Dr. Bahnsen makes clear to us, “apologetics becomes the vindication of the Christian [...]

Adam's Rib and Trans Sports

Adam's Rib and Trans Sports

What do the 1949 movie “Adam’s Rib” and transgender sports have in common? Find out on today’s podcast. The transgender chickens are coming home to roost. It’s no longer just bathrooms. Sports are being affected by the fiction of transgenderism. If a boy identifies as a girl, then why can’t he/she compete with girls in basketball, softball, or track and field? Given “transg [...]