An Editorial Writer Without a Clue

Editorial writers have an advantage over journalists. Journalists, at least in the days when fact checking was an honored part of the profession, had to get their stories straight. Writing an opinion column that reads like a news story has become fashionable. Opinion trumps facts. The latest entry into fantasy land is an article by Leonard Pitts who writes for the Miami Herald. He takes on the so- [...]

Christians Should be "Tortured" and "Prosecuted" for their Faith, and for Good Measure, "Fed to the Lions"

Periodically American Vision gets some interesting correspondence from people who don’t like what we do. Most of the really bad stuff comes in the form of anonymous emails. In the early days, people would leave profanity-laced voice messages on our answering machine. There were times when we got some death threats. Sometimes we would get a real treasure. On April 11, 2005, a caller left a rambling [...]

The AntiFederalists Were Right

On September 17, 1787 the Constitutional Convention officially ended. Copies of the Constitution were sent to the state legislatures. Delegates anticipated tough battles in the states over whether or not the Constitution ought to be ratified. There was much that both proponents and opponents of the Constitution agreed upon. Power, whether in a monarchy or a republic, tended to corrupt whoever yiel [...]

"Revelations" - Bible Prophecy According to NBC

Beginning this Wednesday evening (April 13, 2005), NBC will air the first installment of its “Revelations” series.[1] Like so many evangelicals, the series operates by asking this question: “Could the end be near? To get a jump on the commentary that will follow the series, I’ve decided to jump start the discussion by dealing with questions that Christians often have about the book of Revelation. [...]

What Would the ACLU have said to Ben Franklin?

The American Civil Liberties Union has asked a judge to hold a Louisiana school board in contempt because someone said a prayer over the PA system before a high-school baseball game.[1] During the critical days with tempers flaring in the July heat, Benjamin Franklin asked to be recognized and presented this memorable speech. Directing his words to George Washington, Franklin made the following pl [...]

The Crazies Have Spawned

Writing a daily column offers some advantages. I get to write about issues that interest me and hopefully interest my readers. But there are always people out there who are downright nasty in the way they express their opinions about my opinions. You’re bound to upset people when you write on controversial topics, but some of the emails I get are over the top. Here’s one example by a guy who calls [...]

Pope John Paul II and the Fatima Visions

Pope John Paul II was impacted by the 1917 Fatima prophecies. The most famous vision is said to have occurred on May 13, 1917. There it was reported that three children, Lucia dos Santos (ten years old at the time) and her cousins Jacinta and Francisco de Jesus Marto (seven and nine), in a field near Fatima, Portugal, saw “a beautiful lady from Heaven,” while others saw what appeared to them to be [...]

Answering a Critic who Reads the Bible with One Eye Shut

Lee Salisbury believes that fundamentalists “must be challenged to defend their religion and tactics.” He writes this in an article titled “The Fundamentalist Christian Mind-Set and the Problem it Presents for America.”[1] Mr. Salisbury believes he has found the soft underbelly of the Bible by uncovering a number of “contradictions.” There’s nothing new in his approach to undermine the Christian f [...]

Looking Heavenward for a Savior

One of our readers wondered why we are offering Alien Intrusion, a book on UFOs. He asked it this way: “How in the world can this be a part of ‘Equipping and Empowering Christians to Restore America’s Biblical Foundation.’?” This is a very good question. Not only are UFOs in the news, but there is a worldview behind their interest that sees their existence as a competitor to the Christian worldvie [...]

Judges Have Lost Their Minds - But We Knew This

In March 2000, the Georgia Supreme Court overturned the death sentence in a murder case because an assistant district attorney urged jurors to follow certain biblical mandates related to the death penalty. “During closing arguments in the penalty phase of the trial, D. Brandon Hornsby, the assistant district attorney, cited passages from the books of Romans, Genesis, and Matthew, telling jur [...]

Does God Care About Nations Today?

Question: The other day, in a discussion about God’s covenant promises and their application to the United States, a guy told me that 2 Chronicles 7:14 had no application. This didn’t sound right to me and I was wondering what your thoughts were. Answer: How could this verse not apply today? Are not Christians God’s people? The Bible also says “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LO [...]

Was Jesus Buried for Three Days and Three Nights?

Twenty times the New Testament tells us that Jesus will be raised on “the third day,” six times in Matthew’s gospel alone (Matt. 16:21; 17:23; 20:19; 26:61; 27:40; 27:64). This is confirmed outside the gospels (Acts 10:40; 1 Cor. 15:4). Only once do we read the following: “For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster, so shall the Son of [...]

Is Terri Schiavo Jeb Bush's Mary Jo Kopechne?

In case you’ve forgotten or you’ve never heard the story, Mary Jo Kopechne was a “friend” of Senator Ted Kennedy. Coming back from a cook-out for campaign workers on Chappaquiddick Island, Kennedy was accompanied by Mary Jo Kopechne who had worked for Robert Kennedy. Things went terribly wrong as they crossed a narrow bridge close to midnight. The car left the bridge and plunged into the deep pond [...]

"Socially Irrelevant, Even if Privately Engaging" - The Disengaged Christian Under the Microscope

The title for this article is taken from Os Guinness’s underrated and underread book The Gravedigger File.[1] There are numerous Christians who believe that a personal, private faith is all the gospel requires. Guinness described this as “The Private-Zoo Factor.” Much of “1925–1975 Evangelicalism”[2] was based on the idea that Christians could make peace with the world by doing the church thing an [...]

If I were King (Solomon) for a Day

I can remember when there were only three television networks: ABC, CBS, and NBC and their local affiliates. Reception was so bad in our area that we had a tough time pulling in the NBC signal at night. This meant that I never saw an episode of Bonanza or Star Trek until I went off to college. But during the day, the NBC signal (channel 11 in Pittsburgh) came in as clearly as the other two. [...]

A Flexible Document in the Hands of Flexible Moralists

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, speaking at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars on March 15, 2005, weighed in on the latest Supreme Court ruling on the death penalty. If you recall, a majority of the justices (5–4) ruled that the death penalty could not be applied to anyone under the age of 18. The March 1 ruling was based on “evolving notions of decency.” The logic of the r [...]

The Good Old Days Weren't

The libertarian humorist P. J. O’Rourke says, “When you think of the good old days, think ‘dentistry.’” The greatest invention of the modern world is anesthetics. Prior to 1844, in preparation for an operation, you drank booze until you passed out–hopefully. Then the physician – “sawbones,” he was called –got started hacking away.[1] Michael Crichton, best known for The Andromeda Strain, Congo, Th [...]

Salman Rushdie's Deal with the Devil

Salman Rushdie, the embattled author of The Satanic Verses who was condemned to death by Ayatollah Khomeini on February 14, 1989 for its publication, believes that religion is the world’s problem and the worldview of the Enlightenment is its savior. He prefers European secularism to American Christianity. His article, “Life under religion’s thumb turns society into tyranny,”[1] which appeared in y [...]

Good Riddance to the Easter Bunny

Here comes Peter Cottontail, Hoppin’ down the bunny trail, Hippity, hoppity, Easter’s on its way. Bringin’ every girl and boy Baskets full of Easter joy, Things to make your Easter bright and gay. I don’t know what’s worse—Veggie Tales substituting for Bible characters or the whole Easter Bunny, soft marshmallow chicks, colored eggs, and jelly bean menagerie somehow representing [...]

Free Speech Doesn't Mean I Have to Pay for It

I received the following email from someone who came across American Vision’s website: “I don’t trust any site that doesn’t allow comments on articles.” I responded by stating that I try to answer every email that comes across my computer. It may take me some time to get to all of them, but I try. He wrote back, not satisfied with my answer: “I believe people have the right to know how [...]