"Monsters from the Id"

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-2009june23.jpg" ““Article”) Michael G. Zey of Montclair State University in New Jersey writes: “People want to believe that there is superior life in the universe, and that these aliens will be able to upgrade our own lives. This is a form of wish fulfillment.”[1] This is especially true since, as [...]

Watch the Skies!

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-2009june22.jpg" ““Article”) “Pop-culture fiction, not academic nonfiction, is now the cutting edge of public discourse on spirituality.”[1] For several months I have been working on an extended project that explores the relationship of pop-culture to societal norms and worldview shifts. In addition [...]

Why Young People are Leaving the Church

Ken Ham, who believes in a literal six-day creation that happened around 6,000 years ago, says the church opened a door for the exodus of youth, beginning in the 19th century, when it began teaching that “the age of the Earth is not an issue as long as you trust in Jesus and believe in the resurrection and the Gospel accounts.” Ham concedes that “salvation is not conditioned on what you believe ab [...]

Moral Polytheism

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-2009june16.jpg" ““Article”) A number of articles have been published about the demise of the church in America. Newsweek, copying the cover design of the April 12, 1966 of Time magazine’s “Is God Dead?” cover, carried an article on The Decline and Fall of Christian America in its April 13, 2009 iss [...]

Media Matters

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-2009june09.jpg" ““Article”) For years, liberals have been telling us that screen scenes depicting gratuitous sex, sadism, nihilism, despair, violence, militant secularism, and blasphemy have little or no effect on the opinions and behavior of viewers. Those who make these claims are some of the sam [...]

Why Paying Attention to the Constitution Matters

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-2009june08.jpg" ““Article”) I received the following portion of a longer email from someone who disagreed with me on the interpretation of the Constitution related to the relationship between the Federal government and the states. He opened his email with this statement (my response follows his com [...]

The Terror Legacy of the Left

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-2009june03.jpg" ““Article”) In the July 11, 1968, issue of The Village Voice, Marvin Garson, the pamphleteer of the Free Speech Movement, recounted with pride the bombings which had been the calling card of campus radicals from Berkeley and its environs: The series of successful and highly popular [...]

Selective Condemnation

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-2009jun02.jpg" ““Article”) Paul Hill, convicted of murdering abortionist John Britton and his bodyguard in 1994, considered himself to be a twentieth-century John Brown. Brown, if you recall, was the self-appointed avenger of God who was fond of quoting Hebrews 9:22: “All things are by the law purg [...]

The Christian America Debate Continues

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-2009june01.jpg" ““Article”) Every society is founded on some ultimate principle. It might be the absolutism of a single ruler, the majority-rule concept of a pure democracy where the “voice of the people is considered to be the voice of God” (vox populi, vox dei), or an oligarchy where a self-appoi [...]

Wimps for Jesus Need Not Apply

The following news item from the OneNewsNow site should bring a cheer. We are not to be doormats for Jesus. WASHINGTON, DC - The group Americans United for Separation of Church and State wants the Internal Revenue Service to review Liberty University’s tax-exempt status because the Christian school revoked its recognition of a student-run Democratic club. Americans United made the request in [...]

Say No to Latinas, Italians, African Americans, and One-Legged Men

So a “Latina” has been nominated by Barack Obama to replace the retiring David Souter. Please explain to me how her ethnicity should make any difference. If Sonia Sotomayor were living in Puerto Rico, would her ethnicity be a factor? Of course not! So why should it matter in the United States? It shouldn’t. Her judicial philosophy should. But in today’s political climate, it’s all about ethnic and [...]

Do We Need Social Justice?

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-2009may26.jpg" ““Article”) The concept “social justice” means different things to different people. Justice is often equated with social equality, a mistaken notion if there ever was one. In looking for a helpful way to explain the meaning of justice, baseball comes to mind. Rarely are teams equal [...]

Memorial Day: Sergeant York (1941)

Memorial Day commemorates American men and women who died while in the military service. It’s not a day to celebrate war. In fact, it should be a day when we reflect on the true costs and consequences of war. I can think of no better way to do this than to offer a review of the film Sergeant York (1941), a war movie that caries an antiwar message. It’s the true story of World War I Medal of Honor [...]

Pigs, Lemurs, & 'Proving' Evolution

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-2009may21.jpg" ““Article”) Evolutionists use every opportunity to push the view that evolution is happening all around us. The latest “Swine-Flu” scare is just one more example as evidence for “evolution in action.” Here’s one example: Anyone who thinks evolution is for the birds should not be afra [...]

America's 200-Year-Old War with Islamic Terrorism

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-2009may19.png" ““Article”) It’s a story that hasn’t gotten much press. Bibles translated into Afghan languages were sent to a U.S. soldier at a base in Afghanistan. The Bibles were later confiscated by chaplains and destroyed to make sure that American troops did not violate government rules which [...]

What Can be Done?

I received the following from Dr. Russell S. Schierling. The people could have prayed and waited for God to do something or they could have prayed and then acted on those prayers. Can you imagine what Christians could do if they reacted in similar ways on other issues? Dear Gary, Homeschooling is alive and well in the state of Missouri! Let me show you an example of the political power that homesc [...]

The Detroit of the South & the “Hit Recording Capital of the World”

“In 1921, automotive tycoon Henry Ford, accompanied by Thomas Edison, came to Muscle Shoals with a vision of transforming this area into a metropolis. ‘I will employ one million workers at Muscle Shoals and I will build a city 75 miles long at Muscle Shoals,’ stated Mr. Ford. The instant rumors of Ford’s plan hit the streets, real estate speculators began buying up land and parceling it out in 25 [...]

A Defender of Homosexuality Responds (Caution: Some Adult Material)

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-2009may11.jpg" ““Article”) I received a lengthy response to my May 4, 2009 Blog article, “Penguins, Dog Vomit, and Human Sexuality.” Instead of the usual name-calling, foul language, unprintable comments, and just plain vileness, the emailer’s response was measured and thoughtful. I suspect that ma [...]

A National Day of Prayer is Not Enough

Organizers of the National Day of Prayer were upset that President Obama did not officially participate in the observation. He said he would pray privately-a biblical ideal-as he does every day, the president’s spokesman said. His only public acknowledgement was to issue a White House proclamation. Well, I’m kind of glad. I’m tired of politicians who take the name of the Lord in [...]

Are You a Doughnut-Hole Gazer?

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-2009may06.jpg" ““Article”) American Vision receives a number of books for review purposes from numerous publishers each week. Some of the books are unsolicited with no note or letter telling us who the author is or why we might be interested in the topic. Some books are so poorly written and design [...]