We All Believe in Something

All worldviews are by definition belief systems. A person does not have to believe in God to be considered religious. “Richard Dawkins has publicly admitted: ‘I believe, but I cannot prove, that all life, all intelligence, all creativity and all ‘design’ anywhere in the universe, is the direct or indirect product of Darwinian natural selection.’”[1] How would the atheist react if a Christian wrote [...]

The Moon-Landing Hoax

On July 20, 1969, two Americans landed on the moon. While railroads transformed commerce, communication, and travel in the United States, Moon landings abruptly stopped with no commercial benefits after six missions. There are still people, 40 years later, who believe it never happened. Whoopi Goldberg is the latest. Bill Kaysing thinks he knows why. Kaysing claims in his book We Never Went to the [...]

Walter Cronkite Was a Socialist

“We ought to be increasing our taxes. We who have it ought to be paying a lot more, but should insist on efficiency in expenditure.”—Walter Cronkite When Walter Cronkite was 89, he regretted having retired as the anchorman of CBS News. He wanted to be America’s “most trusted man” again. Cronkite was a socialist. Of course, you knew that, but let’s let “Uncle Walter” tell you himself. The September [...]

The Social Networking Information Highway is the New Roman Road System

On July 5th, I spoke at a church in celebration of our nation’s Christian heritage. After the service, a man approached me. He told me that he had come across a great source for news. He was shocked the first time he sat down to watch. He had no idea all this stuff in the nation and around the world was going on. My wife and I were excited to hear what this news channel was. [...]

Homeschoolers Are Only Good For Cleaning Toilets

The title for today’s article is taken from a response to one of American Vision’s daily articles. The respondent is an atheist who claims he can refute any argument raised in defense of the Christian faith. I have irritated him so much by answering his poorly researched responses he sends to me that his true character is spilling out in a public way. His personal emails to me are worse than what [...]

Living in Caves is for Losers

Bible studies thrive in every neighborhood across the United States. Washington, D.C., abounds with prayer breakfasts. A big deal is made of where presents attend church. The Bible remains the nation’s top seller. Although a number of prominent religious hucksters have left the airwaves, television and radio remain filled with religious programming. There are reports that thirty-five percent of Am [...]

The Trap of Neutrality

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20090702-politics-culture-liberals-religion-christians-activists.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) According to a radio editorial some years ago, “a man’s religion and the strength of his conviction are his own personal matter” and therefore “religion should not interfere with politics.”[1] Of course, this too is an expressi [...]

Dr. Strangelove is an Obama Czar

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-20090713-babies-blacks-population-abortion-parenthood-statistics-pro-life.jpg" ““Article”) In an interview that was published in Sunday’s New York Times Magazine (July 5, 2009), Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said she thought the landmark Roe v. Wade decision on abortion was predicated o [...]

The Iroquois League and the U.S. Constitution

It’s been claimed that credit should be given to the Iroquois for the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and other vital instruments of liberty. The ideas expressed in these documents of liberty and representative government were not derived from Western Christianity but rather borrowed from Native American minority groups without given their due credit. “Anthropologist Thomas Riley asserts that th [...]

Swearing to Make the Pain Go Away

A new study shows that swearing might help to mute the pain of an injury. “It taps into emotional brain centers and appears to arise in the right brain, whereas most language production occurs in the left cerebral hemisphere of the brain.” The researchers enlisted 64 undergraduate volunteers and had them submerge their hand in a tub of ice water for as long as possible while repeating a swear word [...]

Are You Smarter than an Arizona High School Student?

To determine students’ level of basic civic knowledge, The Goldwater Institute surveyed Arizona high school students with questions drawn from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) item bank, which consists of 100 questions given to candidates for United States citizenship. You can download a copy of the citizenship bank of questions here. The longstanding practice has bee [...]

Radicalism Goes Mainstream

![“Artim:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20090707-saul-alinsky-liberals-america-takeover-government-leftists-tactics.jpg" ““Artim:”) Why does the Left sympathize with radical Islamic extremists? Over the July 4th weekend a story about how a recent New York City Council resolution that recommend the city’s school system shut down to commemorate two [...]

How Not to Help the Poor

![“Artim:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20090706-poor-working-class-liberals-big-government-spending-reduce-taxes-spread-wealth.jpg" ““Artim:”) Alan Colmes, who co-hosted with Sean Hannity on FOX’s “Hannity and Colmes,” claims that Jesus “believed the rich should give to the poor.” Obama and most of Congress seem to agree. Let’s assume that Colme [...]

And They Call This Science

As a young boy, I loved science. On standardized tests, I always scored highest in the science category. Astronomy was a favorite interest, but it didn’t take me long to realize that astronomy is a spectator sport. While the moon is near enough, there was no way that I was ever going to hop scotch through the universe. I soon turned my scientific interests to electricity, short wave radios, and Mo [...]

Were the Founders Deists?

July 4th brings out the historical revisionists. One of the more kooky revisionist claims is that our Founding Fathers were Deists. Deism is a philosophical belief system that claims that God exists but is not involved in the world. While God created all things and set the universe in motion, He is no longer involved in its operation. Given this definition of deism, which of the founding fathers w [...]

Give me Money!

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20090701-economy-taxes-greed-money-power.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) The Bible does not minimize the importance of economics. The Garden of Eden makes mention of gold and precious stones: “The gold of that land is good” (Genesis 2:11-12). Jesus used money as a teaching device in many of His parables. John MacArthur, pa [...]

It Can't Happen Here

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20090630-conservatism-big-government-democracy-spending.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) Sociologist William Brustein went to Berlin a few years ago to tour the city. As his bus tour passed the bunker where Hitler spent his last days, the guide told how Hitler had seized power and fooled the German people. He assured the to [...]

Losing Faith in the Future

The brick-and-mortar Christian book business is in trouble. You could see the steady decline year after year at the International Christian Retail Show (ICRS) run by the Christian Booksellers Association. In fact, in 2008, Thomas Nelson, the largest Christian retailer, did not attend. This year, ICRS will meet in Denver “to significantly lower numbers—of both vendors and attendees.” Of course, muc [...]

The First Principles of Economics

What is the first principle of economics? Some economists will claim that it’s supply and demand, while others insist that it’s scarcity or the division of labor. The first principle of economics is “thou shalt not steal.”The word economics is derived from two Greek words: oikos, meaning “house,” and nomos, meaning “law.” Combined we get “rules or laws of the house.” Economics is ethical before it [...]

"Monsters from the Id"

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-2009june23.jpg" ““Article”) Michael G. Zey of Montclair State University in New Jersey writes: “People want to believe that there is superior life in the universe, and that these aliens will be able to upgrade our own lives. This is a form of wish fulfillment.”[1] This is especially true since, as [...]