Jack Webb's My Hero!

Dragnet was one of the most popular shows. on radio and television. A “dragnet” refers to the coordinated measures for apprehending criminals or suspects. “Dragnet had its origins in Webb’s small role as a police forensic scientist in the 1948 film, _He Walked by Nigh_t, inspired by the actual murder of California Highway Patrol officer Loren Roosevelt in Los Angeles.&rdquo [...]

How Much Land Does the Federal Government Own?

Do you know how much land in the United States is owned by the Federal Government? It’s shocking: Nevada : 84.5% Alaska: 69.1% Utah: 57.4% Oregon: 53.1% Idaho: 50.2% Arizona: 48.1% California: 45.3% Wyoming: 42.3% New Mexico: 41.8% Colorado: 36.6% Take at look at the map on the “Strange Maps” site. Post Reply | View Replies [...]

The Elderly Have a Duty to Die

Democratic congressman Alan Grayson from Florida accused Republicans of wanting Americans to “die quickly” if they get sick. Of course, Republicans are outraged. We’ll have to see how the Democrats respond. For those of you who have short memories or were not around in 1984, you may not be aware that the Democrat Governor of Colorado. Richard D. Lamm, said the following: “W [...]

Is Gary DeMar Secretly a Friend to Hyperpreterists?

“What do you say in response to all of the people saying that you are secretly a friend to hyperpreterists?” – Question submitted by Aduro in The Christian Worldview Forum I am a very visible friend to a number of hyperpreterists. There is nothing secret about it. I am also friends with dispensationalists. I count Tim LaHaye, Thomas Ice, and Mark Hitchcock as friends, although I can’t get th [...]

The Evangelical Shift

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20090929.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) A cursory reading of the Fundamentals, a series of papers published in 1917 to define the fundamentals of the Christian faith, do not deal with an evangelical evaluation of social reform. There is an article in the Fundamentals that criticizes reforms as modernists developed them, b [...]

What Would the World Be Like Without Automobiles?

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20090928.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) Great pains are being taken to rid our air of exhaust pollutants. This is certainly a good thing. But compared to the donkey and horse, the animals Jesus and Paul rode (Matt. 21:7; Acts 9:4), the automobile is a non‑polluter. Dixy Lee Ray (1914–1994), former governor of the State of [...]

The Metaphysics of Evolution

A University of Oregon research team claims “that evolution can never go backwards, because the paths to the genes once present in our ancestors are forever blocked.” Isn’t that convenient. This study is another evolutionary dodge. While we’re told to keep our eye on the ball, they’re slipping another one under the cup. According to evolutionists, the cosmos began as a super hot mass of molten “st [...]

High Gasoline Prices are Paying Off

If government had its way, oil prices would be regulated and “excessive” profits taxed. The majority of Americans support higher taxes on the oil companies because of short-term self-interest. This is why many of the people who are protesting the healthcare bill are really protesting the possibility that their present government healthcare benefits will be cut. The majority of Americans like gover [...]

Artists as the "Nation's Headlights"?

There has been collusion between the White House Office of Public Engagement and the National Endowment for the Arts (the other NEA) to produce works that supported the Obama administration’s agenda. The 44-page transcript is posted on Andrew Breitbart’s Big Hollywood and newly launched Big Government site. “We’re going to need your help, and we’re going to come at you with some specific &ls [...]

It Depends on What the Definition of "Tax" Is

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20090922.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) As you probably have heard, President Obama appeared on a number of news outlets on Sunday. Like you, I expected a series of softball questions to help the President to bring up his poll numbers. Surprises of surprises, George Stephanopoulos actually challenged the President on his [...]

Seeing Beyond the Fences

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20090921.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) Every generation has had its prophecy analysts who claimed that current events are tied to an inevitable cataclysm. The History Channel is running “Apocalypse: The Puzzle of Revelation,” “Seven Signs of the Apocalypse,” and “Nostradamus and 2012” based on the Mayan doomsday prophecy [...]

Changing America Without Politicians

In 1982 I wrote my first book: God and Government: A Biblical and Historical Study. It begins with the operating premise that government is not synonymous with politics. Slef-government under God is the basis of social change. When people change, everything they put their mind and hands to will change. Have you noticed in the past few weeks how irrelevant our politicians have become? Democrats and [...]

The National Reform Association

In 1861, a small Presbyterian denomination known as the Covenanters, founded in 1809 in Western Pennsylvania, created a petition that pointed out that the Constitution made no reference to Jesus Christ and the law of God. “The petition received initial support from Senator Charles Sumner, and in 1862 two Covenanter ministers presented the document to President Lincoln. Lincoln was noncommittal. . [...]

The Age of Revelation

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20090915-age-of-revelation.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) For several years, American Vision has been republishing a number of classic books that rarely see the light of day. When they can be found, they are extremely expensive to procure. We began with David Brewer’s The United States: A Christian Nation and Charles Gall [...]

Barack Obama Needs to Rent Ferris Bueller's Day Off

“In 1930, the Republican controlled House of Representatives, in an effort to alleviate the effects of the… Anyone? Anyone?… the Great Depression, passed the…Anyone? Anyone? The tariff bill? The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act which, anyone? anyone? Raised or lowered?… Raised tariffs, in an effort to collect more revenue for the federal government. Did it work? Anyone? Anyone know the effects? It did not [...]

The Tenth Amendment is a Bunch of Baloney

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20090914-welfare-baloney.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) MSNBC’s David Shuster insists the “general welfare” clause in Article 1 of the Constitution “unambiguously authorizes” social welfare spending like “social security, Medicare, veterans’ care, etc.” Yeah, right. This is the same guy who claims “the Tenth Amendment is [...]

Albert H. "Chip" Freundt, III 1957-2009

Chip Freundt was the son of Rev. Albert H. Freundt, Jr. (1932-2001). Rev. Freundt was a professor at Reformed Theological Seminary when I was a student there. During my time at RTS, I got to know one of his sons, Chip. Chip was physically frail, but this did not stop him from going on with life in a determined way. Over the years I would get emails from him that would update me on some shared inte [...]

Don't Protest the President's School Speech If . . .

Many parents are upset that President Obama is going to “indoctrinate” their children with his speech on September 8. I’m as shocked as you are about Socialism being promoted by the President in public schools. It needs to be stopped, and now! Yeah, right. Can you believe these people? They’re worried about a few minutes of Socialistic propaganda by the President when public education is one of th [...]

Al Gore Claims Government Healthcare is a "Moral Duty"

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20090901-al-gore-claims-government-healthcare-is-a-moral-duty.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) On August 28, Al Gore appealed to the Bible at the Tennessee Democratic Party’s annual Jackson Day dinner in support of national healthcare. “[P]laying off the focus of the Kennedy funeral on the Gospel of Matthew’s parable of Jes [...]

Without God There is No Law

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20090831-without-god-there-is-no-law.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) Before Jeff Foxworthy made a fortune telling redneck Jokes, Jerry Clower had developed his own brand of Southern humor. Born and raised in Liberty, Mississippi, Clower had a talent telling stories that went a long way to help him sell seed and fertilizer. [...]