The Left Wing and Right Wing Enlightenments

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) Brooke Allen claims in her article “Our Godless Constitution” that America “was founded not on Christian principles but on Enlightenment ones.”[1] The Enlightenment is a term used to describe a period in eighteenth-century Europe and America when reason, coupled with advances in sci [...]

Brambles Strangling the Cedars of America

Continuing his study in Judges 9, Gary develops perspective of one of man’s basic needs: to have a ruler over him. How man finds these rulers is treacherous. Does the typical man appeal to God’s plan for civil government, or does the he settle for a godless form of reckless men to have dominion over him? [...]

The Religion of Centralized Government

Gary DeMar reviews more of the life and times of Gideon in the book of Judges, and how the fall of Gideon’s power in Israel led to the centralized, powerful, religious government of Abimelech. There are parallels in those times and the times we face in America. What many Americans want is a “Baalism” of civil government. [...]

Making Changes from the Bottom Up

Conservatives and liberals alike get sucked into politics and perceive that civil government is the solution to all our worldly woes. Gary DeMar teaches that change is from the bottom up, and civil government is not where change begins for society. [...]

The History of Preterism and Futurism: Poisoning the Well

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) The following is a response to a critic of preterism named Darrell Myatt. While I’ve answered many of the objections he raises here and here, I wanted to discuss his opening statement about the origin of preterism. Futurists, mostly dispensational premillennialists, claim that their [...]

No More Terror in the Skies if Men take Charge

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) How many of you have heard about the November 17, 2009 AirTran Flight 297 from Atlanta to Houston? While there is some confusion about what really happened, there is no doubt some passengers were alarmed enough to leave the plane when it returned to the gate. They believed a terrori [...]

No More Terror in the Skies if Men Take Charge

More often than we want to admit, terrorists are attempting to beat the security systems and hijack planes filled with civilians. It is up to the passengers — you and me — to responsibly prepare ourselves for the worst. Gary highlights some of the events in 2009 that should get you thinking about self-defense, and what you might face the next time you fly the highway in the skies. [...]

A Christmas Message from Delta Air Lines in 1972

Take a look at this December 1972 “Christmas Message” that appeared in Delta Digest, a monthly publication by the Public Relations Department of Delta Air Lines. Delta has come a long way in 37 years. Now they’re one of the official sponsors of the annual Gay Pride parade. A Christmas Message To: All Members of the Delta Family As we celebrate the birth of Christ during this Christmas Season, we a [...]

Christians Have Their Own Mayan Calendar Problems

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) I’m working on a new prophecy book. The tentative title is The Christian Prophetic Calendar under the Microscope. I know; it’s not a very good title. That’s why I’m sponsoring a contest. Submit your title suggestion, and if I use it, I’ll give you credit in the book when it’s publis [...]

What is Preterism? Part 2

The prophecies in the Word of God make sense and speak for themselves. Gary reviews Old and New Testament prophecies that show how the destruction of Jerusalem was the focus of their message. Most of Revelation does not relate future events, but instead the events of the first century in the Roman Empire. [...]

What is Preterism? Part 1

Most Christians don’t learn the competing view-points of Christian eschatology. Do you know what preterism is? How about partial-preterism? Gary answers Christian scholar Daryl Myers’ preterism misinterpretations. It is good to know your terms, types, and answer a man accurately. [...]

The Politics of the Government Healthcare Bill

As the Government Healthcare Bill passes the Senate with a 60-40 vote, how are Conservatives to react? Responding to a crass email received from a lawyer who would benefit from the new healthcare system, Gary examines the politics behind the bill and what the American people may expect should it be made into law. [...]

Why Liberals (Sometimes) Love the Bible

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) Liberals will use anything to support their unsupportable worldview, even if it’s the Bible. They will use the Bible when they can manipulate it enough to fit their agenda. How many times have you had a liberal throw Matthew 7:1 back at you when you mention that some particular beha [...]

A Politically Incorrect Christmas Story

Liberal politicians twist the Christmas story of Jesus’ birth into a political propaganda story every year. Mary represents an impregnated premarital sex youth. Joseph and Mary’s plight that ends up with them giving birth to a child in a first century barn represents the poor and needy of America the U.S. government should save with tax dollars. Gary reviews the fallacies of the libera [...]

Dispensationalism and Enlightenment

As dispensationalists respond to a monograph by Major Brian Stuckert, they fail to realize that criticism of their viewpoint is consistent with their interpretation of Bible prophecy. Gary compares this reaction to the left wing enlightenment philosophy of Europe in the 18th century which became ’the age of reason.' [...]

Critically Studying Biblical Eschatology

People’s eschatology effects the way they live out their lives. Pre-millennialists and post-millennialists acknowledge this. The relationship between eschatology and culture is inseparable in each generation and nation. Gary critically evaluates his critics that suggest “getting along” is more important than correctly interpreting Bible prophecy. If Biblical eschatology can be un [...]

The Impact of Christianity on the World

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) Henry Morris explains in his book The Biblical Basis for Modern Science that the Bible’s approach to worldview issues is comprehensive and includes science, technology, the humanities, commerce, law, civil government, and education, in short, every facet of human culture: [L]ong bef [...]

Christians Object to State's Absolute Authority

Gary demonstrates Christians aren’t anti-government; they are anti-tyrannical government. Christians are concerned that the limits of civil government are no longer recognized in America. What does the Bible have to say about government, and how is government different from politics? [...]

Where Was the Church in Houston on Election Day?

I’ve known Dr. Steven Hotze for 25 years. He was one of the first Christians to take the principles outlined in my God and Government series and train men in a biblical understanding of government. He didn’t just talk about these principles; he applied them in the realm of politics in the city of Houston and the state of Texas. When ministers stood up and preached the Bible to all of life, there w [...]

Tiger Woods: What Should Have Been Done

I was reading on Rush Limbaugh’s web site that he and many others knew of Tiger Woods’ acts of serial adultery. While reading Galatians backwards last night (try it sometime with all the books of the Bible), I was struck with the opening verses of Galatians 6: Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking t [...]