Racial Politics and the Three-Fifths Myth

My wife and I received our 2010 Census form. We got the long version. It’s filled with questions about race and national origin. It’s un-American and an insult. The Bible does not separate people according to racial characteristics. Such a classification system is truly modern, based on evolutionary assumptions. For the Darwinist, “race” is simply a “subspecies,” a direct link to animals. Such a d [...]

America’s Christian Heritage (TV Interview) Part 5

Gary’s interview on Focus4 continues addressing where our American rights come from. Gary uses the biblical model to explain a Christian perspective of liberty in society. Gary deals with this and more in today’s episode of The Gary DeMar Show. [...]

America's Christian Heritage (TV Interview) Part 4

Gary’s interview on Focus4 continues addressing our earthly citizenship coupled with our heavenly one,and the need for Godly people to get involved because of, not despite, biblical values. He deals with this and more in today’s episode of The Gary DeMar Show. [...]

America’s Christian Heritage (TV Interview) Part 3

Gary’s interview on Focus4 continues addressing where our American rights come from. Gary discusses State’s Rights and the need for Christian involvement in politics and government. He deals with this and more in today’s episode of The Gary DeMar Show. [...]

America’s Christian Heritage (TV Interview) Part 2

Gary’s interview on Focus4 continues addressing where our American rights come from. Gary uses the biblical model to explain a Christian perspective of liberty in society. Gary deals with this and more in today’s episode of The Gary DeMar Show. [...]

Why Some People Want to Stick it to the Rich

The rich often get a bum rap. Liberals are incensed when it is suggested that “the rich” get any type of tax reduction even though the top 50% of wage earners pay 96% of all income taxes. Since they spend more money, the rich also pay a disproportionate amount in sales, property, entertainment, and excise taxes. Without the rich, most people would not have jobs. The first computer American Vision [...]

America’s Christian Heritage (TV Interview) Part 1

Gary DeMar is interviewed on broadcast television on the subject of America’s Christian foundations. The host of the show plays devil’s advocate and probes Gary’s research to answer the common questions that people have that are uninformed about America’s historical facts. [...]

Michael Newdow gets Neutered

Atheist Michael Newdow has been pestering the courts to rule that the phrases “under God” found in the Pledge of Allegiance and “In God We Trust,” our nation’s national motto, are unconstitutional. The usually liberal Federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals surprisingly ruled against Newdow. The Court wrote: Not every mention of God or religion by our government or at the government’s direction is [...]

Judge in Favor of Christian References in Public Schools

Michael Newdow lost the case to remove Christian posters, banners, and the like from a public school in California, thanks to a judge that understands (at least, somewhat) that America’s civil government has historically openly referenced the God of Christianity. Gary DeMar predicts what the secularists next strategy will be to thwart this religious victory in the civil arena. [...]

Interpreting the Bible With the Bible

Many end times “prophets” seek to pull out individual verses from the Bible and base all their eschatology on that one verse, ignoring the historical and biblical context. Gary DeMar discusses the errors in this way of interpreting the Bible and how to avoid it. [...]

Richard Dawkins Has His Morals Standards

There’s got to be something wrong with verbal abuse and name-calling on the forums of atheist Richard Dawkins’ web site. Dawkins doesn’t think other atheists are being good participants on an ethical standard that has no basis. Will Dawkins account for his morality, or keep taking pieces of Christian ethics to make sense of his world (without God) in such a way… that, fran [...]

"Don't Want Morality? Here, Have Some Porn."

A group of student atheists in Texas have made it possible at the school for students to swap their religious “propaganda” — like Bibles, for instance — for pornography. The idea being the this is “Smut for Smut.” Gary has a few words to say about this. [...]

Are Blacks an Endangered Species?

Michael Hirsh, a prominent pro-life activist, joins the show to discuss the effects of abortion on the black community, and the racist beginnings of Planned Parenthood. [...]

Christian Teacher is Backed by Federal Judge

A federal district judge in California has ruled against a public school that sought to force a teacher to take down his classroom banners. This issue and the potential consequences are discussed in today’s show. [...]

Is There Secular Justification for Anything?

Stanley Fish, writing in the New York Times,[1] describes the way various traditions understand the “role of religion and public life.” He begins by pointing out that “Classical Liberalism,” not to be confused with a leftist political philosophy, “is that policy decisions should be made on the basis of secular reasons, reasons that, because they do not reflect the commitments or agendas of any rel [...]

Justification By Secularism Alone

Classical liberals hold to the idea that civil government should be based on secular absolutes. The thing is, secularists can’t agree on what the absolutes are! Gary DeMar gives perspective for why secularism simply cannot be the basis for morality without taking principles from religious ethics. [...]

Is the Chilean Earthquake a Sign of the End?

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20100301.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) For decades now, modern-day prophecy writers have been claiming that the increase and severity of earthquakes are sure indicators that the rapture is near. Carl G. Johnson wrote in 1972 that “the greatest earthquakes that have ever shaken this world have all come since the close of [...]

Shaking Up Bible Prophecy

End times’ speculators look to the Bible for signs and wonders of the last days, then predict that the end is near because we experience the kind of natural disasters the Bible mentions. Earthquakes have always been happening—practically everyday. What make the earthquakes of the end times unique is what Gary DeMar sheds light on in today’s show. [...]

Socialist Healthcare's Power Grab

Socialism is nothing new in America. Americans have conditioned themselves to accept little parts of socialistic policies throughout the last 100 years. In the year 2010, Americans face federal socialized healthcare; yet one more government takeover of free enterprise. If America continues down this path, we will soon be no better off than Greece with more than half of the country working for the [...]

Liberty University Under Investigation?

The ACLU and Americans United for Separation of Church and State are asking the IRS to investigate Liberty University for their encouragement of student voting. Gary dismantles the reasoning behind this complaints and talks about the hope for upcoming Christian lawyers to battle organizations like the ACLU and Americans United for Separation of Church and State. [...]