The Reason 1000 is NOT to be Interpreted Literally

Pastor Jim McClarty claims that the number 1000 is used in a figurative way only when it’s being compared with a smaller number. This is exactly what we have in Revelation 20. Gary shows that the 1000 years is being compared to “a short time” (20:3). But the real comparison is found earlier in Revelation. The key is found in Rev. 20:4. Can you spot what’s being compared? Th [...]

The Southern Poverty Law Center Has Lost Its Way

Any time the liberal media want to disparage the right side of the political spectrum, they call on pool of go-to guys and gals to make their case. It’s not news reporting; its ideological position marketing. One of their go-to guys is Mark Potok of the hard-left Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC is in the money raising business for every known and unknown left-wing cause. It has gone from tra [...]

Old Testament Ties to New Testament Prophecy

Gary continues his response to Pastor Jim McClarty’s critique of his interpretation of the 1000 years in Revelation 20. McClarty presents arguments for a literal interpretation of Old and New Testament prophecies. Gary DeMar argues the Bible should be taken literally but on its own terms by comparing Scripture with Scripture. The Bible is the best interpreter of the Bible even if we don&rsqu [...]

Jim McClarty Debates Gary DeMar's Eschatology

Pastor Jim McClarty of Grace Christian Assembly took issue with comments that Gary DeMar made on the subject of the 1000 years of Revelation 20 in an interview a few years ago. He claims that I didn’t do any “exegesis” in support of my claims. Friends, it’s hard to do exegesis in an interview. McClarty, a premillennialist, claims the 1000 years should be taken literally. Ga [...]

Would there have been a United States without Christianity?

Brooke Allen claims in her article “Our Godless Constitution” that America “was founded not on Christian principles but on Enlightenment ones.” ((Brooke Allen, “Our Godless Constitution,” The Nation (February 21, 2005).)) The Enlightenment is a term used to describe a period in eighteenth-century Europe and America when reason, coupled with advances in science, was declared to be the principal sou [...]

Stop Waiting for the End of the World Bailout

Christians are becoming more and more active in culture, yet there are many still that believe the end of the world is just around the corner and we need to give up since there’s no point to trying. Gary refutes this wayward thinking and reviews the Apostle Paul’s words to the first century Church in relation to “the ends of the ages.” [...]

Economic Realities

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has recently made statements that show a lack of understanding of basic economics, which is troubling in someone of his position. Gary Demar addresses this and other economic issues in today’s show. [...]

“Righteous Violence”: A Tactic of the Political Left

Soon after Timothy McVeigh bombed the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City in April of 1995, some on the left of the political spectrum blamed “anti-government rhetoric” for the assault. Supposedly “hateful” speech directed at politicians had incited a cadre of “right-wing” extremists to put words into explosive action. Is any of this true? Did angry white males give up on the democr [...]

The Righteous Violence of the Political Left

Who historically has been responsible for politically related violence in America? Cults have done their fair share, but next to them are liberals—the political left. Conservatives at tea parties are accused by liberals as dangerous and violent in their activism, but there is little evidence to show for these accusations. Liberals need to be held accountable for their own depravity. [...]

Healthcare Bill is a New Berlin Wall

One of the most iconic images of the Berlin Wall shows a soldier in East Berlin throwing off his weapon and making a leap to freedom in the West. The Berlin Wall was built to keep people in. If East Berlin had been a better place to live, there would have been no need for a wall. The House of Representatives has voted to build a healthcare wall. It won’t go up immediately. [...]

Justified Constitutional Anger from Conservatives

Leftist politicians and media are more than willing to bend the truth. Conservatives are accused of being violent and rebellious in the manner they approach activism, and even voting. But the historical and present day record of facts shows that the left is consistently so themselves, and the conservatives demonstrate they know what the U.S. Constitution stands for and abide by it. Conservatives c [...]

Justified Constitutional Anger on the Right

On April 5, 1968 three high school friends of mine and I drove into downtown Pittsburgh to register for the draft. It was our 18th birthday. In those days, you were given the day off to go through the registration process. The Vietnam War was in full swing. Woodstock was a year away. Campus unrest was in full swing, and the Kent State shootings would put an end to them in May 1970. [...]

Violence from the Left

Left Wing activists accuse the Right of being violent and racist, despite lack of evidence to support these claims. In fact, it is the Left that has displayed the most violent tendencies, even encouraging it in some cases. Join Gary DeMar as he lays out the violent revolutionary tactics of the Left Wingers. [...]

Muslim Students Want to Take Over Christian College

A group of students at Trinity University in Texas wants the words “in the year of Our Lord” removed from their diplomas. “A diploma is a very personal item, and people want to proudly display it in their offices and homes,” Sidra Qureshi, president of Trinity Diversity Connection, told the Chronicle. “By having the phrase ‘In the Year of Our Lord,’ it is directly referencing Jesus Christ, and not [...]

Blasphemous Play Brought Down by Christians

Tarleton State University had plans to hold performances of students in a play called Corpus Christi. The play does everything it can to uplift the homosexual agenda—to the point that Jesus Christ is depicted as homosexual and proud of it. Gary DeMar gives you the behind-the-scenes story showing how Christians in crucial roles in state office stopped this blasphemous play from ever seeing opening [...]

Higher Law vs. Horizontal Law

The Constitution states that it is “the supreme law of the land” (Art. 6). This can’t mean that it is the supreme moral law of the land since there is very little of what we think of moral law in it. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land only in terms of what powers are actually enumerated in the document itself. If the Constitution does not address a topic, it has no authority over it a [...]

Trinity University Student Objects to "In the Year of Our Lord"

Trinity University Muslim student objects to “In the Year of Our Lord” on his diploma. Pushing to remove this religious reference, the student is cleverly sliding the issue past Christians that are disengaged from the situation and unaware of the historical significance the phrase has in America’s Christian history. [...]

Is Obama the Antichrist?

A recent poll claims to show “that 24 percent of Republican respondents agreed with the statement that the president might be the Antichrist, and 38 percent thought he was ‘doing many things Hitler did.” Many people throughout history have been accused with this charge, but what does the Bible have to say on the subject? [...]

Penn and Teller's Magical Worldview

Gary takes a look at Penn and Teller, the host’s of their show, Bull S**t. These guys might be clever entertaining magicians, but they don’t apply their magic tricks philosophy to science and origins. What would happen to their worldview if they applied what they believe about the origins of life to their magic tricks, or vice versa? [...]

America’s Christian Heritage (TV Interview) Part 6

Gary’s interview on Focus4 continues addressing where our American rights come from. Gary uses the biblical model to explain a Christian perspective of liberty in society. Gary deals with this and more in today’s episode of The Gary DeMar Show. [...]