What I Learned While Living with a One-Legged Man

[caption id=“attachment_2659” align=“alignleft” width=“174” caption=“That’s me sitting on my mother’s lap.”][/caption] Over this Memorial Day weekend, I was watching the 1946 film The Best Years of our Lives. The film is not really a war movie. It follows the lives of three veterans who are returning home from the aftermath of World War I [...]

19th Century Terrorists

Terrorist foes are not new to the United States. Two centuries before 9/11, our country sought to protect its citizens from a foe who held allegiance to no country, the Barbary pirates of North Africa. Capturing ships and demanding a ransom for the crew provided a steady income for the pirates. Many seamen became slaves when the ransom couldnt be paid. The newly elected president, Thomas Jefferson [...]

Fiddling with History

The Texas textbook wars and the role religion has played in the founding of America reminded me of a line of argument put forth by Rob Boston. Boston served as the Assistant Director of Communications for Americans United for Separation of Church and State since 1987 and is now Senior Policy Analyst. He writes that David Josiah Brewer’s The United States: A Christian Nation “is very interesting, a [...]

Why Some Dispensationalists are Like Evolutionists

Millions of Christians are fixated on what is going on in Israel today. Ever since Israel became a nation again in 1948, prophecy writers have insisted that this event is a prophetic sign that we are nearing the conclusion of the so-called Church Age. When 1988 came and went (40 years after Israel’s modern founding), a new paradigm had to be found to explain why the rapture had not taken place bef [...]

Fear Mongering to Increase Gold Sales

Today Gary takes a look at the recent controversy over investing in gold. Congressman Anthony Weiner has accused Glenn Beck of fear mongering to get people to invest in gold. [...]

Abortion and the Bible

Gary continues yesterday’s topic with a more detailed look at Exodus 21:22 and what it teaches regarding abortion. [...]

Interview with Gary DeMar on the Christian Roots of America and the Question of Dominion

Listen to this interview with Gary DeMar conducted by Dr. Michael Brown. It’s obvious that Dr. Brown did his homework. He asks the right questions about government and dominion as they relate to Christians in the public square. Gary shows that government is not exclusively political and dominion is not a top-down imposition from the State. The issue of political involvement is also discussed [...]

Fred the Atheist, the Talmud, and Abortion

Typical of Fred the Atheist, he ignores the details of my answer to his poorly argued explanation of Exodus 21:22–24 (see here) and moves to a different passage of Scripture and an unrelated case. (You can read his comment here. Scroll down.) To add insult to injury, he references the Talmud, which is not Scripture. He did not offer a single rebuttal to the material I presented in my article. Why [...]

Is the Bible Pro-Abortion?

On today’s episode Gary responds to an emailer who argues that the Bible supports abortion. Once again, Gary shoots holes in atheist arguments and Truth wins the day. [...]

The Importance of Creating a Family Legacy

Gary interviews Kevin Swanson, founder and director of Generations with Vision. Kevin will be one of the featured speakers at American Vision’s Worldview Super Conference this July 21 24. [...]

Aborting a Bad Argument

For a couple of years, a fellow by the name of Fred Weiss has been sending me noxious emails. I have about 500 of them. He also goes by the name “Boris” and “Boris & Natasha.” No matter what counter evidence is put before him, he dismisses it because, of course, he has an atheistic worldview to defend. “Damn the facts . . . full speed ahead to nihilism.” You can read some of my previous encoun [...]

Is America Headed for Socialism?

Gary interviews Bojidar Marinov, founder of Bulgarian Reformation Ministries and regular columnist for American Vision. Bojidar will be one of the featured speakers at American Vision’s Worldview Super Conference this July 21 24. [...]

Homeschooling from a Biblical Worldview

Gary interviews Israel Wayne, author of the book Homeschooling from a Biblical Worldview and regular columnist for Home School Digest. Israel will be one of the featured speakers at American Vision’s Worldview Super Conference this July 21 - 24. [...]

Is Modern Israel a Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy?

Gary interviews Jim Fletcher, author of the book It’s the End of the World as We Know (and I feel fine) and director of Prophecy Matters. They will go deeper into this topic at the Bible Prophecy Debate on June 19th at Midway Presbyterian Church. [...]

"Is Gary DeMar a Demon?" Really?

Gary responds to an emailer who accuses him of “demonic teachings”. Using scripture to interpret itself, Gary exposes the emailer’s error and brings truth to light. [...]

Can There be Neutrality in Education?

Gary interviews Dr. Roger Schultz, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Liberty University, on the christian philosophy of history. Dr. Schultz will be speaking at American Vision’s Worldview Super Conference, July 21 24, 2010. [...]

The Biblical Doctrine of Restitution

Joseph “Yellow Kid” Weil only cheated “rascals.” Like George C. Scott’s character Mordecai in the “The Flim-Flam Man,” Weil maintained that “You can’t cheat an honest man.” One of his devilishly simple and effective cons was to bring a dog of questionable ancestry into a bar. He would then show the bartender a forged set of pedigree papers and ask him to care for the seemingly prized pooch while h [...]

"Vox Populi, Vox Dei"

“I don’t know what you mean by ‘glory,’“ Alice said. Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. “Of course you don’t—till I tell you . . . When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “Which is to be master—that’s all.” ((Lewis Carroll, Th [...]