Can America's Biblical Foundation be Restored?

As a nation, we have drifted far from the principles were were founded on. Christians have been trusted with the responsibility of bringing our nation back to God. Today, Gary interviews David Jolly of Restoring Biblical Foundations on this topic. [...]

Chipping Away at the Historical Record

Since the nineteenth century, secularists have been gradually chipping away at the historical record, denying the impact Christianity has had on the development of the moral character of the United States. In 1898, Bishop Charles Galloway delivered a series of messages in the Chapel at Georgia’s Emory College. In these messages he noted that “books on the making of our nation have been written, an [...]

How Well Do You Deal with Affliction?

[caption id=“attachment_2848” align=“alignleft” width=“244” caption=“Brian Sternberg”][/caption] Over the Father’s Day weekend Turner Classic Movies (TCM) played a repertoire of films celebrating fathers. One of my favorites, Our Vines Have Tender Grapes (1945), showed up on Saturday morning (see the original trailer). It stars the great Edward [...]

Modern Israel in Bible Prophecy

Many Bible prophecy teachers and writers believe and teach that Israel becoming a nation in 1948 is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. The revival of the Hebrew language is often taught as a fulfillment of Zephaniah 3:9. Should the Bible be viewed through the lens of current events or should we rather view current events through the lens of the Bible? [...]

A City in Ruins

Yerba Buena was a tiny village of sand dunes and small oaks populated with fleas that tormented the few people who lived there. The Gold Rush transformed the sleepy town into the booming city of San Francisco. This cosmopolitan center was jolted awake on the morning of April 18, 1906 as an earthquake hit the city. People were in bed as buildings were leveled and streets rose and fell. Fires broke [...]

Boise Book Banning Craze

Officials in Idaho are attempting to ban any book they determine to be religious from being used in schools. If successful, this would exclude quite a lot of historical documents and accounts, from the U.S. Constitution to the works of Shakespeare. As Christians, we have to engage in society and be the salt and light we are called to be. [...]

How Well Do You Read the Bible?

Many Christians today are frustrated in their Bible study because they don’t see the redemptive story of the Bible and how it fits together. In order to properly understand scripture, it is important to use correct interpretation. The Bible is a deep book and you have to understand all of its elements to comprehend it. [...]

Does Prophetic Speculation Hurt the Gospel?

Predictions of Armageddon and impending world destruction have the same effect as the boy that cried wolf, weakening the gospel message to unbelievers. Should we be so focused on predicting the end or focused on taking dominion of the world God has given us as commanded by Him? [...]

Is Christianity Against the Environment?

In today’s episode, Gary talks about a proper Christian approach to the environment and conservation. Do Christians care about the world in which we live and should we strive to make sure we maintain and cultivate what God has provided for us? [...]

A Boy Named Sue

Johnny Cash had a large repertoire of songs—everything from Matthew 24 is Knocking at the Door to Burning Ring of Fire. The one song that brings the most laughter to the listener is A Boy Named Sue. The lyrics are those of the multi-talented Shel Silverstein (1930-1999), author of The Giving Tree, Where the Sidewalk Ends, Falling Up, and other award-winning childrens books. In addition to books, S [...]

Can Used Soap Change the World?

The Kayongo family, founder of the Global Soap Project, thinks so. Gary spotlights this organization and encourages Christians to meet real needs while sharing the gospel with a despairing world. [...]

Textbooks and Tyrants

Christian conservatives in Texas have won a huge victory in the battle over history textbooks, much to the dismay and criticism of the left; but is it enough? Gary talks about this and more in today’s show. [...]

Adolf Hitler's DNA Made Him Do It

In today’s episode, Gary responds to an emailer on the topic of atheism and evolution and the relation to morality. Where does morality come from? Upon who’s authority is morality derived? Did morality always exist? [...]

Answering a Fool as His Folly Deserves

Yesterday I received an email from Mike. He asked a question about hell. Well, it wasn’t really a question. It was a statement disguised as a question. When I get emails like Mike’s, I am enjoined to follow the words of Proverbs 26:4–5: Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Or you will also be like him. Answer a fool as his folly deserves, That he not be wise in his own eyes. [...]

Hoping and Praying for Gog and Magog to Attack

I knew it would happen. The latest incident in Israel has brought out the prophetic speculators again. “A council of rabbis in Israel says their nation’s conflict with Turkey over a flotilla of ‘aid’ ships headed for the blockaded Gaza Strip controlled by the terrorist Hamas organization just may be the beginning of the ‘Gog and Magog process where the world is against us, but which ends with the [...]

Is a Biblical Worldview Really Necessary?

Do you have to have a biblical worldview to be involved in worldview issues? Gary addresses this topic as it relates to healthcare, homosexual marriage and other issues facing us today. Does the Bible limit government involvement in our lives? [...]

A Barefoot Ethiopian Conquers Rome

In 1936, the Roman dictator Benito Mussolini conquered Ethiopia, and Abebe Bikila conquered Rome twenty years later. As a last minute replacement for the 1960 Olympic team, Bikila was unable to find a comfortable pare of running shoes. His coaches decided he should run the hard surface 26 mile course in his bare feet. Bikila ran in record time and became the first African to win a gold medal. He w [...]

Prophecies of Gog and Magog Fulfilled — Again?

End times “gurus” are pointing to the recent flotilla raid in Israel as fulfillment of the gog and magog prophecies. Gary examines these claims in today’s episode and exposes them in the light of scripture. [...]

Prisoners of Unbiblical Eschatology

In today’s episode Gary takes a look at the crippling effects of incorrect eschatology and how dispensational premillennialism keeps Christians from impacting the world for the Kingdom of Christ. [...]

The History Con May be Over

The liberals got caught flat-footed in the Texas textbook wars. Texas and California drive the content of many textbooks since they have the largest public school populations. Textbook manufactures go where the money is, and less populated states can get what Texas and California decide what goes in their textbooks. It’s possible that a public (government) school in Massachusetts could get history [...]