A War Hero Returns Home

For his extraordinary service in WWI, Sergeant Alvin York received the American Distinguished Service Cross and the Congressional Medal of Honor. Word of York’s distinguished service reached America before he did. Upon his return he received numerous offers to do a movie based on his battlefield heroics. York refused as long as he could. In 1941, however, the movie “Sergeant York&rdquo [...]

This May Be the Healthcare Solution You're Looking For

With government healthcare looming on the horizon, it is time to seek out alternative solutions. Samaritan Ministries International offers a health insurance alternative that improves the system while providing Christians an opportunity to bear each others burdens. As a member of Samaritan, you can know that your money isn’t funding evils such as abortion or embryonic stem cell research. Get [...]

Our Churches Are Dying

The statistics are staggering, 80% to 85% of young people leave the Church, never to return. As evolution, humanism and atheism continue to infiltrate our schools, theaters, magazines and television, our young people are faced with hard questions. If we send our children out into the world, unequipped to answer the hard questions and lacking a solid foundation in God’s Word, we should not be [...]

Movie Magic Crippled Conservatives

In 1960, two movies, not made for money, sought to negatively influence the public opinion of Christianity. These movies, “Inherit the Wind” and “Elmer Gantry,” going hand-in-hand with the counter cultural movements of the 60s, led the conservative movement to go ‘underground’. This ultimately gave rise to a conservative movement’s comeback in the late 197 [...]

Bishop Sheen's Morally Conservative America

Dr. Gary North, personal eyewitness to the development of the conservative movement throughout 1950-2010, an expert economist, highlights the behind-the-scenes events of the conservative movement from an insiders’ perspective. The publication of the The Freeman and National Review established the conservative movement throughout the last half of the 20th century, but the key conservative fig [...]

Facts Do Not Speak for Themselves

Many Christians claim a form of factual neutrality where some subjects (e.g., science, medicine, technology, geography, politics, mathematics) can be taught without any regard to religious presuppositions since “facts speak for themselves.” This is most evident in education where a self-conscious sacred-secular divide is maintained and supported by Christians. Ninety percent of Christian parents s [...]

How to Make Yourself Indispensible: Advice for Young People

1. Read at least 10 pages every day of a non-fiction book in various fields: science, history, literature, music, art, science fiction, theology, economics, etc. Increase it by one page per day until you get it up to 20 pages per day. R. J. Rushdoony read at least one book a day—“underlined, with a personal index in the back cover—six days a week for 25 years. He then followed suit with another 25 [...]

A Pacifist Goes to War

In 1887, Alvin York was born to a large family in Tennessee. At the age of 28, Alvin dedicated his life to Christ and became a deacon in a small pacifist church. Two years later, World War 1 etched York’s name in the history books. Despite his pacifist beliefs, York denied status as a contentious objector, and headed for training at Camp Gordon in Georgia. It was here that York displayed his [...]

The Global Unification of Religion

Authors Tim LaHaye and Craig Parshall, say that the Obama administration’s use of the phrase “freedom of worship” instead of “freedom of religion” is indicative of the global unification of religion, and apocalypse. One might ask why they continue to write books and issue warnings. According to their eschatological beliefs, these things are inevitable and nothing rema [...]

Eating Bananas: Cannibalism?

If atheism is true, and we evolved from pond scum, then, we are nothing more that bags of meat and bones with electricity coursing through us. The new atheists want to claim that somehow they can maintain their naturalistic, materialistic, atheistic worldview and also give some sort of moral order to it; this is impossible. According to evolution, we are related to bananas, yet we eat them. From a [...]

What's the Modern Definition of a Conservative?

Adam Smith and Edmund Burke are the most significant figures of the founding in the conservative movement of America. Their similarities and differences in the early 19th century formed the basis for the traditional moral values group and the libertarian group comprised in the conservative movement. These two sides of the conservative movement have lasted to this day, with the addition of the econ [...]

Evolutionist Deniers, Bananas, and Zucchini

Michael Dowd, a minister and author of the book Thank God for Evolution!: How the Marriage of Science and Religion Will Transform Your Life and Our World, writes the following in his recently published article “Thank God for the New Atheists”: “Let the story of evolution be told in ways that engender familial love and gratitude, that we are related to everything—not just monkeys, but jellyfish and [...]

Making Sense of the Conservative Movement

Today’s major political parties do not understand true conservative principles. Part of the cause for this is contemporary politicians do not know what the basis for the conservative movement is, or was, at the start of American history. Few resources and teachers today know what the history of the conservative movement is—how it got to where it is today. We can make sense of the conservativ [...]

Celebrity Obsession: A Modern Idolatry

Many Americans, unfortunately, maybe even most Americans, know more about Mel Gibson’s meltdown or Lindsay Lohan’s trial, than they do about the 2500 page healthcare bill or Elena Kagan’s judicial philosophy. The drama of the personal affairs of the rich and famous act as a screen to cover up so much more that is going on in our nation and our world. We should be much more inform [...]

Taxing and Regulating Us to Death

Isabel Paterson writes in her book The God of the Machine, “Most of the harm in the world is done by good people, and not by accident, lapse, or omission. It is the result of their deliberate actions, long persevered in, which they hold to be motivated by high ideals toward virtuous ends.” ((Isabel Paterson, “The Humanitarian with the Guillotine” in The God of the Machine (1943), 235.)) Thomas Sow [...]

The Defense Department is Not Supposed to "Turn the Other Cheek"

President Barack Obama has ventured into the realm of Biblical politics, while he encourages us to read our Bibles, he has expressed concern that biblical application to every area of life isn’t feasible or practical. As he sees it, the Defense Department couldn’t function because it would supposedly be in violation of the Sermon on the Mount. The Pharisee’s used this same techni [...]

A Modern Day Cincinnatus

When hostilities ended with England in 1782, some people wanted to establish a monarchy with George Washington as king. Washington intervened; putting an end to an idea that he strongly believed was wrong for the country. Just like the Roman farmer Cincinnatus, who centuries before served his country without question and without ambition, Washington longed to return to his beloved Mount Vernon, bu [...]

President Obama Wants You to Read the Bible

Whose version of Christianity should we follow? President Obama points out several different passages, which taken out of context and applied to situations that they weren’t given for, seem incongruous and unattainable. The New Testament is very clear that there are a number of issues that have changed sine the Old Testament. Unfortunately many Christians (and non-Christians) have fallen int [...]

Why Liberal Judges Rule the Way they Do

“[T]he English students at Harvard University once insisted on the Boston telephone book being placed on the reading list alongside the works of Shakespeare as . . . there is no greater merit in the one than the other. Good and evil are, therefore, totally relative to the society in which these values are held and the attempt by one society . . . to impose their values on others is ‘cultural imper [...]

Back to the Past? No Thanks!

In spite of some nostalgic features of the past, there is so much more that we would never want to return to. In today’s show, Gary looks at specific areas that are much improved today over even just a hundred years ago. God has placed us in the present, and has given us the tools we need in order to make changes in our society for the better. [...]