The 7 Laws of Apologetics

What is apologetics and is it necessary? Is apologetics simply “arguing” and should Christians engage in it? Special guest Wes Moore joins Gary DeMar for a discussion of these questions and shares the seven laws of apologetics. [...]

Is Civilization a Sinking Ship?

Many Christians believe that civilization is a sinking ship, they view involvement in politics or culture as “polishing the brass” on a sinking ship - totally pointless. According to these Christians, we are only here to “win souls” for Christ and not worry about the rest of the world. How does this worldview measure up with God’s Word - is this what the Bible teaches [...]

The Inevitability of Struggle

Adolf Hitler’s agenda-establishing Magnum Opus is Mein Kampf. In English, it translates into “My Struggle.” Hitler fashioned his struggle into a maniacal worldview built on destruction of all opposing ideologies and the implementation of his own millennial aspirations, the perpetuation of a thousand-year reich, based on the Nazi mythology of blood and soil. The transformation of society would come [...]

Atheists Think About God Almost As Much As Christians

Former atheist and founder of Evidence America, Wes Moore, joins Gary DeMar in today’s episode of Vantage Point. Evidence America’s mission is helping Christians give an answer for what they believe and why. Wes shares his story and some the keys he has found in his years of evangelism. [...]

Why I Began to Write on Prophetic Subjects

I’ve debated with myself over whether I should respond to Tommy Ice’s awful article about me and my book End Times Fiction that Brannon Howse published on his Worldview Weekend site. In his first response to my original argument, Brannon argued that he does not teach on the rapture, and his site and conferences do not spend much time on eschatology. You could have fooled me. The fact is, a great m [...]

Capitalism Saved the Miners!

Of course, leftists will argue that there wouldn’t have been any need for mines if we were all communists, since the miners would never have been trapped deep in the earth in the first place. It was greedy capitalists that opened the mine. These anti-capitalists probably sent their anti-capitalist message to their commie comrades on smart phones developed by other capitalist companies that use cop [...]

Social Security: An "Innocent" Baby That Grew Up To Be a Monster?

As we wrap up this series dealing with Wayne Grudem’s book, “Politics According to the Bible”, we concentrate on what he has to say regarding social security. Dr. Grudem puts forth the idea in his book, that social security was worthy and even biblical as it was first established in 1935, and that it became corrupt over time. Gary DeMar and Dr. Gary North examine this assumption, [...]

"Danny, Thank you!"

[caption id=“attachment_3607” align=“alignleft” width=“300” caption=“The Golden Triangle of Pittsburgh”][/caption] When I travel to the northeast on business, I always try to fly into Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to spend a few days visiting with my mother. Once I’ve made my obligatory greetings, I get back in my rented car and head for a fast-food rest [...]

How Much Socialism is Biblical?

Romans 13 talks about rulers or governments “praising the good”, but what does this entail? Is this a biblical support for government welfare? If it is, where do we draw the line? How much socialism is biblical? [...]

What Does Peter Mean by the Passing Away of Heaven and Earth? A Study of 2 Peter 3

By Gary DeMar and David Chilton If there’s one passage of Scripture that is repeatedly brought up as an indictment against anyone who objects to modern-day prophetic speculation, it is 2 Peter 3:3–18. If you dispute with those who argue that all the signs around us indicate that we are living in the “last days,” then you are labeled a “scoffer” or a “mocker” (2 Peter 3:3). If this is true, then ho [...]

Homosexual Encounter Culminated in Tragic Suicide

The tragic suicide of a freshman at Rutgers University after a homosexual encounter was secretly taped and then made public, raises many questions. Who was the other guy in the encounter and was this a set up? Why, in spite of the homosexual-friendly campus, did this young man feel the need to commit suicide? How far will we end up going as a society to accept homosexuality? [...]

Bad "Howse" Keeping

For the past two weeks, I have let you in on a debate I’ve been having with Brannon Howse of Worldview Weekend conferences (see here, here, and here). I objected to the numerous articles that populate his site that deal with end-of-the-world issues. I described this preoccupation as “worldview schizophrenia.” It’s difficult for me to understand how anyone can claim to be teaching Christian worldvi [...]

Rebranding the Democrat Party

Today, our panel pokes a little fun at the Democrat Party’s new logo, listing 10 reasons for the change and what it might mean. On a more serious note, conservatives are facing some tough decisions in the upcoming election. Should we vote on principle and make a statement? Or should we compromise and vote for the “lesser of two evils?” [...]

The Moral Basis of How to Argue: Tell the Truth!

Brannon Howse of “Worldview Weekend” responded to my article “A ‘Howse’ Built on Prophetic Sand.” The title of his response article is “Howse, Markell, Hunt, Ice, Reagan, McTernan, Salhus, and Rosenberg, Are Not the Enemy or the Problem with America.” As anyone who read my original article can see, Brannon never responded to a single point I made. This is bad form for the head of a worldview minis [...]

How Well Do You Know the Bible?: Take this Simple Quiz

A national survey of religious knowledge, including Bible knowledge, conducted by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life found that, on average, adults could only answer 16 of 32 questions correctly. Read a summary of the report here. Atheists, agnostics, and Jews did better than Protestant Christians. You can take a short 15-question version of the quiz here. The full set o [...]

The Slippery Slope of Wealth Redistribution

In his book “Politics According to the Bible”, Wayne Grudem includes a hefty chapter dealing with economics and this is good. There needs to be a greater emphasis on and involvement in politics and economics by Christians. However, it is crucial that we truly use the Bible as our guide. Today, Gary DeMar and Dr. Gary North take a closer look at some of the conclusions in Dr. Grudem&rsq [...]

Mother Earth or Father God?: Timing is Everything

The website “Our Amazing Planet” published an article stating “Mother Earth could have parted the Red Sea, hatching the great escape described in the biblical book of Exodus, a new study finds. . . . While archaeologists and Egyptologists have found little evidence that any events described in Exodus actually happened, the study outlines a perfect storm that could have led to the 3,000-year-old es [...]

A Lesson on How to Argue and How not to Argue

Many Christians believe it’s wrong to argue to reason through a point with believers and non-believers. It’s not. To argue—to reason critically—is to use the God-given faculty of reason and apply it to God’s Word as a search light for truth elsewhere. The Bible tells us to “test the spirits to see if they are from God” (1 John 4:1). To test something means to argue its points. That is, to assume t [...]

Not Imposing Christianity Through National Law

Is a Christian nation an “Old Testament nation?” Does the Bible tell Christians to follow Old Testament law to the letter? The idea of theonomy is not well-known, but it is strongly debated. Gary and Joel explain the what theonomy is and how it differs from Christian reconstruction. [...]

Aristotle on Men and Earth

Aristotle’s views on science, politics and ethics had a profound effect on the way Europeans viewed the world and interpreted the Bible. For example, the Church’s battle with Galileo was a philosophical clash over whether Aristotle was right or wrong. As it turns out Aristotle was wrong, the Earth revolves around the Sun. Sadly, Aristotle’s views on ethical matters such as slaver [...]