Prophetic Speculation under the Microscope

In yesterday’s article, “Testing the Prophets (Again),” I began a brief response to Greg Laurie’s article “Are these signs of the times?” I included comments From H. Wayne House who is a NT scholar and takes a dispensational premillennial approach to the passage. One of House’s points is that the “wars and rumors of wars” mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 24:6 had to be global. But notice Jesus’ words [...]

The Olivet Discourse

As one of the cornerstones of Dispensational Eschatology, the Olivet Discourse is crucial for proper teaching and understanding. In this episode, Gary covers some of the main points of difference taught from Matthew 24. It all comes down to whether you really believe Jesus or not. [...]

Church Superstition and 666

Many, if not most, Christians refrain from much, if any, involvement in politics or modern culture. More troubling still is when the Church does get involved but over something inconsequential and superstitious. If Christian’s would adopt a biblical worldview and eschatology, and work to redeem our culture, we would see a radical difference! [...]

Testing the Prophets (Again)

As this millennial decade comes to an end and North Korea is rattling its military sword, popular Christian writers will reach into their prophecy bags, appeal to the Bible, and tell us that the end is near. The more judicious ones don’t come right out and say Jesus’ coming will take place in “our generation”; they temper their claims with something like this: “So is the end of the world near? [...]

Can We Trust Jesus?

Jesus said that some of his followers would not die before He returned. This statement has been an obstacle for unbelievers as well as Christians. If you can’t believe this clear and simple statement, can you believe anything else in the Bible? [...]

Giving Thanks to God

On Thursday, September 24, 1789, the First House of Representatives recommended the First Amendment to the states for ratification. Congressman Elias Boudinot proposed that Congress jointly request that President Washington proclaim a day of thanksgiving for “the many signal favors of Almighty God.” He “could not think of letting the session pass over without offering an opportun [...]

A Biblical View of Private Property

[caption id=“attachment_3757” align=“alignleft” width=“130” caption=“Jezebel and Ahab Plot to Steal Naboth’s Vineyard”][/caption] God’s sovereignty includes ownership of all His creation. Melchizedek, in blessing Abram, said, “Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth (Gen. 14:19; cf. v. 22). The Bible continues the relat [...]

How a Legacy Can be Squandered

Frank Schaeffer, the son of the late Christian worldview apologist Francis Schaeffer (1912–1984), writes the following in a post-election article that was published on the ultra-liberal Huffington Post website: “One reason the Republicans won on Tuesday is because many of their supporters have already given up on this world and are waiting for the next. I know, I used to be one of them.” One of th [...]

Delicious and Refreshing

Mention the name of Dr. John Stith Pemberton, and the majority of people would shrug their shoulders. But it was Dr. Pemberton, an Atlanta pharmacist, who carried his new concoction in a jug down the street to Jacob’s Pharmacy for a taste testing at the soda fountain. The syrup was declared “excellent” and sold for five cents a glass. Carbonated water was added to the new syrup p [...]

Does the Bible Teach Bullying?

Bullying is a hot topic right now, especially in relation to homosexuality. Some would argue that the teachings in the Bible regarding homosexuality lead to bullying and mistreatment of homosexuals. When the law arrests someone for committing a crime, is that bullying? [...]

Eschatology Matters: Can the World be Changed?

How we view the future directly impacts the way we live in the present. If we believe that the ultimate decay of our culture is inevitable, can we truly be motivated to fight it. Hope for cultural reformation will fuel efforts to that end. [...]

Eschatology Matters: Competing Worldviews

Christians aren’t the only ones with a view of the future. Every religion and major social or political movement has an eschatology that effects how they conduct day to day life. In this episode Gary looks at some of the various major eschatological views and the impact they have had on our culture. [...]

Post Election Reflection

There’s been a lot of post-election reflection. One of the more interesting trends that has surfaced is that evangelicals got back into the political battle. From about 1925 to 1975, evangelicals were not viewed as a definitive voting-block. Evangelicals were generally dismissive of politics for a variety of reasons. The 1973 pro-abortion Roe v. Wade decision and the earlier 1962 prayer ((Engel v. [...]

The Historical Revisionists are on the War Path

At the Baptist General Association of Virginia’s Nov. 9-10, 2010 annual meeting in Hampton, Virginia, the participants “adopted a resolution decrying versions of American history that minimize or deny the role of church-state separation and encouraging diligence in correcting mistaken historical accounts.” The resolution, which was passed by a wide margin, considers it “‘a threat to the flourishin [...]

Election 2010: A Taste of Victory But the War Isn't Over

For conservatives, the results of last week’s election are encouraging, a victory but we have to keep our guard up. If we relax and become complacent we will lose every inch of ground gained, probably even more. We won some battles but it is important to stay vigilant, fight even harder, the war is far from over. [...]

Is There a Distinctly Biblical Economics?

Can economics be studied from a Christian perspective? Is there a distinctly biblical economics, or is the biblical approach to economic issues only one approach among many? Some might maintain that economics is a “neutral” enterprise where religion in general and Christianity in particular are irrelevant. This, however, is not the Christian view. Economics deals with relationships, the exchange o [...]

Why Liberals Can't Deal with Bullying

The television show “Glee” (a show I’ve never seen) is going to deal with bullying later this season. I suspect that bullying has been going on for a long time. The strong often prey on the weak for any number of reasons. Bullies are cowards. They are middle management. Those at the top of the social pecking order hardly ever bully. They don’t need to. Those in the middle bully to claim what’s lef [...]

So What's Your View of the Future and Does It Matter?

The future of government must be considered from a variety of perspectives. It is not enough to consider only the civil dimensions of government. In biblical terms, Government is multifaceted and multi-jurisdictional. The future of government must be considered in all of its dimensions, beginning with the individual and including civil affairs. If individuals abdicate responsibilities in the areas [...]

'The Maker'

President of Evidence America and author Wes Moore talks about “The Maker”, an apologetics novel he has written. “The Maker” tells an exciting story set 300 years in a future where America no longer exists and no one knows about God or Christianity. As the story unfolds and engages the reader, major questions are subtly brought up and addressed. This is a great evangelism t [...]

Is Civil Government a Biblical Concept?

A brief survey of the Bible and its principles will show that it has directives for all areas of life. Does this include civil govern­ment? Is God as concerned about the structure and principles of political systems as He is about families? Or has God left the area of political sys­tems for man to develop according to the needs of a particular era or to satisfy the desires of a particular people? [...]