The Global Unification of Religion

Authors Tim LaHaye and Craig Parshall, say that the Obama administration’s use of the phrase “freedom of worship” instead of “freedom of religion” is indicative of the global unification of religion, and apocalypse. One might ask why they continue to write books and issue warnings. According to their eschatological beliefs, these things are inevitable and nothing rema [...]

Eating Bananas: Cannibalism?

If atheism is true, and we evolved from pond scum, then, we are nothing more that bags of meat and bones with electricity coursing through us. The new atheists want to claim that somehow they can maintain their naturalistic, materialistic, atheistic worldview and also give some sort of moral order to it; this is impossible. According to evolution, we are related to bananas, yet we eat them. From a [...]

Evolutionist Deniers, Bananas, and Zucchini

Michael Dowd, a minister and author of the book Thank God for Evolution!: How the Marriage of Science and Religion Will Transform Your Life and Our World, writes the following in his recently published article “Thank God for the New Atheists”: “Let the story of evolution be told in ways that engender familial love and gratitude, that we are related to everything—not just monkeys, but jellyfish and [...]

Taxing and Regulating Us to Death

Isabel Paterson writes in her book The God of the Machine, “Most of the harm in the world is done by good people, and not by accident, lapse, or omission. It is the result of their deliberate actions, long persevered in, which they hold to be motivated by high ideals toward virtuous ends.” ((Isabel Paterson, “The Humanitarian with the Guillotine” in The God of the Machine (1943), 235.)) Thomas Sow [...]

The Defense Department is Not Supposed to "Turn the Other Cheek"

President Barack Obama has ventured into the realm of Biblical politics, while he encourages us to read our Bibles, he has expressed concern that biblical application to every area of life isn’t feasible or practical. As he sees it, the Defense Department couldn’t function because it would supposedly be in violation of the Sermon on the Mount. The Pharisee’s used this same techni [...]

Why Liberal Judges Rule the Way they Do

“[T]he English students at Harvard University once insisted on the Boston telephone book being placed on the reading list alongside the works of Shakespeare as . . . there is no greater merit in the one than the other. Good and evil are, therefore, totally relative to the society in which these values are held and the attempt by one society . . . to impose their values on others is ‘cultural imper [...]

The First Steps in Getting it all Back

An engaged electorate is a beautiful thing to behold. For a generation or two, hard working, industrious, and long-suffering Americans had neglected politics. After 1925, Evangelical Christians did not connect their religious beliefs with the social sphere. They did not have a biblical worldview of culture and politics. I don’t mean they didn’t vote. I suspect that they believed that if they did t [...]

Putting a Red-Letter Christian to the Test

Some years ago I was invited to speak to a political science class at Emory University located in Decatur, Georgia. The Christian Right was in the news at that time, and Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority was getting a lot of negative press. I was asked to shed some light on the controversy. The students were genuinely interested in the subject and asked some good questions. I remember one student in [...]

Frank Schaeffer: "Crazy for God" or Just Plain Crazy?

Frank Schaeffer, former evangelical and son of theologian Francis Schaeffer, has explored a wide spectrum of “christianity” in his lifetime. From his strong evangelical roots and active involvement in the “Religious Right” to more recently endorsing Barack Obama for President and writing for the Huffington Post. In his article, he proposes the eradication of fundamentalism, [...]

How Well Do You Read the Bible?

Many Christians today are frustrated in their Bible study because they don’t see the redemptive story of the Bible and how it fits together. In order to properly understand scripture, it is important to use correct interpretation. The Bible is a deep book and you have to understand all of its elements to comprehend it. [...]

Is Christianity Against the Environment?

In today’s episode, Gary talks about a proper Christian approach to the environment and conservation. Do Christians care about the world in which we live and should we strive to make sure we maintain and cultivate what God has provided for us? [...]

Adolf Hitler's DNA Made Him Do It

In today’s episode, Gary responds to an emailer on the topic of atheism and evolution and the relation to morality. Where does morality come from? Upon who’s authority is morality derived? Did morality always exist? [...]

Answering a Fool as His Folly Deserves

Yesterday I received an email from Mike. He asked a question about hell. Well, it wasn’t really a question. It was a statement disguised as a question. When I get emails like Mike’s, I am enjoined to follow the words of Proverbs 26:4–5: Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Or you will also be like him. Answer a fool as his folly deserves, That he not be wise in his own eyes. [...]

Is a Biblical Worldview Really Necessary?

Do you have to have a biblical worldview to be involved in worldview issues? Gary addresses this topic as it relates to healthcare, homosexual marriage and other issues facing us today. Does the Bible limit government involvement in our lives? [...]

Fiddling with History

The Texas textbook wars and the role religion has played in the founding of America reminded me of a line of argument put forth by Rob Boston. Boston served as the Assistant Director of Communications for Americans United for Separation of Church and State since 1987 and is now Senior Policy Analyst. He writes that David Josiah Brewer’s The United States: A Christian Nation “is very interesting, a [...]

Abortion and the Bible

Gary continues yesterday’s topic with a more detailed look at Exodus 21:22 and what it teaches regarding abortion. [...]

Interview with Gary DeMar on the Christian Roots of America and the Question of Dominion

Listen to this interview with Gary DeMar conducted by Dr. Michael Brown. It’s obvious that Dr. Brown did his homework. He asks the right questions about government and dominion as they relate to Christians in the public square. Gary shows that government is not exclusively political and dominion is not a top-down imposition from the State. The issue of political involvement is also discussed [...]

Fred the Atheist, the Talmud, and Abortion

Typical of Fred the Atheist, he ignores the details of my answer to his poorly argued explanation of Exodus 21:22–24 (see here) and moves to a different passage of Scripture and an unrelated case. (You can read his comment here. Scroll down.) To add insult to injury, he references the Talmud, which is not Scripture. He did not offer a single rebuttal to the material I presented in my article. Why [...]

Is the Bible Pro-Abortion?

On today’s episode Gary responds to an emailer who argues that the Bible supports abortion. Once again, Gary shoots holes in atheist arguments and Truth wins the day. [...]

Aborting a Bad Argument

For a couple of years, a fellow by the name of Fred Weiss has been sending me noxious emails. I have about 500 of them. He also goes by the name “Boris” and “Boris & Natasha.” No matter what counter evidence is put before him, he dismisses it because, of course, he has an atheistic worldview to defend. “Damn the facts . . . full speed ahead to nihilism.” You can read some of my previous encoun [...]