"The Conservative Case for Gay Marriage"?

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20100118.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) Theodore Olson has written a cover story for Newsweek magazine with the title “The Conservative Case for Gay Marriage.” You may remember Ted Olson as an Assistant Attorney General (Office of Legal Counsel) in the Reagan administration. While serving in the Reagan administration, Ols [...]

Ted Olson's Moral Relativism

If marriage is a civil bond, man can define it any way he wants. Ted Olson has borrowed ideas from the Declarataion of Independence to support gay marriage, but then by his own reasoning discredits the Declaration. When man chooses his own morality over God’s anything goes, and nothing is truly based on logic or reason. [...]

Christianity Separates Church and State

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution was written and authorized with one intended meaning. Few in our country know what the lawmakers that formed the First Amendment had in mind — they only know what they have been told. Christianity is not opposed to separation, but actually supports it biblically. Gary DeMar shows where the line should be drawn for all jurisdictional powers based on the [...]

Law in Colonial America

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20100112.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) Law in Colonial America[1]**** With the exception of Rhode Island, every early American colony incorporated the entire Decalogue into its own civil code of laws. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut declared that the Governor and his council of six elected officials would “have pow [...]

The Neglect of the Divine Commands

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20100111.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) With the publication of E.C. Wines’ Laws of the Ancient Hebrews I’ve gotten some interesting emails from fellow Christians. Here’s a sample of responses when we asked the question, “Should Christians obey Old Testament Law?”: If Jesus Christ came to fulfill the Law of Moses, why is [...]

We Should Legislate Morality

Christians are confronted with liberals saying “separation of church and state,” “judge not, that you be not judged,” “you can’t legislate morality.” Gary shows that not only do we legislate morality, but that nearly every bit of legislation is based on some sort of moral code. Every person in office makes moral choices that dictate their platforms. [...]

Christians Taking On "Things of this World"

Christians are divided between what they understand to be the great commission and Christian influence in culture. One person emailed Gary to ask “Would you not see that the main concern of the church is to preach the gospel, baptize, disciple believers in matters concerning their lives as believers in Christ JESUS?” Gary answers this question. [...]

Myths, Lies, And Half-Truths (Part 2)

It is crucial that Christians learn their roles as citizens and what they can do to produce meaningful change. Gary reviews the call Christians have in Scripture to cultivate a biblical culture around them — including in civil government. Politics may be dirty, but politics can be cleaned up and should be cleaned up by heavenly citizens. [...]

Harold Camping Will go Mad on May 11, 2011

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20100105.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) “In many cases sheer fanaticism has been the result of exclusively dwelling on prophecy, and probably more men have gone mad on that subject than on any other religious question.”[1] —Charles H. Spurgeon Harold Camping is at it again. He is predicting that an eschatological “end” wi [...]

Myths, Lies, And Half-Truths (Part 1)

It is crucial that Christians learn their roles as citizens and what they can do to produce meaningful change. Gary reviews the call Christians have in Scripture to cultivate a biblical culture around them — including in civil government. Politics may be dirty, but politics can be cleaned up and should be cleaned up by heavenly citizens. [...]

The Left Wing and Right Wing Enlightenments

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20100104.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) Brooke Allen claims in her article “Our Godless Constitution” that America “was founded not on Christian principles but on Enlightenment ones.”[1] The Enlightenment is a term used to describe a period in eighteenth-century Europe and America when reason, coupled with advances in sci [...]

Defense Only Christianity

Does the Church need protection from society? Should Catholics, evangelicals, and non-believers join forces to defend moral absolutes? How should Christians engage the world? Gary addresses the Manhattan Declaration and what religious leaders debate is the jurisdiction of The Church and the manner in which Christians should engage positive values in society. [...]

Losing Patience with Frank Schaeffer

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20091123.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) It’s hard living in the shadow of a famous father. Some sons have done well (John Quincy Adams), while other sons have done very badly (Joe DiMaggio, Jr.). Hank Williams, Jr. was typecast as a “Hank Williams clone” of his famous father. His mother promoted him as “a Hank Williams im [...]

Never Give Up. Never Surrender.

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20091110.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) Alexis de Tocqueville was a keen observer of American society. Writing from the perspective of the 1830s, the French author concluded that the exceptional virtue, moral fiber, and self‑restraint shown by Americans were due to the extraordinary influence of the Christian faith in thi [...]

What is True Spirituality?

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20091027.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) Being “spiritual” does not mean “made up of spirit.” “Spirit” is not a ghost-like substance that inhabits the truly “spiritual Christian.” The adjective, as in “spiritual man” and “spiritual body,” does not mean ethereal, incorporeal, immaterial, otherworldly, or even unworldly as d [...]

Are Attempts to Reclaim the Culture a Pointless Exercise?

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20091026.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) First-century believers could have offered tangible evidence that there was little chance for the gospel to have an impact on the status quo of religious and civil oppression in their day. How could a small band of men—led by a fisherman (Peter) and a tentmaker (Paul)—living under R [...]

Without God There is No Law

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20090831-without-god-there-is-no-law.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) Before Jeff Foxworthy made a fortune telling redneck Jokes, Jerry Clower had developed his own brand of Southern humor. Born and raised in Liberty, Mississippi, Clower had a talent telling stories that went a long way to help him sell seed and fertilizer. [...]

What Our Founders Understood About Human Nature

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20090711-founding-fathers-nature-of-man-sin-nature-depravity-of-man.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) “He who refuses to rule is liable to be ruled by one who is worse than himself.” —Plato’s Republic The works of C. S. Lewis always seem to be undergoing a renaissance. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe has made it to the [...]

The First Church of Christian Gnosticism

![“Artim:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20090803-gnostic-christians-gnosticism-worldy-carnal-spiritual-god-man-wisdom-knowledge-bible.jpg" ““Artim:”) Not long ago, I received an email from a woman who asked me if I could direct her to some information that refutes Gnosticism. She wrote that a friend of hers “ claims to be on an extraordinarily in [...]

The Private-Zoo Factor

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20090728-culture-christian-religion-church-society-humanism.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) There are numerous Christians who believe that a personal, private faith is all the gospel requires. Os Guinness described this as “The Private-Zoo Factor,”[1] a religion that is caged so that it loses its wildness. When true Christ [...]