Is There a Kingdom Context to the Olivet Discourse?

A friend sent me a video of John MacArthur preaching on Mark 13, the Olivet Discourse. There is no need for me to interact with it in detail since I’ve written a verse-by-verse commentary on Matthew’s version of the Olivet Discourse. Two items caught my attention. The first has to do with context. Here’s how Mark 13 begins: “As He was going out of the temple, one of His disciples said to Him, ‘Tea [...]

The Seven-Year Tribulation: Clarifying Tommy Ice’s Clarifications (7)

As I’ve shown in previous articles (they can be referenced here, here, here, here, here, and here), Tommy Ice has not supplied a single verse that supports either a pre-tribulational rapture or a rebuilt temple. Let’s move on to the third question that I ask of dispensationalists: 3. Where in Revelation is the seven-year tribulation found? Here is Tommy’s attempt to answer my question: The answer [...]

The Rebuilt Temple: Clarifying Tommy Ice’s Clarifications (6)

The second question that I often pose to dispensationalists after challenging them to give me a verse that teaches a pre-tribulational rapture relates to the rebuilding of the temple. Tommy Ice references it in his article “Answers and Clarifications for Gary DeMar.” You can reference the other five posts here, here, here, here, and here: 2. Can you point out one verse from the New Testament that [...]

The ‘Rapture’: Clarifying Tommy Ice’s Clarifications

This is the fourth installment of my response to Tommy Ice’s article “Answers and Clarifications for Gary DeMar.” You can reference the other three here, here, and here. I don’t expect Tommy or Brannon Howse to read them as thoroughly as I tried to write them, but I don’t want it to be said that there is not an answer for the type of prophetic material out there that is passed off as s [...]

Jesus and the 'Parousia': Clarifying Tommy Ice's Clarifications

Tommy Ice continues in his article “Answers and Clarifications for Gary DeMar” with a discussion of the Greek word parousia. (You can read the first part of my response here.) Tommy states that parousia is “used four times in Matthew 24 (verses 3, 27, 37, 39). The leading Greek Lexicon of our day says, parousia means “arrival as the first stage in presence, coming, advent,” and “of Christ, and nea [...]

It's Not the 'St. Paul Saints' It's the 'Mr. Paul Aints'

Atheists are in the news again. This time they’re infiltrated the wide world of sports. “The St. Paul Saints, a minor league baseball team in the Twin Cities, will become the ‘Mr. Paul Aints’ for one night in August [the 10th] in honor of atheism, the team and the Minnesota Atheists have announced,” Bill Unruh of WND reports. “To enhance the evening even more, every mention of the word ‘Saints’ wi [...]

Clarifying Tommy Ice's Clarifications

Twenty-five years ago Tommy Ice and I engaged in debates over eschatology. Tommy is a dispensational premillennialist. I’m not. One would think that in 25 years of debates (nine in all) and numerous books and articles by me and other non-dispensationalists that Tommy would get what I believe about eschatology right. A friend sent me a link to Tommy’s article “Answers and Clarifications for Gary De [...]

If You Love Liberty You Might be a Terrorist

A report on terrorism in the United States has been published by the Department of Homeland Security. The authors of the report are Gary LaFree, professor of criminology at the University of Maryland, and Bianca Bersani, assistant professor of sociology at the University of Massachusetts-Boston. The goal of the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) program is to sponsor research th [...]

Museum Night and the Announcement of Our Worldview Study Bible Project

[caption id=“attachment_6016” align=“alignleft” width=“300”] Grandparents, parents, and children soak in the ancient biblical artifacts at our special night at the museum[/caption] Thursday evening we were pleased to host a special Museum Night for families in the community where we got to show them the Passages exhibit — part of the largest private collection o [...]

Preoccupied with the Antichrist

Dr. Michael Yousseff is an Egyptian-born American and founding rector of The Church of The Apostles. His messages are broadcast 3,800 times a week into 200 countries through Leading the Way Ministries. He holds a PhD from Emory University in Social Anthropology. Church of the Apostles is a magnificent church that has an old-world cathedral look about it. It’s located just north of Atlanta, Georgia [...]

Political Prop Frank Schaeffer is a Sell-Out Who Has Lost His Mind

Any time liberals want to take a slam at conservative Christians they call on Frank Schaeffer, the son of Francis A. Schaeffer, the Christian apologist who brought Evangelicals out of the pietistic closet and have become a living nightmare for liberals. Liberals loved religion when liberal religionists voted for them. In 1980, this all changed, and Francis Schaeffer had a lot to do with it. Franky [...]

Thank God for Schizophrenic Christians

The following ad copy appeared in World magazine for Joel C. Rosenberg’s new book Implosion: Is America an Empire in Decline or a Nation Poised for a Historic Renaissance? This ad copy startled me. I’ve read most of Rosenberg’s books and debated him on the meaning of Ezekiel 38 and 39. (He wasn’t up for a second debate.) He’s a dispensationalist. Dispensationalists don’t believe in a Renaissance. [...]

The Post-Modern Chickens Have Come Home to Roost

The 42nd anniversary of the Kent State University shootings (May 4, 1970), immortalized by “John Filo’s iconic Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph of Mary Ann Vecchio, a fourteen-year-old runaway, kneeling in anguish over the body of Jeffrey Miller minutes after he was shot by the Ohio National Guard” and the Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young song “Ohio” brought to mind how much has changed in a gener [...]

Will the World End in Your Lifetime?

Dr. Jim Denison, in his article “Will the World End in Your Lifetime?” published on the Christian Post web site, concludes with these words: “The last recorded words of Jesus are, ‘Yes, I am coming soon’ (Revelation 22:20). Early believers lived every day in expectation of the imminent return of our Lord. Secular cultures discount such beliefs as outdated superstition, but each of us is one day cl [...]

Movie Director Matthew Modine Says the Bible Teaches that Jesus was a “Commie”

“I think that you could define [Jesus] as a Utopian communist, where people would work together to solve our problems,” Modine told The Christian Post. I’m all for working together to solve our problems. But that’s not Communism. Communism is forcing people to work for the goals of the State, and the State is a bunch of elites who claim they know what’s best for all of us. In the end, it’s these l [...]

There May Be Hope for Some End-Time Prophecy Theorists

A few weeks ago I was asked to participate in a panel discussion on Bible prophecy. I had been on this program before. To my surprise, the audience reaction to the first show was very favorable. As a result, I was invited back. One of the participants is a behind-the-scenes producer who has been involved in a number of end-time film projects. He knew who I was, but it was obvious with our conversa [...]

The Charge of Replacement Theology is a Cover for Fuzzy Theology

Joseph Farah of WND (WorldNetDaily) has written the following in an article titled “To those Israel-rejecting Christians. . .”: “[A]n evil doctrine known as Replacement Theology, every bit as ugly as Liberation Theology, has taken root in the church. I’m sorry to say it, but you’ve got to discard or allegorize much of the Bible to adopt either one of these views and still call yourself a Chr [...]

More Evidence that the Theory of Evolution is Falling Apart

Atheists argue that they’re all about reason, logic, and rational argumentation. In fact, they had a big “Reason Rally” in Washington proclaiming these bedrock atheistic principles. Atheists extend their paradigm by claiming that if you are not an atheist and do not believe in evolution then you are anti-science. They seem to forget that some of the world’s greatest scientists were Christians – fr [...]

Chuck Smith Says the End is Near – AGAIN!

Chuck Smith is predicting that the end is near – again! At a three-day conference, with 8000 in attendance and the usual suspects misinforming thousands about Bible prophecy, Smith, the founder of Calvary Chapel, delivered “a strong message of hope in a fallen world,” the Christian Post reported. And what is the message of hope? “We’re on the verge of, it looks like, a war in the Middle East [...]

Dispensationalist says Pendulum Has Swung against Dispensationalism

The following is from Michael Vlach’s article “My Thoughts on the Dispensational Study Group at ETS.” (ETS is the Evangelical Theological Society that meets yearly.) “The panel discussion was interesting. [Bruce Compton, of Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary] believes there is a pendulum swing against Dispensationalism today, but he is hopeful the pendulum will swing back toward Dispensati [...]