What I Said to Those Attending the Fight Laugh Feast Conference

What I Said to Those Attending the Fight Laugh Feast Conference

How did you get here? I don’t mean “did you fly or drive?” How did you come to believe and act upon the beliefs you now embrace? We need to remember that there has been a long history of quietism and pietism among Christians. Not only weren’t Christians on offense but they were hardly playing defense. For years we heard things like, Jesus didn’t get mixed up in politics. Politics is dirty. [...]

Cultural Marxism v. Cultural Christianity

Cultural Marxism v. Cultural Christianity

Today’s Marxism has little to do with Karl Marx. Marxism in its purest form is an attack on capitalism not culture. Once workers united against their capitalist exploiters the inevitability of Communism would be realized. During the panel discussion that I participated in at Liberty University during the Falkirk Faith Summit with Eric Metaxas, Mark David Hall, author of Did America Have a Christia [...]

Secular Nationalism is All the Rage ... And I Mean Rage

Secular Nationalism is All the Rage ... And I Mean Rage

On September 10, I attended and participated in the “‘Get Louder’ Faith Summit: Fighting for the Soul of the Nation” at Liberty University with Mike Huckabee, Eric Metaxas, Mark David Hall, Jay Reynolds, Tom Ascol, Rod Martin, Ralph Reed, Virgil Walker, Aubrey Shines, Charlie Kirk, former U.S. Rep. Dave Brat, Kim Klacik, Jenna Ellis, Kathy Barnette, and many others. The event was a great success b [...]

The Reasons Behind the ‘Anonymous’ Report About Pres. Trump

The Reasons Behind the ‘Anonymous’ Report About Pres. Trump

“The story is not true. It has become a very dangerous time when anonymous sources are believed above all else, and no one knows their motivation. This is not journalism. It is activism. And it is a disservice to the people of our great nation.” —Melania Trump Everyone knows by now that the ultra-liberal magazine The Atlantic that colludes with the Democrat Party has written an article that claims [...]

Is Gnosticism Making a Comeback in the Church?

Is Gnosticism Making a Comeback in the Church?

If you want to get a picture of how some Christians understand the nature of their Christian walk, it’s what we are experiencing being cut off from the world while others take control of our lives and we are content to be helpless to do anything about it or should do anything about it. Christians should “let go and let God.” This is not the biblical view. Not long ago, I received [...]

Should Pastors Address the Subject of Politics?

For decades pastors have been timid about preaching politics from the pulpit. The Old Testament prophets would have been stunned by such timidity. A good many modern-day churches believe that they have some very good biblical reasons for not touching on the subject of politics from the pulpit. Many believe they are prohibited from doing so because it will jeopardize their tax-exempt status. It won [...]

Films About Scientists and Science that You and Your Children Should See

While Egypt might be famous for the Pyramids, Rome noted for its roads, aqueducts, coliseums, and Greece celebrated for its philosophers and contributions to medicine, invention and the scientific method are almost exclusively a western enterprise that grew out of a Christian worldview. While not all the great scientists were Christians, they did operate within a worldview that was developed by Ch [...]

Why Creation and Prophecy Can't be Separated

When I wrote my article “Why Young People are Leaving the Church” I knew it would generate some response. I was taken to task by a few Young Earth Creationists (YEC) because I did not point out the dangers of Old Earth Creationist (OEC) arguments and how they create serious theological problems such as disease and death before the fall. Some OECs have attempted to answer this objection exegeticall [...]

Of Christmas and Christmas Trees

Every year, Christmas gets a drubbing by some Christians. Here’s one example sent to American Vision: Deuteronomy 12:30 says that God hates these things, and we are not to inquire of them to do like-wise unto the Lord. King Ahaz did this very thing, and paid for it, trying to bring something from a pagan temple into God’s temple. It says that doing this is called, “evil in the sight of the Lord. [...]

Life, Liberty, and Property

God’s sovereignty includes ownership of all His creation. Melchizedek, in blessing Abram, said, “Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth (Gen. 14:19; cf. v. 22). The Bible continues the relationship between sovereignty and ownership by declaring to Israel that all the Earth is His (Ex. 19:5). God demands obedience from His people because they live in the midst [...]

Wars and Rumors of Wars: An Introduction

Wars and Rumors of Wars Audio Commentary By Gary DeMar ******************** The first three audio presentations cover the Introduction to Wars and Rumors of Wars. I do not cover everything that’s in the book. You’ll want the book edition to study the Bible references and footnotes. The fourth audio in this series is a critique of Mark Hitchcock’s The Truth and Timing of the Raptu [...]

Is it unbiblical to protest against unrighteous governments?

Pastor John MacArthur made the following comments about civil unrest in the Middle East: “I just think the upshot of all of this is more instability, more chaos,” the longtime Southern California pastor told The Christian Post in an interview. “I don’t think the future looks good.” He may be right, but he doesn’t really know. He uses Iran as an example of what happened when the government of the S [...]

'One Court Under Charles Darwin'

Unfortunately, the Supreme Court has become, contrary to the Constitution, our nation’s de facto law-making body based on the moral relativism of evolution. A nation of 325 million people is now governed by the whims of four, soon to be five, unelected Supreme Court Justices. It does not matter if a decision from the Supreme Court is contrary to the Constitution, because in the words of Chief Just [...]

Why Bother if the End is Near?

People have been trying to identify a particular antichrist for centuries. Christopher Hill’s book on the subject just deals with antichrist in seventeenth-century England. (There were many more through the centuries and in other countries.) The candidates included Protestants, the Pope, radical sects, bishops, the Crown, the “‘Establishment’ generally,” the universities, and “the Turk,” an early [...]

Two False Teachings that Have Gotten us into This Mess

I know I’m going to get into trouble for writing this article. That’s OK. It needs to be said. While there are numerous contributing factors as to why we are at this point in time with the Supreme Court about to redefine the very nature of the family and what it might mean long-term for our nation, there are two specific items that I want to address in this article. [...]

We Should be More Concerned About Deflated Freedoms than Deflated Footballs

Deflated footballs are in the news. In fact, the story is so popular that all the major networks led with the story even though almost nobody in the United States will be financially affected by the outcome. No one will lose any freedom, be forced to pay a tax, or have a pile of new regulations stacked on them. “On Thursday night, the ‘big three’ of ABC, CBS, and NBC each covered the news that the [...]

A Beginner's Guide to Bible Prophecy

A few years ago I wrote “A Beginner’s Guide to Bible Prophecy.” It’s in four parts, and it’s illustrated. It’s the very beginning of trying to understand the topic. Some of what’s included in the guide are points I make during some of my talks on the subject. You can download it here: A Beginners Guide to Bible Prophecy Feel free to pass it around. “ [...]

Newsweek's Bible-Bashing Article Says Criticizing the Government is a Sin

Newsweek magazine has published its first 2015 issue with the lead article “The Bible: So Misunderstood It’s a Sin” written by Kurt Eichenwald. The question is, however, who is misunderstanding the Bible? Could it be that Mr. Eichenwald is the one doing the misunderstanding? Certainly a lot of people do misunderstand the Bible. Much of the misunderstanding comes from a simple lack of Bible knowled [...]

How the Eating of Michael Rockefeller Supports Atheism

Three articles caught my attention. In the first one, a former Seventh Day Adventist pastor “pledged to live 2014 god-free in order to test his faith.” He “now says he is contemplating leaving religion for good.” Ryan Bell had “resigned as pastor of the church he had worked at for 19 years. He had become uncomfortable with the way his religion has handled homosexuality and felt that the organizati [...]

The Ignorant and Dangerous Thing Bill Nye ‘The Science Guy’ Said

Bill Nye was best known for hosting the science program “Bill Nye the Science Guy.” The funny thing about Nye is that he’s not a Ph.D.-credentialed scientist. I bring this up because evolutionists don’t consider anybody an authority on the subject of evolution unless they have a Ph.D. and have peer-reviewed articles. He has a number of honorary Doctor of Science degrees. In 2010, Nye received the [...]