What Most Premils Don’t Know About Israel

What Most Premils Don’t Know About Israel

What identifies a premillennialist — classical and dispensational — is that the Jews that survive the Great Tribulation will reign with Jesus from Jerusalem during the thousand years of Revelation 20. This is the definition, and yet, Revelation 20 does not say anything about the Jews reigning on earth with Jesus from Jerusalem in what is described as a millennial paradise. Once again, we have a do [...]

The Nagging Persistence of Failed Eschatologies

The Nagging Persistence of Failed Eschatologies

As happens at least once a week, I get involved in a discussion concerning eschatology. What’s happening in Afghanistan and the push for a global reset is bringing out the prophecy pundits. The following comment caught my attention: Do you also blame the Roman empire on the present-day rush towards globalism, a global digital currency, and a global government? how does Nero factor into what [...]

What Makes the Taliban Tick?

What Makes the Taliban Tick?

It is horrible to see the collapse of Afghanistan and thousands trying to flee the country before the Islamists take complete control there. What motivates the Taliban who once again are violently asserting power in that country? What makes the Taliban tick? There’s no mystery here. In some ways, it’s the same impulse at work in our world for the last 1400 years, ever since the hordes of Mohammed, [...]

Why ‘Americanism’ Is Failing

Why ‘Americanism’ Is Failing

After 20 years of American involvement in Afghanistan, with trillions of dollars spent on preparing the Afghan people for self-government under a constitutionally formed government, it was all lost in less than a week. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin called the “lack of resistance” on the part of the Afghan army that America trained for 20 years “extremely disconcerting,” according to CNN. “They ha [...]

Mark of the Beast, 666, and Signs of the Times

Mark of the Beast, 666, and Signs of the Times

With COVID-19, mask mandates, compulsory vaccinations, some are speculating that we could be entering the era of the Mark of the Beast and the (always) “rapture of the church.” Revelation 13 is not about vaccinations. For those who claim to interpret the Bible literally, we would be seeing the number 666 everywhere. I’d be willing to wager that there are some prophecy pundits right now who are try [...]

Simone Biles Tumbles Over Abortion 'Logic'

Simone Biles Tumbles Over Abortion 'Logic'

Simone Biles has made her views known on killing unborn babies, what euphemistically is called being “pro-choice.” She asked her Instagram followers to share “unpopular” opinions. Some brave soul responded with the opinion that “abortion is wrong,” and Biles responded. The following is from The Christian Post “I already know this is going to start the biggest argument & may even lose followers [...]

Is the Open Border Compassionate?

Is the Open Border Compassionate?

Note by Gary DeMar: My grandparents immigrated to the United States early in the 20th century. When my father was born in 1918, my grandfather was not a United States citizen. My grandparents on my father and mother’s side followed the law regarding immigration. They had to be screened for possible contagious diseases. There’s a scene in The Godfather Part II (1974) where the fictional young Vito [...]

Some of My Favorite Sci-Fi Films

Some of My Favorite Sci-Fi Films

Many science fiction films breed optimism. They lay out what’s possible. Technology is good if used for the right reasons. There is generally a theme of good and evil. Some older sci-fi films dealt with technology gone wrong like in The Fly or Them. Others have a moral bent to them as in The 27th Day based on the novel by John Mantley. Films trying to depict the signs of the times are said to be f [...]

The Bible’s Answer to Critical Race Theory

The Bible’s Answer to Critical Race Theory

My wife and I watched a video of a white police officer who stopped a black man for driving “under the speed limit” that took place in February 2020. Ace Perry had the good sense to turn on his camera phone to record the injustice. You must watch this: The officer is an idiot and should be fired. Driving five miles per hour under the speed limit? There is no such traffic violation. [...]

The Crying Need for Self-Control in Our Time

The Crying Need for Self-Control in Our Time

Virtually every day we see examples of men and women who are out of control in modern society. And they are making life miserable for many. For example, 51 people were shot in Chicago this last weekend—eight of them fatally. This is so common we almost grow callous to the news. People lack self-control. The Bible talks about the traits of a godly person who draws close to Christ and develops over [...]

Political Tyranny and the Story of Henry Box Brown

Political Tyranny and the Story of Henry Box Brown

I’ve been working on the topic of Civil Disobedience for a talk I’m giving at a conference in LaGrange, Georgia, on October 1. There are too many Christians who believe they can win a shooting war with the United States government. Pres. Biden was right. To take on our government, we would need “F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.” This was a terrible thing to say. It gives the impression that P [...]

A Seismic Shift in Eschatology Has Begun

A Seismic Shift in Eschatology Has Begun

Similar to the way there is a fundamental shift taking place in the realm of theology by a reconsideration of Calvinism,[1] a seismic shift is taking place in eschatology. Eschatology is the study of the “last things.” The more popular terminology is “Bible prophecy.” There are numerous schools of thought on the subject. The most popular version—dispensational premillennialism—teaches that certain [...]

The 'Noble Lie' of Modern Ethics

The 'Noble Lie' of Modern Ethics

If with God all things are possible, then without Him all things are permissible. Few materialistic sophisticates want to believe that there is no justice and everything is permissible. They don’t want to believe in moral anarchy so they create a “moral fiction.” Loyal D. Rue, a professor of religion and philosophy at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, is honest enough to admit, given his materialis [...]

The Stillbirth of Eschatology and Its Dangers

The Stillbirth of Eschatology and Its Dangers

Why is it that so much technological advancement developed in the Christian West? Consider a few examples: The first working telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell. The cumbersome device had no delivery system, wires, phones, or switching system. Who would you call? And yet today, we carry phones in our pockets and purses that are smaller than a deck of cards, need no wires or ope [...]

"Avoid such men as these..."

"Avoid such men as these..."

“Do not give your opponent any reason to reject your position other than the position itself” — Gary DeMar In the waning years of Israel’s Old Covenant system that was in the process of passing away (Heb. 8:13), Christians were being attacked on all sides. Some of the opposition was coming from the Roman government but most of it was brought on by “wolves” who had entered the flock of the New Cove [...]

You’re a White Supremacist If You Don’t Believe in Evolution

You’re a White Supremacist If You Don’t Believe in Evolution

The Political Left is all about redefinition. For example, Critical Race Theory (CRT) is said to be (and is) “an academic theory mostly taught at the grad-student level.” But CRT has evolved into something like Frankenstein’s monster that was pieced together from the dead. The latest example of CRT thinking is the claim that the “Denial of Evolution Is a Form of White Supremacy.” The author of the [...]

Gay Agenda Goes Full Dominionist

Gay Agenda Goes Full Dominionist

Listen to the podcast about this topic. On July 4th, Hobby Lobby took out full-page ads in multiple newspapers featuring Bible verses “along with numerous, pro-Christian, pro-Bible quotes from our Founding Fathers and other key leaders in our history. According to a headline on the popular gay atheist blogsite, Joe My God, ‘Hobby Lobby Goes Full Dominionist in July 4th Ad.’” “Democratic legislator [...]

Do All to the Glory of God... but how?

Do All to the Glory of God... but how?

by John Livingston The Apostle Paul said, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31). His command is comprehensive. His point was that, even in the very mundane things we do every day, we should be bound by the desire to glorify God. Our redemption in Jesus is total: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. [...]

Creeds, Confessions, and Eschatology

Creeds, Confessions, and Eschatology

A few years ago, a group of out-of-town American Vision supporters wanted to visit the church my wife and I attend and then have us over for dinner at a friend’s house. We often repeat the Apostles’ Creed or the Nicene Creed during the service as our Credo — “I believe.” We don’t know who composed the Apostles’ Creed or when it was written. Some historians place the writing around the 4th or 5th c [...]

A Frenchman's and a Supreme Court Justice’s Definition of ‘Christian America’

A Frenchman's and a Supreme Court Justice’s Definition of ‘Christian America’

Here’s a historical factoid about what our nation considered valuable at one time. How times have changed: After the attack on Pearl harbor, Secret Service Agent Harry Neal was tasked with transferring “priceless historical documents” to a secure facility away from Washington, D.C. After meeting with librarian Archibald MacLeish at the Library of Congress, Neal orchestrated the logistics of how th [...]