Strategic and Feasible

Strategic and Feasible

One of the main problems with modern Christianity is that it is reactive, rather than proactive. Christians aren’t being taught to think and act operationally. A Christian worldview is a great first step, but how does that worldview apply beyond the classroom? What does a Christian worldview look like when it is lived out and applied to daily life? Douglas Wilson has been a worldview warrior [...]

What it Means to be a Christian in the World

What it Means to be a Christian in the World

Many Christians have trouble wrapping their heads around several difficult questions regarding how they should respond to what’s taking place in the world. It’s not because of a lack of intelligence; it’s a lack of teaching and a narrow focus of what it means to be a Christian in the world. The world has gotten more complicated. In one sense, it has passed us by. We have not kept up with what’s be [...]

There's No Fixing Stupid

There's No Fixing Stupid

The following Meme caught my attention. I guess its creator assumed that if you say the same thing 22 times it becomes true. This is the Cowardly Lion apologetic methodology: “I do believe in spooks, I do believe in spooks. I do, I do, I do, I do believe in spooks, I do believe in spooks, I do, I do, I do, I do!” Of course, it’s about abortion. Three objections should immediately jump out at you. [...]

The Self-Malediction of "In Gay We Trust"

The Self-Malediction of "In Gay We Trust"

Listen to the Gary DeMar Blogcast episode of this article You may have seen Megan Raponoe at the 2021 Met Gala celebrating “In America: A Lexicon Of Fashion" at the Metropolitan Museum of Art dressed in a red, white, and blue star-spangled suit. I take that back. You most likely did not see her. Just so you know, she was carrying a clutch purse that said: “In Gay We Trust” on the side. [...]

Scaring Liberals with "Hate Groups"

Scaring Liberals with "Hate Groups"

Gary responds to an email that he received from a critic. Claiming to be a “person of the church,” the individual expresses his dissatisfaction that organizations like American Vision are “allowed to exist.” Apparently freedom of speech only extends to particular “church persons” by his definition. The email is strangely similar to the sign someone posted on our [...]

Hate Notes on Our Dumpster

Hate Notes on Our Dumpster

Someone posted a sign (image above) on the American Vision dumpster declaring that Gary created a “hate group.” The sign was complete with QR codes for anyone wanting further reading during their trip to the trash bin. American Vision has been targeted and slandered by critics for years. This is to be expected when your message is antithetical to the Leftist agenda. Posting signs on du [...]

Historical Revisionists are at it Again

Historical Revisionists are at it Again

In recent years, we have seen the phenomenon of historical revisionism being taught in our schools. Usually, this deals with events centuries ago. But what about historical revisionism involving something in our own time? Any American older than a certain age can remember 9/11 well. We can remember exactly where we were when we first heard the news of the attack. But now there are many Americans w [...]

Wealth Redistribution by Majority Vote is Still Theft

Wealth Redistribution by Majority Vote is Still Theft

Biden and Co. want to steal more money in the form of taxes in the name of “the people.” The people will be fooled into believing that taxing the rich is for the greater good, and they have a right to use the power of government to reap the benefits of the immoral confiscation. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) wore a dress with “Tax the Rich” emblazoned with large blood-red letters while she [...]

Who’s Really Preoccupied with Bible Prophecy?

Who’s Really Preoccupied with Bible Prophecy?

In response to my article “The Eschatological Vacuum,” someone commented that I was the one preoccupied with eschatology. Yes, I write a great deal on the subject because I believe prophetic speculation is a hindrance to the proclamation of the kingdom of God that so many prophecy “experts” claim is future but not before the rise of the antichrist, a rebuilt temple, and the rapture of the church. [...]

The Eschatological Vacuum

The Eschatological Vacuum

Eschatology is inevitable since history moves forward. Every ideology is eschatologically oriented. Eschatology — pessimistic or optimistic — is an inescapable concept. You are either eschatologically engaged or you are being swept along in someone else’s eschatological stream. Too many Christians believe they are floating in an eschatological stream that’s going to take them to heaven in an event [...]

New York Times Admits Unborn Babies are Persons

New York Times Admits Unborn Babies are Persons

The New York Times made a surprising admission — life begins at conception. As you know by now, the Supreme Court’s 5–4 procedural ruling on the Texas Fetal Heartbeat law is driving people on the Left crazy! They are saying the dumbest things. Some pro-abortion women are calling on other pro-abortion women to deny sex to men until the ruling is rescinded. I’m OK with that. One of the biggest suppo [...]

America’s Work Ethic is in Trouble

America’s Work Ethic is in Trouble

Jerry Newcombe’s article below explains the negative implications of government interference in the economy. Subsidies disrupt the economy at many levels and often cripple the people they are meant to help. Anyone familiar with government wealth transfer legislation that has been designed to help the poor knows that when something is subsidized you get more of it. There have been multiple generati [...]

Apologetics and Strategy

Apologetics and Strategy

The following is taken from “Apologetics and Strategy,” an article written by Dr. Gary North and the late David Chilton that appeared in the third volume of Christianity and Civilization: The Tactics of Christian Resistance nearly 40 years ago (1983). If Christians had listened then, we would be in a much better position today. Too many Christians believed that the election of Ronald Reagan in 198 [...]

Cancel Culture’s Long History and Its Workarounds

Cancel Culture’s Long History and Its Workarounds

Cancel culture has a long history. The false prophets of Israel wanted the true prophets silenced. Jezebel murdered hundreds of them. Obadiah hid those who had escaped her wrath. There were many attempts to silence Jesus. It was fear of the people that kept the antagonists away. The religious leaders used political accusations as false testimony to bring the Roman government into canceling Jesus p [...]

Jesus as the Quintessential Laborer

Jesus as the Quintessential Laborer

The article below is taken from Jerry Bowyer’s Facebook page. Jerry is a perceptive writer on any number of topics. His analysis of biblical theology is first-rate. Instead of just reading Scripture, he looks for worldview connections that many Christians miss. His The Maker Versus the Takers: What Jesus Really Said About Social Justice and Economics is a book every Christian should read, not only [...]

Challenging the Absoluteness of Romans 13

Challenging the Absoluteness of Romans 13

There’s great interest in the subject of Christian resistance against tyrants. It’s not a new consideration. The Reformers had a lot to say about the topic as well as their immediate heirs. John Calvin addressed the topic in his Institutes of the Christian Religion as did Theodore Beza in his The Rights of Magistrates (1574) where he contended that resistance to an established civil government fun [...]

Atheist ‘Chaplain’ Claims He Can be Good Without God

Atheist ‘Chaplain’ Claims He Can be Good Without God

Atheists claim they can be good without any belief in God. How do atheists account for good in a world of pure matter? Morality is not physical. Who’s to say that killing someone is morally wrong since atheists teach that animals — and evolutionists claim that humans are animals — evolved through actions like rape and violence? Keep in mind that “in the mid-1800s, Darwin showed that human beings w [...]

The 'Logic' of Unbelief and Where it Leads

The 'Logic' of Unbelief and Where it Leads

In the film, I, Robot (2004),[1] starring Will Smith as Detective Del Spooner, a supercomputer named VIKI[2] has designs on creating a robot-run world with humans under constant control. The computer-creature wants to control the creator based on a new set of laws and logic that will override the original human-designed “Three Laws” of protection.[3] It’s an old story with culture-destroying conse [...]

Once-Christian Harvard Goes Full-Atheist

Once-Christian Harvard Goes Full-Atheist

The battle for America is being fought on two fronts: In the courts and the universities. If these two institutions remain in the hands of liberals, reversing anti-Christian trends will take decades longer. The universities feed the law schools, the law schools corrupt the minds of impressionable law students, and the courts maintain the status quo. Our colonial founders understood that the garden [...]

Counting the Cost of Christian Resistance in an Age of Biblical Illiteracy

Counting the Cost of Christian Resistance in an Age of Biblical Illiteracy

The Bible is a practical book. It deals with the real world. It’s not a book of magic or wishful thinking. It’s a rubber-meets-the-road reality check. This is why Jesus told His disciples to count the cost before embarking on a task: “For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost, to see if he has enough to complete it? [...]