The Kingdom is Growing

The Kingdom is Growing

2021 is about to end. It’s been interesting and productive. I had two bouts of cancer. My left kidney was removed in January and my prostate was removed in May. I’m not experiencing any ill effects. In fact, I participated in a Masters Track and Field meet in July in the shot put and won my age group in Georgia. Of course, it’s not that hard to do since there aren’t that many 70-year-olds who can [...]

The Dark Night of the Soul

The Dark Night of the Soul

Most evangelicals tend to think in “words.” This is certainly understandable because of the Protestant focus on the Bible as the sole authority (sola Scriptura) and the Lutheran concept of the “priesthood of all believers.” When this is applied to storytelling and film, this primary focus on word over image ends up killing the spirit of the message in favor of trying too hard to make sure the mess [...]

The Worldview 'Rosetta Stone'

The Worldview 'Rosetta Stone'

A biblical worldview is an essential part of thinking properly about God and His creation. Thanks in part to the Enlightenment and its long-lasting effects of modern thinking, we often think like humanists rather than like faithful stewards of God’s truth. In order for Christians to be effective in the culture, they need to understand what it means to think God’s thoughts after Him. Or [...]

Politicians Don’t Know Much About Economics or Business

Politicians Don’t Know Much About Economics or Business

It’s shocking that elected officials, most of whom do not know how economies work or how to start, build, or run a business, are passing laws and spending our money on things they know nothing about. It’s immoral. The following meme caught my attention. While something of an exaggeration, it makes a point: Almost every business in the United States started and prospered without the help of the gov [...]

The Folly of Political Compromise

The Folly of Political Compromise

Many in Jesus’ day saw the kingdom of God in externals only. They visualized the kingdom of God as coming, not through regeneration, but through social revolution. Jesus said of His followers: “Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves, and were filled” (John 6:26). It was Jesus’ message about mankind’s need [...]

What It Takes to Interpret the Bible

What It Takes to Interpret the Bible

When I sit down with young people to discuss films, I often get a blank stare. They have not heard about the films that I and others consider to be classics. I need to be careful when I mention something from a film to illustrate a point since many people have never heard of the film. As a result, they can’t appreciate the point I’m trying to make from a particular scene. [...]

Myth: Christians Must Submit

Myth: Christians Must Submit

In America, we are not under Nazi, English, Roman, or Communist oppression. While no civil official is (yet) demanding that ministers obtain a license to preach the gospel, restrictions are being placed on what ministers and Christians in general can say on moral issues derived from the Bible. Either God or man is ultimately sovereign. When these sovereignties clash and conflict, the Christian, fi [...]

The Old is Revealed in the New

The Old is Revealed in the New

There are obviously differences between the Old and New Testaments. Augustine said that the New is in the Old concealed, and the Old is in the New revealed. Changes do indeed come through the course of redemptive history, so that there certainly are exceptions to the general continuity that characterizes the relation between Old and New Covenants. God has the right to make alterations for the New [...]

The Magic of "Choice" in Abortion

The Magic of "Choice" in Abortion

When the decayed torso of Laci Peterson washed up on shore, her unborn baby did as well. Here lies a moral dilemma for even pro-abortionists to deal with. Laci was at least eight months pregnant. The baby was certainly viable. Immediately NOW (National Organization for Women) protested when a double murder charge was leveled against Scott Peterson, Laci’s husband. In NOW logic, it’s no [...]

Autonomous Man or Sovereign God?

Autonomous Man or Sovereign God?

Throughout the history of the Christian church, believers have asked what their attitude should be toward the commandments of God revealed in the Old Testament. A large variety of positions have been taken regarding God’s law—stretching all the way from saying that there have been no changes in how the law should be observed (so that, for instance, animal sacrifices would be continued) to saying t [...]

A Long History of Failure

A Long History of Failure

Christians should be wary of allowing current events to shape the way Scripture is interpreted. There is a long history of failure. In addition to the impact such end-time views have on Christian involvement in the culture and society, there is also the impact that predictive prophecy has on those who want to discredit the Bible. But aren’t we living in the “last days”? A lot of confusion exists o [...]

The Folly of Fighting Abortion with Saul’s Armor

The Folly of Fighting Abortion with Saul’s Armor

Roe v. Wade is before the Supreme Court again. Listening to some of the questions by the justices and the answers of the lawyers defending a Mississippi abortion law are telling. Justice Sonia Sotomayor—who has no children—clashed with Mississippi Solicitor General Scott Stewart during oral arguments Wednesday over when a fetus can feel pain. The law kicks in when the pain kicks in? Dogs and cats [...]

How to Be a Man

How to Be a Man

Ever since the first grumblings of the modern feminist movement began in the early 1960s, the traditional roles of men and women have been under constant attack. With the gradual decline of the working class in America, our fathers have been slowly trading sweat-soaked blue-collars for permanent-press white or gray collars. Along with their uniform change they have also traded 40-50 hour workweeks [...]

Does Fulfilled Prophecy Have Relevance for Today?

Does Fulfilled Prophecy Have Relevance for Today?

What relevance does the Bible have for us today if so much Bible prophecy has been fulfilled? Preterists get this question asked of them all the time. Historicists claim their approach is the most historically relevant. They also claim that the Historicist approach was almost universally promoted by the Reformers. Calvin was the exception. Much of Calvin’s Daniel commentary is preterist. On the Re [...]

God's Kingdom: Now or Later?

God's Kingdom: Now or Later?

Many modern Christians believe that God’s kingdom will be manifested solely in the future. This means that we are living in a purely secular kingdom with purely secular laws cut off from the governance of heaven. This is the worldview of deism! If this is the view of any part of the church, then the secularists are right in condemning the mixing of any of God’s laws with the State. How can God as [...]

Thanksgiving, Racism, Genocide, and Socialism

Thanksgiving, Racism, Genocide, and Socialism

The usual dissenters come out of the woodwork every October to disparage Columbus and November to attack Thanksgiving. Here’s one from last year: Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) is being called “a racist piece of trash” and a “white supremacist” after defending the legacy of the Mayflower Compact and criticizing an article in the New York Times that called the story of the Pilgrims a “myth” and re-examin [...]

The End and Heir of All Things

The End and Heir of All Things

A Christian should never fear having his “system” scrutinized by the plain teaching of the Bible. The rallying cry of the Reformation was ecclesia reformata quia semper reformanda est, “the church reformed because it must always be reforming.” This should be every Christian’s rallying cry. The church needs to take another look at the topic of eschatology, the study of last things. The topic has no [...]

Christianity and Liberty Cannot be Separated

Christianity and Liberty Cannot be Separated

Our forefathers in the faith did not retreat from involvement in society and politics. They did not turn civil government—the making, enforcement, and adjudication of laws—over to Satan and those who serve him. They did not surrender the ministry of civil government to those who are in rebellion against God. Instead, they sought to base civil government and law upon the truth. The founders underst [...]

Eschatological Atheism

Eschatological Atheism

The people in Jesus’ day saw the kingdom of God only in externals. They visualized the kingdom of God as coming, not through regeneration, but by revolution. Jesus said of His followers: “Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves, and were filled” (John 6:26). It was Jesus’ message about mankind’s need for salvation and about [...]

“Why Hasn’t the Lord Come Yet?”

“Why Hasn’t the Lord Come Yet?”

That’s the question being asked on the Christian Post website. Here’s the first paragraph: Many believers are anxious for Jesus’ return and, in the natural, some feel God is postponing His return despite knowing that the scriptures, such as 2 Peter 3, teach that God is not slow, but is patient, not wanting anyone to perish, said Jeff Kinley and Todd Hampson of the “Prophecy Pros Podcast.” Kinley a [...]