Hearing is Believing

Hearing is Believing

Gary discusses the biblical lessons on hearing and seeing. The Greek word typos refers to an image impressed onto something else, for instance, wax. It is the word used in Scripture for the imprint of God’s heavenly pattern on the earth, and thus it is absolutely fundamental to a Biblical worldview. In Acts 7:44 Stephen says, “Our fathers had the Tabernacle of testimony in the wilderne [...]

Two Covenantal Administrations

Two Covenantal Administrations

In this penultimate episode of what he planned to present, Kim shows how the Old Covenant and the New Covenant are related and separate, i.e., their continuity and their discontinuity. Both covenants are pictured in the symbol and the reality of the temple: the holy place and the Holy of Holies. The way into the Holy of Holies was opened and made manifest by Christ’s work and ministry. Clic [...]

Christ or the Constitution?

Christ or the Constitution?

Gary responds to a meme he saw on Facebook about Christians being more concerned with the Constitution than the Sermon on the Mount. At first, Christianity was perceived as a threat solely to the Jewish leadership. In time, however, Christianity became a threat to Rome because of the implications of the absolute lordship of Jesus Christ: “‘These men who have upset the world have come here also;. . [...]

Revelation and the "Testimony for the Churches"

Revelation and the "Testimony for the Churches"

In The Devil’s Dictionary, Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914) included the following definition for the book of Revelation: “REVELATION, n. A famous book in which St. John the Divine concealed all that he knew. The revealing is done by the commentators, who know nothing.” G. K. Chesterton added to the exposure of revelatory confusion: “Though St. John the Evangelist saw many strange monsters in his vision [...]

Christianity and the First Amendment

Christianity and the First Amendment

The fact that Christianity is not specifically mentioned does not mean that the First Amendment is hostile to Christianity. A Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution in 1791 because many believed the Constitution was not specific enough regarding the rights of the states and the people. The individual states felt that a Bill of Rights “would protect fundamental rights against interference by [...]

The Heavenly and Spiritual Reality

The Heavenly and Spiritual Reality

Kim explains his chart further by revealing that the eschatological fulfillment of the New Testament is a Spiritual reality. Most systems of biblical interpretation focus on a renewed version of the physical world, but the biblical reality is Spiritual, not natural. Spiritual are not less “real” than physical things, in fact, they are “more real.” God is a Spirit and God&rs [...]

Two Great Commissions

Two Great Commissions

Both Genesis 1:28 and Matthew 28:18-20 tell God’s followers to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth with generations of faithful covenant-keepers. The Great Commission to the Church does not end with simply witnessing to the nations. Christ’s command is that we disciple the nations—all the nations. The kingdoms of the world are to become the kingdoms of Christ. They are to be disc [...]

The Bramble of Church and State

The Bramble of Church and State

Gary discusses Judges 8-9 as well as the biblical understanding of the separation of church and state. The steady decline of a nation and the absence of hope for the future can be traced to the spiritual condition of God’s people—the rejection of the Messiahship of the Lord Jesus Christ for the messiahship of the State. The book of Judges depicts a nation’s spiritual decline and the consequent eff [...]

Dabbling With Artificial Intelligence

Dabbling With Artificial Intelligence

It seems everyone is talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its advantages and disadvantages. My friends Darren Doane and Brian Godawa are using it for great benefit. Brian has used AI to create artistic renderings for his characters in his upcoming book Cruel Logic. Here’s what his detective Cornelius Van Til looks like: Brian has used an AI artist for his characters in his other books. M [...]

Philosophy Can’t Answer the Biggest Questions

Philosophy Can’t Answer the Biggest Questions

The following is an email I sent to an atheist who attempted to justify and account for an atheistic worldview using philosophical arguments. This is standard practice. Unfortunately, one must presuppose the presence and reliability of the mind. How can an evolved brain give rise to an immaterial thought-producing entity?_______________________ Dear John, First year philosophy stuff is right. You [...]

The Structure of the Covenants

The Structure of the Covenants

Kim reveals his paradigm in visual form with a chart called, The Structure of the Covenants. Drawing from the influence of Geerhardus Vos, Kim shows how the covenants unfold and come to pass in history and, ultimately, through the life and work of Jesus Christ. Here’s the chart needed for this episode: Click here to listen to this episode [...]

Classical Racism at Princeton

Classical Racism at Princeton

Princeton recently announced that learning Greek and Latin would no longer be required for its Classics majors. A rationalistic and materialist-centered universe ruled solely by impersonal and non-purposed physical forces does not generate feeling, purpose, compassion, moral authority, or virtue. Without God, everything human succumbs to the random control of impersonal forces in a mechanistic cos [...]

It Begins with the Individual

It Begins with the Individual

Gary continues his series on biblical government about how to change society. Self-government is synonymous with self-control. A self-governed individual is someone who can regulate his attitudes and actions without the need for external coercion. Reuben, one of Jacob’s twelve sons, is described as a man who “boils over”: “Reuben, you are my first-born; my might and the beginning of my strength, p [...]

Gary DeMar’s Prophecy Books have been Banned in Moscow

Gary DeMar’s Prophecy Books have been Banned in Moscow

You may have heard that the folks in Moscow, Idaho—Canon Press, Fight, Laugh, Feast (FLF), and Christ Church and the CREC denomination—have deplatformed Gary DeMar’s books on Bible prophecy that have been in print since 1988! (See the letter sent to me below) We suspect that Gary’s prophecy books are now considered an eschatological “gateway drug” to full preterism unlike those of Ken [...]

Pushing Back Against the Insanity

Pushing Back Against the Insanity

Gary discusses two recent news items about individuals pushing back against the prevailing ideology and newspeak. It’s been said that when people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing, they believe in anything, no matter how absurd.[1] With the apparent death of rationalism and the questioning of how science and technology are used, the worldview of the irrational was born. “Twentie [...]

Galaxy Quest and Borrowed Capital

Galaxy Quest and Borrowed Capital

Gary talks about the film, Galaxy Quest, and the idea of borrowed capital. If religious skeptics have forsaken biblical presuppositions, why is it that they can think rationally, work in terms of the scientific method, and require some semblance of morality? The answer is simple. Unbelievers are philosophically schizophrenic. They don’t often live consistently with the governing principles of thei [...]

The Self-Refuting Worldview of Atheism

The Self-Refuting Worldview of Atheism

Gary responds to a lady that claimed the Bible was a book of fairy tales and that American Vision is a hate group. Some people want to know how we can defend the Bible as the Word of God or Christianity as a worldview. Dr. Cornelius Van Til (1895–1987) used to put it this way: Our apologetic is that unless Christianity is true, you can’t prove anything at all. To put it in a sophisticated way, the [...]

The Three Greatest Communication Inventions

The Three Greatest Communication Inventions

We take book publishing for granted. Today, anyone can be a published author. In fact, you don’t have to print a book to make it available to people. Electronic “printing” by way of eBooks and PDFs (Portable Document Format) can send information around the world without the need of ink and paper. Johannes Gutenberg (c. 1398-1468) Publishing was not always this easy. Gutenberg’s “introduction of me [...]

Teaching the Next Generation

Teaching the Next Generation

Gary continues his series on biblical government and how Christians should respond to the current overreach of politics into every area of life. The concept of the multiplicity of governments is as old as our country because the principles were extracted from biblical principles. Noah Webster’s definition of government in his American Dictionary of the English Language (1828) reflects the biblical [...]

Vision Requires a Future and Action

Vision Requires a Future and Action

John Nelson Darby, the founder of dispensational premillennialism and the pre-tribulational “rapture” of the church doctrine, the basis of The Late Great Planet Earth (1970) and the multivolume Left Behind prophecy series, taught that “the imminent return of Christ ‘totally forbids all working for earthly objects distant in time.’”[1] This would have included the study of mathematics, medicine, ar [...]