Jesus Offended Many People With the Truth

Jesus Offended Many People With the Truth

Democrats have frequently turned to Jesus and the Bible to support their causes. They campaign in Black churches. They love religious voters who vote for abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, and governmental tyranny masquerading as “social justice.” How many times have we heard how the Christmas story is about immigration or how socialism is supported by the Bible? When Hillary Clinton was [...]

The Hypocritical Hate of the Left

The Hypocritical Hate of the Left

Gary discusses several recent articles about the new Speaker of the House and how he claims that the “Bible is his standard.” All talk about human rights comes from those nations that have had a Christian base. The most familiar philosophy of human rights is found in the Declaration of Independence (1776). “All men,” it states, “are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rig [...]

What You Don't Know Can Hurt You

What You Don't Know Can Hurt You

The Christian’s view of the future determines how he lives, plans, and works in the present for the future. Even during Israel’s captivity under Babylonian rule, the nation’s darkest hour, the people were told to plan and build for the future: “Build houses and live in them; and plant gardens, and eat their produce. Take wives and become the fathers of sons and daughters, and take wives for your s [...]

The Pledge that’s a Lie

The Pledge that’s a Lie

Over time, the Pledge of Allegiance has changed. The original Pledge read as “I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” The word “to” was added before “the Republic” in October for the public recitation. This is the only difference from the original published version. “My flag” was changed to “the flag” in 1924 [...]

The Cruel Logic of Pure Materialism

The Cruel Logic of Pure Materialism

Gary interviews author and screenwriter Brian Godawa about his short film and now full-length novel, Cruel Logic. I’m no longer shocked by what I read in the news these days. What would have turned people’s stomachs 30 or 40 years ago, now are met with a dismissive “Whatever.” The latest once-thought-to- be moral atrocity has to do with “zoophilia” (from the Greek zōion, meaning “animal,” from wh [...]

The Paralysis of Pessimism

The Paralysis of Pessimism

Does it matter if we live fearfully or hopefully? Very much so, as Gary points out in this important talk from several years ago. In applying all the Bible to all of life, those “dead in trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2:1) must have a “new heart” and a “new spirit” so they can rightly understand God’s Word and the world He created for our use (1 Cor. 1:18–25). The “heart of stone” must be removed and [...]

Are Animals Our Moral Neighbors?

Are Animals Our Moral Neighbors?

Homosexuals have been able to convince many Americans that homosexual behavior is normal using some bad logic. Since most public schools do not teach students how to think, it’s no wonder they fall for fallacious arguments. Homosexuals have also been adept at using pop culture to their advantage, placing homosexual characters in non-stereotypical roles. Then there is the normalization of homosexua [...]

Pulpits and Politics

Pulpits and Politics

Gary discusses an article from the Christianity and Civilization series about politics, Christians, and activism. In Genesis 1:1, God set up two realms, heaven and earth. The goal of history is not for earth to be forsaken, but for heaven to impress its pattern on earth. “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, ” we pray. The duality of heaven and earth is to be resolved, e [...]

The Bible is the Blueprint

The Bible is the Blueprint

Gary discusses a speech given by Pastor Jack Hibbs to the Family Research Council about the state of the culture. One would be hard pressed to find modern politicians who would claim that the State is divine, but more often than not actions speak louder than words. For modern secularists, the political sphere is no less divine than the city-states of Greece and Rome and the deified nationalism of [...]

In a Matter-Only Universe, Nothing Really Matters

In a Matter-Only Universe, Nothing Really Matters

We’re entering a time when operating assumptions about the real and unreal are being put to the test. All ideas have consequences, good or bad. There is no third way. Those who deny the existence of God must experiment with operating assumptions. They can never know what will work because their worldview does not operate in terms of fundamental truths. Their “truths” are manufactured as we seen wi [...]

The Heavens Will be Shaken

The Heavens Will be Shaken

Gary answers a listener question regarding Matthew 24:29-31. Jesus’ disciples did not inquire about the end of the world (kosmos), but about the end of that covenant age (aion). When the tribulation of “those days” was completed, the religious and political structure of Israel as a covenant nation came to an end before that first-century generation passed away. Even futurists do [...]

The Leftist Caricature of Conservatives

The Leftist Caricature of Conservatives

It’s not hard to find people who are ignorant about other people’s beliefs. All you have to do is watch man-in-the street interviews. A good portion of the population is ignorant about a whole range of topics. Even students at some very prestigious universities are more familiar with the latest Taylor Swift event and love interest than with what’s happening with Ukraine, the Bidens, the plummeting [...]

The Household and the State

The Household and the State

Listen in as Gary is interviewed about the relationship between individual households and the State. The family is a government ordained by God where husband and wife are in covenant with God and serve as family governors. They have jurisdictional authority to lead, nurture, and direct the family as a training ground for cultural change in terms of kingdom principles. The authority and power given [...]

Is the Modern Hebrew Language a Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy?

Is the Modern Hebrew Language a Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy?

I’ve debated Michael Brown several times. He believes that God’s promises for Israel have not been fulfilled even though the Bible specifically says they have, at least that’s what Zacharias believed: And [John’s] father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit, and prophesied, saying: “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, For He has visited us and accomplished redemption for His people, And has ra [...]

False Christs and False Messiahs

False Christs and False Messiahs

Gary answers a listener question about the audience change between Matthew 23 and 24. Jesus warned His disciples to beware of false messiahs. Thomas Ice argues that “there is scholarly consensus that there were not false Christs or Messiahs until around A.D. 130.” To support his claim, he cites the following from a commentary published in 1878: We possess no historical record of any false Messiahs [...]

Former Baptist Pastor and President Say Bible Is Wrong About Homosexuality

Former Baptist Pastor and President Say Bible Is Wrong About Homosexuality

Oliver Thomas, a retired Baptist minister, wrote that “American churches must reject literalism and admit we got it wrong on gay people.” It appeared in USA Today where he is a member of USA Today’s Board of Contributors. He wrote something similar in 2006 article asking the following question: “What if Christian leaders are wrong about homosexuality?” His later article was similar but with an add [...]

The Media's Political Echo Chamber

The Media's Political Echo Chamber

Gary discusses an article about the upcoming presidential election and the fatigue about the entire process being experienced by the majority of voters. There are problems with some kinds of circular arguments. But you might be surprised to know that you can’t help arguing in a circle. At some point, everyone has to argue in a circle. Why? Because everyone has certain assumptions. No one is neutra [...]

Expressive Individualism: Me, Myself, and I

Expressive Individualism: Me, Myself, and I

Gary interacts with Carl Trueman’s newest books about “expressive individualism” and the modern “truth” of the interior self. The greatest offense to the unbeliever is the Christian’s insistence that there is only one truth. The statement that Jesus is the only way, the only truth, and the only light seems rather closed-minded. For secularists, it seems reasonable tha [...]

The Bible is the Standard

The Bible is the Standard

Gary responds to a video where a woman is raging against Christians and the Bible. In applying all the Bible to all of life, those “dead in trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2:1) must have a “new heart” and a “new spirit” so they can rightly understand God’s Word and the world He created for our use (1 Cor. 1:18–25). The “heart of stone” must be removed and replaced with a “heart of flesh,” that is, a he [...]

Don't Tread on Us

Don't Tread on Us

Gary discusses a recent dust-up at a school in Colorado regarding the Gadsden Flag. The 52 signers of the Declaration weren’t dropped from the sky in Philadelphia on July 2. The freshly printed document announced that the 13 American colonies, then at war with Great Britain, were now independent states and no longer part of the British Empire. The decision was not made lightly. Thomas Jefferson ex [...]