Daniel 12 and the Resurrection

Daniel 12 and the Resurrection

Gary answers a listener question about Daniel 12 and the resurrection of the dead. The events of Daniel occur at the very beginning of a new covenantal and historical situation. The Restoration Covenant places the priestly covenant people in a wider context, the context of a world empire. This is the beginning of the “latter days.” This new covenant and new priestly service come, as always, throug [...]

Is "This Generation" Past or Future?

Is "This Generation" Past or Future?

The following is the beginning of a multipart response to an article by Ian Hicks who argues against a preterist interpretation of the meaning of “this generation.” Keep in mind that numerous scholars who do not identify as preterists argue that Jesus’ use of “this generation” refers to the generation of His contemporaries. See Chapter 10 in my book Wars and Rumors of Wars. It’s a high bar to clea [...]

The Church and the Ekklesia

The Church and the Ekklesia

Gary answers a listener question about the word “church” and how it is used by the Bible and interpreters over the years. English translations have obscured the biblical and historical meaning of ekklēsia by translating it as “church” rather than “assembly” or “congregation.” It’s unfortunate that John Wycliffe (c. 1324–1384) and the translators of the Geneva Bible (1560) chose to tra [...]

Are There Contradictions in the Bible?

Are There Contradictions in the Bible?

Gary discusses a few “contradictions” commonly pointed out by critics. The Bible is literature. God speaks to us in words and themes that can be understood. Not all literature can be interpreted in the same way. Some will claim that the Bible must be interpreted literally. But what does that mean? There are always caveats. Does a dragon really mean a dragon? Should you really pluck out [...]

Terms that Shut Down Debate

Terms that Shut Down Debate

Gary answers a question about 1 Thessalonians 4 and encourages Christians to be educated beyond “buzz words” that tend to shut down discussion. The three basic laws of logic are the Law of Identity, the Law of Contradiction (sometimes called the Law of Non-Contradiction), and the Law of Excluded Middle. The Law of Identity states that “A is A.” This means that if any statement is true, [...]

Tradition and Biblical Literacy

Tradition and Biblical Literacy

Gary is interviewed by Chris Arnzen on the “Iron Sharpens Iron” radio program about biblical understanding and denominational traditions. Misreading the Bible has led to misunderstandings which have resulted in creating a mythological tradition of nullifying what God’s Word actually says and means. Over time, the traditions have been used by religious authorities to supplant the truth [...]

Audience Relevance and Time Indicators

Audience Relevance and Time Indicators

Gary continues his lesson on hermeneutics by looking briefly at the time words that bookend the book of Revelation. The past fulfillment of most of the prophecies in Revelation 4-19 is compellingly suggested by the various time indicators contained in its less symbolic, more didactic introduction and conclusion. Revelation 1:1 opens the prophecies of Revelation and prepares the reader to understan [...]

"His Feet Will Stand on the Mount of Olives": A Commentary

"His Feet Will Stand on the Mount of Olives": A Commentary

For some time, I have been working on a commentary on Zechariah 14. It’s tough going. There aren’t that many good commentaries on Zechariah that aren’t dispensational. Dispensationalists have an advantage because in their view everything happens after the so-called rapture of the church. All other interpretations must find historical markers to account for their interpretation. Some argue for a se [...]

An Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics

An Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics

Gary begins a short course on hermeneutics—the art and practice of interpretation—on today’s podcast. The Bible can be an intimidating book, but it doesn’t have to be. We must be like the Bereans who examined “the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so” (Acts 17:11). Too often, Christians rely on so-called Bible experts and complicated charts that include gaps in time, ou [...]

The Three Days and Three Nights Controversy

The Three Days and Three Nights Controversy

There has been considerable debate over the best way to interpret the three-days and three-nights language of Matthew 12:40, either as three 24-hour days of exactly 72 hours or parts of three days and three nights. Because you can’t get three full days if the count begins on Friday, some interpreters have argued for a two-Sabbath approach and a crucifixion on Wednesday and a resurrection on Saturd [...]

You've Heard it Said...

You've Heard it Said...

Gary summarizes more than a dozen common misunderstandings from his book, Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths on today’s podcast. Jesus often corrected erroneous beliefs about the Bible. He did this with misunderstandings in four areas: • An out-of-context reading and application of a text (Matt. 5:21). • A misreading or an incomplete reading of a text (5:38). • A misstatement of fact (5:43). • Fau [...]

Kuyper, North, and the Calvinistic Worldview

Kuyper, North, and the Calvinistic Worldview

Guest article by Uri Brito Gary North’s recent passing reminded me of the enormous capacity of certain men to produce so much in a lifetime. Of course, men can be productive beings on many fronts, but that productivity often stems from foundational theological stimuli that allow him to conform his thoughts after it. If such roots are stable and coherent, they can provide a rich motivation for crea [...]

The Bahnsen Trilogy

The Bahnsen Trilogy

On today’s podcast, Gary discuss presuppositional apologetics and Dr. Greg Bahnsen and the trio of his books recently published by American Vision. Biblical apologetics means “to offer a defense” and is practiced in different ways by Christians. Some Christian apologists try to appeal to skeptics by presenting a boatload of facts. With this evidential method, the claim is made that facts are [...]

The Wheat and the Tares

The Wheat and the Tares

In this final part of his response to the Michael Brown debate, Gary discusses Jesus’ parable of the wheat and the tares in Matthew 13. For many (perhaps even most) Christians, the parable of the wheat and the tares (Matt. 13:24–30, 36–43) tells the story of the final judgment. This view is especially understandable when based on the old King James translation. It says: Another parable put h [...]

Premillennialism Requires Another Jewish Holocaust (and Maybe More)

Premillennialism Requires Another Jewish Holocaust (and Maybe More)

In my debate with Dr. Michael Brown on February 17, 2022, I made the point that the Great Tribulation mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 24:21 took place during the time of that generation since Jesus said, “This generation will not pass away until all these things take place” (24:34). “This generation” always means the generation to whom Jesus was speaking. It does not mean “this kind of generation,” [...]

The Gospel in All the World

The Gospel in All the World

Robert Van Kampen, a prophecy author who believed the events outlined by Jesus in Matthew 24 are yet to be fulfilled, wrote, “Christ tells His disciples that only after the gospel is preached to all nations, ‘then the end shall come.’” [1] Since the Bible clearly states that the gospel “was proclaimed in all creation under heaven” (Col. 1:23), then the end spoken of by Jesus is a past event for us [...]

Jesus is the True Temple

Jesus is the True Temple

Futurism mandates that a new temple must be rebuilt so the events of Matthew 24 can be fulfilled. History records that the temple was destroyed in A.D. 70, with the events of Matthew 24 preceding its demise. Not one verse in the New Testament mentions the need for a rebuilt temple, a fact admitted by those who believe a future temple is necessary for prophecy to be fulfilled. Thomas Ice and Timoth [...]

What Does Jesus Mean by 'Heaven and Earth' and 'Day and Hour'?

What Does Jesus Mean by 'Heaven and Earth' and 'Day and Hour'?

In Matthew 24:36, Jesus refers to “heaven and earth passing away” and not knowing the “day or the hour.” (It’s interesting that John refers to the “last hour” that was near in his day: 1 John 2:18). Is this statement by Jesus a reference to the new heavens and new earth of Revelation 21? John Lightfoot applies the phrase “passing away of heaven and earth” to the “destruction of Jerusalem and the w [...]

Prophetic Chronological Snobbery

Prophetic Chronological Snobbery

C.S. Lewis famously dubbed the modern ignorance of old books to be “chronological snobbery.” Thinking that only what is produced by our own modern generation is worthy of our time and attention is not only hypocritical; it is dangerous and can lead to a variety of false assumptions both about ourselves and those that came before us. Nowhere is this idea more evident than in the area of [...]

Meet the Real End-Time Scoffers

Meet the Real End-Time Scoffers

If there’s one passage of Scripture that is repeatedly brought up as an indictment against people who object to modern-day prophetic speculation it is 2 Peter 3:3–18. If you dispute with those who argue that all the signs around us indicate that we are living in the “last days,” then you are labeled a “scoffer” or a “mocker” (2 Peter 3:3; Jude 18). If this is how the passage is to be understood, t [...]