Working Within the System

Working Within the System

Gary discusses some arguments people are raising online against trying to reform our current system of government. God did not reserve His commandments for just the nation Israel and the church. Scripture makes it clear that all kings in Israel should copy the law in the presence of the Levitical priests so the rulers would be careful to observe every word of the law (Deuteronomy 17:18-19). Even n [...]

Christ or the Constitution?

Christ or the Constitution?

Gary responds to a meme he saw on Facebook about Christians being more concerned with the Constitution than the Sermon on the Mount. At first, Christianity was perceived as a threat solely to the Jewish leadership. In time, however, Christianity became a threat to Rome because of the implications of the absolute lordship of Jesus Christ: “‘These men who have upset the world have come here also;. . [...]

The Eschatological Craziness Continues

The Eschatological Craziness Continues

The Red Heifers have arrived in Israel! So says the May 22, 2023, article “Prophetic Anticipation Builds: Unblemished Red Heifers for Temple Ceremony Soon Come of Age.” The claim is, based on Numbers 19, the heifers need to be at least 3 years old for priestly purification purposes. For that you need priests, animal sacrifices, and a physical temple, all of which passed away when the temple was de [...]

The Bramble of Church and State

The Bramble of Church and State

Gary discusses Judges 8-9 as well as the biblical understanding of the separation of church and state. The steady decline of a nation and the absence of hope for the future can be traced to the spiritual condition of God’s people—the rejection of the Messiahship of the Lord Jesus Christ for the messiahship of the State. The book of Judges depicts a nation’s spiritual decline and the consequent eff [...]

Classical Racism at Princeton

Classical Racism at Princeton

Princeton recently announced that learning Greek and Latin would no longer be required for its Classics majors. A rationalistic and materialist-centered universe ruled solely by impersonal and non-purposed physical forces does not generate feeling, purpose, compassion, moral authority, or virtue. Without God, everything human succumbs to the random control of impersonal forces in a mechanistic cos [...]

It Begins with the Individual

It Begins with the Individual

Gary continues his series on biblical government about how to change society. Self-government is synonymous with self-control. A self-governed individual is someone who can regulate his attitudes and actions without the need for external coercion. Reuben, one of Jacob’s twelve sons, is described as a man who “boils over”: “Reuben, you are my first-born; my might and the beginning of my strength, p [...]

The Manson Cult of Modern-Day Leftist Wokeism

The Manson Cult of Modern-Day Leftist Wokeism

Have you wondered how young people could be so ignorant in following the latest claptrap coming from so-called experts? We find bizarre, irrational, and downright stupid claims come from college classrooms. Educated people believe that there are more than two sexes, and that men who identify as women should be permitted to compete against biological women in sports. University campuses are the pro [...]

Teaching the Next Generation

Teaching the Next Generation

Gary continues his series on biblical government and how Christians should respond to the current overreach of politics into every area of life. The concept of the multiplicity of governments is as old as our country because the principles were extracted from biblical principles. Noah Webster’s definition of government in his American Dictionary of the English Language (1828) reflects the biblical [...]

Avoiding Israel's Mistakes

Avoiding Israel's Mistakes

“But that’s Old Testament law, that’s not for the Church.” How many times have you heard this, or even said this? Restoration of the Republic begins with the individual. Only the conversion of many can result in long-term societal restoration. God must be recognized as a God of love and justice—two inseparable attributes. Because God loves His people He sent Jesus, His only [...]

What is Biblical Government?

What is Biblical Government?

Gary recorded a ten-part series based on his book God and Government a few years back and this episode is the first two parts of that series. Government within our American Christian heritage which was formulated from biblical principles, begins with the individual and extends outward to include all institutions. Presently, however, most Americans are unaware of the varied nature of government. Th [...]

Teaching Simple-Minded People about Economics

Teaching Simple-Minded People about Economics

If you’ve ever been in a discussion with people on Facebook, you know there are a lot of simple-minded people. Worse, there are ignorant and arrogant people who spew some of the worst rhetoric. Some of it comes from Christians. The following is a short course in “How to Teach Simple-Minded People about Economics.” American Vision did not create it. The following is what I (Gary DeMar) know about i [...]

The Vengeance of the Left

The Vengeance of the Left

Gary discusses the recent school shooting in Nashville and the “response” from the media and leftists. The greatest offense to the unbeliever is the Christian’s insistence that there is only one truth. The statement that Jesus is the only way, the only truth, and the only light seems rather closed-minded. For secularists, it seems reasonable that if there is a “God,” people should be a [...]

The Self-Appointed Emperors Have No Clothes

The Self-Appointed Emperors Have No Clothes

Gary discusses two recent news stories involving abortion and childbirth. You have a worldview—an underlying set of presuppositions about the nature of God and man, the world, how we know what we know, how we’re supposed to live our lives, and so on—and by that worldview you evaluate everything else. But you’re entering a discussion with someone who has his own worldview, with his own underlying p [...]

Why Christians Must be Involved in Civil Government

Why Christians Must be Involved in Civil Government

Gary discusses a critic on Facebook that believes Christians should leave politics alone and not get involved. The predatory politics and violent methods of the Godfather are criminal. Everyone understands this. But what is considered criminal when practiced by the Godfather, all of a sudden becomes “government policy” in legislation coming from Washington. Lavish government spending p [...]

Christians Being 'Less than Loving' Means Criticizing Jesus for the Same Thing

Christians Being 'Less than Loving' Means Criticizing Jesus for the Same Thing

The enemies of the truth are always awfully nice. Truth is the strong compost in which beauty may sometimes germinate. — Christopher Morley (1890-1957) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) said the following about the $20 million spent on the “He gets Us” campaign: “Something tells me Jesus would not spend millions of dollars on Super Bowl ads to make fascism look benign.” Huh? Does she have any idea wh [...]

The Assault on Biblical Values

The Assault on Biblical Values

Gary concludes his interview with Jay Rudolph on the Plumb Line radio program. Family, church, and civil governments reflect the self-government of the people, whether good or bad. At the civil level, a nation gets what it votes for. Civil government, no matter how righteously conceived, cannot make people better. Leadership, like water, rises to its own level, the righteousness or unrighteousness [...]

Gestapo Tactics Exposed at the DOJ

Gestapo Tactics Exposed at the DOJ

“Intelligence analysts and the chief counsel for the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Richmond, Virginia field office are concerned ‘radical-traditionalist Catholics’ are a threat to our democracy and could be ripe for recruitment by white supremacists.” What are the red flags? • Homeschooling • Meeting Every Sunday with Other People Who Want Good Lives • Pro-Life and Anti-LGBT+ Look what the DOJ [...]

Secular Fundamentalism

Secular Fundamentalism

Gary was interviewed by Jay Rudolph on the Plumb Line radio program. God assures believers He will “abolish all rule and all authority and power” in opposition to His kingdom (1 Corinthians 15:24). While Satan rails against the church, God promises “the gates of Hades shall not overpower” it (Matthew 16:18). Jesus describes the church as a marching army, ready and able to move against the stationa [...]

Adam's Rib and Trans Sports

Adam's Rib and Trans Sports

What do the 1949 movie “Adam’s Rib” and transgender sports have in common? Find out on today’s podcast. The transgender chickens are coming home to roost. It’s no longer just bathrooms. Sports are being affected by the fiction of transgenderism. If a boy identifies as a girl, then why can’t he/she compete with girls in basketball, softball, or track and field? Given “transg [...]

The Ten Commandments of Secular Statism

The Ten Commandments of Secular Statism

John Wycliffe of Oxford University produced the first hand-written translation of the New Testament into English in the 14th Century, he wrote in the preface: “The Bible is given for the government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” The Bible was not given only for religious people of a particular theological persuasion; it was designed to be a standard for everyone and every gover [...]