Borrowed Capital Makes the World Go ’Round

Borrowed Capital Makes the World Go ’Round

With some variations, those who hold to a biblical economic model share many fundamental principles with advocates of an unregulated free market, or, as I hope to demonstrate, free marketers share many fundamental economic principles with advocates of a biblical worldview. John W. Robbins writes, in his critique of Ayn Rand’s Objectivist philosophy, “That the structure of knowledge that she erecte [...]

The Economy in Action: Does Anyone Know Anything?

The Economy in Action: Does Anyone Know Anything?

“Nobody knows anything.”[1] William Goldman, not to be confused with William Golding, author of Lord of the Flies, sums up the problem of attempting to be certain about the success of a film—“Nobody knows anything.”[2] Goldman should know. He was a successful novelist and screenwriter with several Academy Awards and big screen blockbusters to his credit.[3] Goldman was not saying that Hollywood ty [...]

MYTH: You Cannot Legislate Morality

MYTH: You Cannot Legislate Morality

In this encore episode from a couple of years back, Gary discusses the impossibility of a “neutral” law system. Constitutional scholar Archie Jones argues there is no way to escape legislating morality: Every system of government exists to produce or enforce certain laws, and every law necessarily entails a set of moral assumptions. All morality—even that which is usually supposed to b [...]

Should the Swine Make Our Nation’s Laws?

Should the Swine Make Our Nation’s Laws?

In an earlier article and podcast, I responded to a Facebook Post related to the application of God’s law in the NT, including laws found in what is described as the “law of Moses,” actually God’s law. The Mosaic Law is God’s Law that was revealed to Moses. The FB poster went on to write the following: [Gary DeMar] also believes [God’s laws] should be legislated in secular government. There is no [...]

More Confusion About God’s Law

More Confusion About God’s Law

I saw the following on a Facebook post indirectly aimed at me. “It frustrates me when people insist that the New Covenant has Torah requirements, i.e., that we are still under the law. Paul pitted law against grace. Grace is not the adapter that connects us to the law; it actually frees us from that slavemaster. We don’t live by an external force like the law; rather, we live by an internal nature [...]

The Social and Emotional Religion in the Classroom

The Social and Emotional Religion in the Classroom

Gary interviews Rhonda Thomas about the current trend in education: social and emotional learning. The goals of the humanists are clear and forthright. They hide nothing and demand everything. The humanist agenda has been relentless in its efforts to remake man and the world in the image of autonomous man. There is no compromise or lack of vision on their part. The humanist worldview is comprehens [...]

Ray Moore and Exodus Mandate

Ray Moore and Exodus Mandate

Gary interviews Ray Moore with Exodus Mandate about homeschooling, Christian schools, and a debate that Ray did over America’s Christian history. When Israel was taken to the borders of the promised land, twelve spies were called on to survey the land and report their findings to the nation (Num. 13). Before choosing twelve representatives for the task, God promised the land would be theirs: [...]

The 55th Anniversary of Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb

The 55th Anniversary of Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb

In his book The Population Bomb, first published in 1968, the year I graduated from high school, Paul R. Ehrlich made several predictions about the future of our planet based on his understanding of population growth and food supplies. Ehrlich’s projections were not new. Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834), a British political economist and mathematician, proposed that population growth would outstr [...]

1976: The Turning Point (Part One)

1976: The Turning Point (Part One)

Dr. Gary North continues his discussion of how the Scopes Trial and the ensuing political developments shaped the 20th century. William Jennings Bryan in 1922 wanted his followers to gain control over the allocation of political plunder. He had been campaigning on this platform for three decades. He understood that modernist Progressives were now in control of the political process nationally. He [...]

The Background to the Scopes Trial

The Background to the Scopes Trial

In one of American Vision’s talks from the archives, Dr. Gary North discusses the Scopes Trial and the importance of William Jennings Bryan as an American political figure. The story I have written here has not previously been told. There are books on the Presbyterian conflict. There are doctoral dissertations on it. But chronicles are not enough. We know that the liberals captured the North [...]

Flipping the Narrative

Flipping the Narrative

Several prominent leftists are beginning to question the mainstream media and the Democrat narrative about the pandemic and the vaccine. Suppose someone says, “Christianity is not true because it gave rise to the Inquisition. In the Inquisition, people who professed to be Christians did horrible things. They tortured people and killed people. And so, Christianity cannot be true.” The logical falla [...]

Do We Still Need the Law?

Do We Still Need the Law?

Gary responds to a claim on Facebook that the Law has been fulfilled in Jesus (true), so we no longer need it (untrue). The continuing authority of God’s law today is inherent to a biblically based theology. Time does not change or wear out the validity of God’s commands, and a change of geography or locality does not render them ethically irrelevant. With the coming of the New Covenant and the sp [...]

Why You Should Consider a Side Business

Why You Should Consider a Side Business

Gary interviews a friend from his church about advice Dr. Gary North gave him to set himself up in a business while still holding on to his existing job. The highest costs of government intervention into the market process are ethical costs. Most people who believe in private property recognize that the state has become immoral when it uses coercion to intervene into market exchanges. They see tha [...]

First Things First

First Things First

In this final part of his interview with Dr. Gary North, Gary DeMar asks what can be done right now. The God of the Bible is one and many. The Christian community is a unity, but it is also diverse. There are unifying themes that every Christian and every Christian community must acknowledge as fundamental. There are also applications of basic principle that only a few people may be aware of or co [...]

An Action Imperative

An Action Imperative

Gary DeMar talks with Dr. Gary North about the need for Christians to take action. (Part One of Three) We have been given both a dynamic of history and a tool of dominion. We have done our best to ignore them both. We have, especially in the last hundred years, retreated from both in the name of “Christian liberty,” or “separation from the world.” But such an approach is doomed to defeat. [...]

When Will the Whining Stop?

When Will the Whining Stop?

There was no whining allowed when I was growing up. My father served in World War II. He was at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. He survived. He served in Korea. He survived but at great cost. After a mortar attack, he lost his right leg above the knee. He almost never complained about his situation, but you know it was a source of regret and what ifs. There was no whining or “woe is me” at our h [...]

The Curse of Unequal Economic and Judicial Balances

The Curse of Unequal Economic and Judicial Balances

The unequal application of the law in terms of economics and politics is real. I listened to a discussion about taxation led by Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana. It was good as far as it went, but one phrase was missing: By what standard? Wealth redistributionists appeal to inequity, that is, some people make more money than other people, and as a result they should be taxed at a higher rate. [...]

A ‘No-Brainer’ Supreme Court Decision

A ‘No-Brainer’ Supreme Court Decision

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of a website designer who refused to design a site for a same-sex wedding. She was sued. The case went to the Supreme Court where the 6-3 ruling upset the usual suspects. It’s not enough to tolerate the LGBTQ+ mafia, you must be forced to support it or lose your business if you don’t comply. There are many other examples. Here’s a short list from ten years ago in T [...]

Why Government Can Save You

Why Government Can Save You

Gary explains the difference between government and politics. Christianity was shoved to the sidelines when advocates of what has been described as the Enlightenment claimed “that no authority could sit in judgment on human reason, that man’s reason and experience were the measure of all things.” As is typical of shifts away from a Christian worldview, this sterile worldview was not satisfying, so [...]

The Hidden Secret of Charles Lindbergh

The Hidden Secret of Charles Lindbergh

The Supreme Court’s majority opinion in the overthrow of the Defense of Marriage Act made a mess of marriage. It opened a Pandora’s Box of future litigation and perversion that we are seeing every day in the United States. Polygamists see that they’re next in line for judicial satisfaction. Who would have thought that transgenderism and sexual perversion would be taught to elementary school childr [...]