Roger Ebert Gives Ground Zero Mosque "Thumbs Up"

Well known movie critic, Roger Ebert, has embraced the political correctness of the day. His article “Ten Things I Know About the Mosque”, accuses Americans who oppose the Mosque of betraying the First Amendment. Just because something is a religion, doesn’t automatically include it under the protection of the First Amendment. [...]

Opposition to the Mosque at Ground Zero

The Ground Zero Mosque has brought all sorts of people out of the woodwork and has brought a lot of underground views out for the public to see. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, wants an investigation of those funding the anti Ground Zero Mosque movement. The is the essence of fascism. [...]

Ann Coulter Speaking at HOMOCON?

Controversial conservative speaker and author, Ann Coulter, is set to speak at GOProud’s, HOMOCON 2010. This engagement resulted in her removal from the upcoming World Net Daily conference, “Taking America Back”. It is unfortunate that Coulter is willing to be a vehicle of legitimacy for a group that certainly goes against the foundation of conservatism. [...]

Thomas Jefferson and the Ground Zero Mosque

President Obama stepped into it over the weekend. Speaking Friday August 13, 2010, at a White House dinner to honor Ramadan, the President told his audience, “Muslims have the right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country,” an obvious reference to the controversy surrounding the Ground Zero mosque. On Saturday, while spending the day in the Gulf, the president attempted to clar [...]

True Flower Power

After a few years of peace, love and protesting, the Woodstock generation dropped out of sight. Forty years later we see them once more in the public eye, now in positions of leadership, power and influence, effecting change of the worst kind. For forty years, the enemies of Christ’s kingdom were laboring for the furtherance of their cause, rising through the ranks to the top of their respec [...]

Proposition 8: A Morally Bankrupt Decision From an Economically Bankrupt State

Proposition 8 in California, which defined marriage as between a man and a woman, was overruled by District Judge Vaughn Walker. The 138 page decision goes to considerable lengths to justify something that not only is immoral, but irrational. Scripturally and historically, when a society becomes economically bankrupt, a moral bankruptcy has already taken place. [...]

Ronald Reagan Tapped Into Unspoken Conservatives

The Rockefeller family had bankrolled liberal protestantism in America since the turn of the 20th century. In the 70s, Jimmy Carter was the Rockefeller’s man. But with the recession of 1980, and his liberal policies of other issues, Carter lost his foot-hold of popularity among conservatives. At a unique turning point for Carter’s re-election race, Ronald Reagan appeared at a conservat [...]

The Bulwarks of the Conservative Movement

The key book that led the conservative movement in the 20th century was “The Road to Serfdom” by the author F. A. Hayek. On the other end of the economic philosophical spectrum was John Maynard Keynes. These two economists were friends at Cambridge, but they were both battling for the economical worldviews of British leadership. Hayek’s book was made popular when Reader’s D [...]

Bishop Sheen's Morally Conservative America

Dr. Gary North, personal eyewitness to the development of the conservative movement throughout 1950-2010, an expert economist, highlights the behind-the-scenes events of the conservative movement from an insiders’ perspective. The publication of the The Freeman and National Review established the conservative movement throughout the last half of the 20th century, but the key conservative fig [...]

The Global Unification of Religion

Authors Tim LaHaye and Craig Parshall, say that the Obama administration’s use of the phrase “freedom of worship” instead of “freedom of religion” is indicative of the global unification of religion, and apocalypse. One might ask why they continue to write books and issue warnings. According to their eschatological beliefs, these things are inevitable and nothing rema [...]

What's the Modern Definition of a Conservative?

Adam Smith and Edmund Burke are the most significant figures of the founding in the conservative movement of America. Their similarities and differences in the early 19th century formed the basis for the traditional moral values group and the libertarian group comprised in the conservative movement. These two sides of the conservative movement have lasted to this day, with the addition of the econ [...]

Making Sense of the Conservative Movement

Today’s major political parties do not understand true conservative principles. Part of the cause for this is contemporary politicians do not know what the basis for the conservative movement is, or was, at the start of American history. Few resources and teachers today know what the history of the conservative movement is—how it got to where it is today. We can make sense of the conservativ [...]

Celebrity Obsession: A Modern Idolatry

Many Americans, unfortunately, maybe even most Americans, know more about Mel Gibson’s meltdown or Lindsay Lohan’s trial, than they do about the 2500 page healthcare bill or Elena Kagan’s judicial philosophy. The drama of the personal affairs of the rich and famous act as a screen to cover up so much more that is going on in our nation and our world. We should be much more inform [...]

The Defense Department is Not Supposed to "Turn the Other Cheek"

President Barack Obama has ventured into the realm of Biblical politics, while he encourages us to read our Bibles, he has expressed concern that biblical application to every area of life isn’t feasible or practical. As he sees it, the Defense Department couldn’t function because it would supposedly be in violation of the Sermon on the Mount. The Pharisee’s used this same techni [...]

President Obama Wants You to Read the Bible

Whose version of Christianity should we follow? President Obama points out several different passages, which taken out of context and applied to situations that they weren’t given for, seem incongruous and unattainable. The New Testament is very clear that there are a number of issues that have changed sine the Old Testament. Unfortunately many Christians (and non-Christians) have fallen int [...]

The Magnificent Seven and Today's Political Bandits

Gary reviews the parallels between the classic film The Magnificent Seven and today’s political arena. Politicians have a lot in common with the bandits in the movie, apart from the Western setting. Are there seven amongst modern men willing to face such villains? [...]

Ignorant Educators

New Haven, Connecticut, has removed the phrase “in the year of our Lord” from their high school diplomas, after someone complained. This change is intended to remove “religious bias” and avoid offense but is in conflict with the Constitution of Connecticut, not to mention the United States Constitution. This is just another example of the ignorant educators shaping our futu [...]

The History Con May be Over

The liberals got caught flat-footed in the Texas textbook wars. Texas and California drive the content of many textbooks since they have the largest public school populations. Textbook manufactures go where the money is, and less populated states can get what Texas and California decide what goes in their textbooks. It’s possible that a public (government) school in Massachusetts could get history [...]

"Vox Populi, Vox Dei"

“I don’t know what you mean by ‘glory,’“ Alice said. Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. “Of course you don’t—till I tell you . . . When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “Which is to be master—that’s all.” ((Lewis Carroll, Th [...]