Conservatives, Give Up Ayn Rand

Many conservatives look to Ayn Rand to help determine their economic policy. Her book “Atlas Shrugged” was influential in the recent Tea Party movement. Rand’s ideologies are not consistent with her atheistic worldview and as Christians we don’t need Rand to form our economic policies. Watch this episode of Vantage Point for a more detailed examination of the writings of Ay [...]

Are Gas Prices Too High?

Everyone is upset about the high gas prices we’ve been experiencing lately, resulting in a lot of oil company bashing. But are the oil companies really the bad guy in this scenario? Find out right now on Vantage Point. [...]

We Should Stop Persecuting Fornicators

The media has been all over Arnold Schwarzenegger for his extramarital affairs, much like the outcry over Tiger Woods and Bill Clinton’s affairs. Other sexual lifestyles such as homosexuality, bi-sexuality and the transgendered are widely accepted and even praised. Why is there this double standard? Maybe some people are born fornicators. Find out more in this episode of Vantage Point. [...]

Does the First Amendment Prohibit Prayer?

It seems that every time there is a council meeting the issue of prayer comes up. A Christian prays in Jesus’ name during the meeting and the ACLU and Americans United for Separation of Church and State jump in and dub these prayers unconstitutional. What does the Constitution really say? Watch Vantage Point to find out. [...]

Is It Constitutional to Pray in ‘Jesus’ Name’?

Commissioners from Forsyth County in North Carolina appeared before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit to appeal a District Court’s decision to bar commissioners from opening public meetings with prayers prayed in Jesus’ name. The ACLU and Americans United for Separation of Church and State argued (naturally) that sectarian prayers to any deity violate the First Amendment. The Fir [...]

Gay Marriage Should Not be Banned Says Rep. Simon

There has been much passionate debate over the legalization of homosexual marriage, with illogical arguments on both sides. Rep. Simon of Minnesota states some very unfounded and illogical arguments in favor of homosexual marriage. In this episode of Vantage Point, Gary takes these arguments apart and shows why they are faulty. [...]

Do You Really Want Washington to Make Budget Cuts?

In America’s current economic state, many propose cutting the budget. But when you get down to talking of cutting specific programs such as Medicare, Social Security or government education people start to balk. Most people are not willing to give up a government program that they benefit from, but ultimately we will have to give them up if we want to right the economic wrongs that have abou [...]

Leftist Rhetoric, Political Assassinations, and Race Riots

NPR’s Scott Simon claims that events like the Tucson shootings “Didn’t happen when 63 million people watched Walter Cronkite (1916–2009) every night.” “Uncle Walter,” as he was affectionately called, reported during a time when there were only three major TV news sources—ABC, CBS, and NBC. There were no comparable conservative competitors. Conservatives got their message out through privately publ [...]

The Constitution: Old, Racist and Irrelevant?

The Republicans in Congress are planning to read the Constitution! Wait, shouldn’t they have already done this? One would expect that they would be familiar with a document they have sworn to uphold. Will the reading of the Constitution make any difference in the way they run our nation? Watch this episode of Vantage Point for a candid discussion of this topic from a biblical perspective. [...]

Does Gold Have 'Intrinsic Value'?

Almost every conservative talk show is pushing gold and silver as a hedge against inflation, the devaluation of the dollar, and protection against uncertain economic times. Glenn Beck has been the most vocal proponent of owning gold, so much so that some liberals have called for an investigation. These are the same guys who create money out of thin air. Typical. In one particular Beck advertisemen [...]

Jimmy Carter Should Stop Teaching Sunday School

The Huffington Post reports that Former President Jimmy Carter said in a recent interview with “Big Think” “that the nation’s tolerance of gays [sic] had grown to a level that could facilitate the election of a gay [sic] president.” Carter believes this would be a good thing for America. James Carville, an advisor to Bill Clinton when he was president, asked, “How do we know we haven’t had one?” I [...]

Post Election Reflection

There’s been a lot of post-election reflection. One of the more interesting trends that has surfaced is that evangelicals got back into the political battle. From about 1925 to 1975, evangelicals were not viewed as a definitive voting-block. Evangelicals were generally dismissive of politics for a variety of reasons. The 1973 pro-abortion Roe v. Wade decision and the earlier 1962 prayer ((Engel v. [...]

Rebranding the Democrat Party

Today, our panel pokes a little fun at the Democrat Party’s new logo, listing 10 reasons for the change and what it might mean. On a more serious note, conservatives are facing some tough decisions in the upcoming election. Should we vote on principle and make a statement? Or should we compromise and vote for the “lesser of two evils?” [...]

Not Imposing Christianity Through National Law

Is a Christian nation an “Old Testament nation?” Does the Bible tell Christians to follow Old Testament law to the letter? The idea of theonomy is not well-known, but it is strongly debated. Gary and Joel explain the what theonomy is and how it differs from Christian reconstruction. [...]

Secular Religious Ideology Gone Mad

The Constitution requires that “No person . . . shall be eligible to [the office of President] who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States” (Art. II, Sec. 1). Does this mean that a candidate shouldn’t be questioned about his abilities and limited experience if he is constitutionally qualified at just thirty-six years old? [...]

America's Religious Identity Crisis

With a title like The Myth of a Christian Nation, one would think that the author would have spent more time on the nuances of how the phrase “Christian Nation” is used by people like John Eidsmoe, David Barton, and other scholars writing on the subject. If you’re going to critique a concept, it’s necessary to deal with those who make the claim and define the phrase, which I do in America’s Christ [...]

Co-opting the Left

Does anyone else find it strange that it’s okay that the new rug in the Oval Office quotes a Christian minister but a high schooler is prohibited from speaking about God in here valedictorian speech? Is it right that many evangelicals reject Glenn Beck because he is Mormon? These are the topics addressed by our panel in today’s show. [...]

Cutting the Cable from Your Skyhook Religion

Christians disagree on a lot of issues. One of the areas of big disagreement is whether we should just be about “preaching the gospel.” Getting people saved is the Christian’s priority. All this stuff about cultural, social, and political Christianity is a distraction of the gospel. In fact, so the argument goes, the more we address social issues, the less the unsaved will be attracted to the Bibl [...]

Driving the Left and Right Crazy

Glenn Beck is driving the Left and the Right crazy. Beck co-opted the Martin Luther King, Jr. “I Have a Dream” celebration and turned it into a near religious revival. This drove Al Sharpton up the wall. His counter event was a non-event. Many on the Right are condemning the efforts of Beck because he’s a Mormon. So where are the evangelical pastors and churches doing what Beck is trying to do? [...]

Aliens, Mosques and Curses

There are Mosques all over the U.S., including one already blocks from where the controversial “Ground Zero Mosque” is set to be built. Illegal immigration is getting out of control and Washington D.C seems to be fine with it. What is the Biblical approach to these issues? How should Christians respond? [...]