The minimum wage is bad for employers, workers and the economy

The minimum wage is about freedom. Think about it. The government is forcing employers to pay people a certain amount of money. It’s no wonder that a majority of voters have no problem with the government taking ever higher amounts of money from workers in the form of taxes. When the minimum wage goes up, union wages and benefits also go up. That’s why unions are always behind an increase in [...]

A Pastor Speaks Out on Christians and Politics

More pastors are speaking out on the relationship between the Bible and politics. Unfortunately, some of them are creating a false dichotomy between the gospel and everything else, including politics. The gospel is the first step not the final step in regeneration. That’s why it’s called the “new birth.” The writer of Hebrews calls on his readers to leave behind “the elementary teaching about the [...]

Obama Administration Forces Bible Publisher to Pay for Abortions

The Obama administration is arguing that Tyndale House Publishers, a Christian publisher of Bibles and ministry material, is not religious enough to qualify for an exemption to the contraception mandate — which includes drugs many Christian groups say are abortifacients. The First Amendment does not make a distinction between for-profit and non-profit religious groups: “Congress shall make no law [...]

Are Pastors Finally Getting the Message about Politics?

In 2000, John MacArthur wrote a book with the title Why Government Can’t Save You. ((John MacArthur, Why Government Can’t Save You: An Alternative to Political Activism (Nashville, TN: Word Publishing, 2000).)) When this book first appeared, I wrote that I didn’t know any Christians who believed government can or should save us. The subtitle led the reader to believe that getting involved politica [...]

If You Love Liberty You Might be a Terrorist

A report on terrorism in the United States has been published by the Department of Homeland Security. The authors of the report are Gary LaFree, professor of criminology at the University of Maryland, and Bianca Bersani, assistant professor of sociology at the University of Massachusetts-Boston. The goal of the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) program is to sponsor research th [...]

Political Prop Frank Schaeffer is a Sell-Out Who Has Lost His Mind

Any time liberals want to take a slam at conservative Christians they call on Frank Schaeffer, the son of Francis A. Schaeffer, the Christian apologist who brought Evangelicals out of the pietistic closet and have become a living nightmare for liberals. Liberals loved religion when liberal religionists voted for them. In 1980, this all changed, and Francis Schaeffer had a lot to do with it. Franky [...]

Washington Post Admits Dan Quayle was Right about Murphy Brown and Unmarried Moms

Many of you are probably too young to remember the flap over Vice President Dan Quayle’s comments in 1992 about unwed mothers. Here’s some of what the former vice president said: “Bearing babies irresponsibly is simply wrong. Failing to support children one has fathered is wrong. We must be unequivocal about this. It doesn’t help matters when prime-time TV has Murphy Brown, a character who suppose [...]

Movie Director Matthew Modine Says the Bible Teaches that Jesus was a “Commie”

“I think that you could define [Jesus] as a Utopian communist, where people would work together to solve our problems,” Modine told The Christian Post. I’m all for working together to solve our problems. But that’s not Communism. Communism is forcing people to work for the goals of the State, and the State is a bunch of elites who claim they know what’s best for all of us. In the end, it’s these l [...]

Another Liberal Argument Bites the Dust

I was surfing through Facebook looking for some good articles to comment on, and I came across this post with an accompanying sign: “If God didn’t make gays, there wouldn’t be any.” Most of the hundreds of comments I read didn’t see how absolutely illogical this attempt at being logical in support of homosexual behavior actually is. Too many of those who commented saw this as a slam-dunk refutatio [...]

Why Our Constitution Fails in Other Countries

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is being raked over the coals for her comments about the use of the U.S. Constitution in a post-Mubarak Egypt. She said the following in an interview on Egyptian television: Q: Would your honor’s advice be to get a part or other countries’ constitutions as a model, or should we develop our own draft? A: You should certainly be aided by all the constitution-writing that has gone [...]

The Christian’s Lot in Life is to be “Oppressed and Disenfranchised”

The following article is a follow-up to “Are Lobbying, Rallying Voters, Organizing Protests, and Harnessing the Evangelical Movement UnChristian?,” a response to Phil Johnson’s “Salt of the Earth” article that was published in the January 2012 issue of Tabletalk magazine. Our duty as citizens is to see that civil government stays within its jurisdictional boundaries. [...]

Are Lobbying, Rallying Voters, Organizing Protests, and Harnessing the Evangelical Movement UnChristian?

There is a reason we call the revelation given to us from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22 the “Bible.” The Greek word biblos (βίβλος) — from which we get the English word Bible — means “book.” The Bible is one book even though it has 66 (39 + 27) individual parts. No single verse can be properly explained and understood without considering it in the light of the whole Bible. No verse can or should stan [...]

Why Liberalism Will Die by its Own Hand

On the eve of 39th anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade pro-abortion decision, the Obama administration has mandated that “many church-affiliated institutions will have to cover free birth control for employees.” This does not mean that Christians will have to get abortions. Keep this in mind as you read the rest of this article. Not only is Obama the food stamp president, the unemployment presiden [...]

White House Mixes Religion and Politics

Christian pastors, you are now free to talk about politics from the pulpit. You can even endorse a candidate. And when your sermon is finished, you can register people to vote right in your church. Who gave you this right? Well, first, the First Amendment does: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of [...]

The Stealing of America

While channel surfing, I came across The House I Live In (1945), a ten-minute short film starring Frank Sinatra. Made to oppose anti-Semitism and racial prejudice at the end of World War II, it received an Honorary Academy Award and a special Golden Globe award in 1946. It reminded me of where I grew up. While Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, my hometown, is not as ethnically diverse as a city like New Y [...]

Revising History for Our Destruction

It’s been said that the victors write the textbooks. I supposed this is the way it should be. As a nation, if we want to know who has won the ideological war in America, take a look at the our textbooks and popular writing on historical subjects. Dr. Gary North writes: When children are required by law to attend tax-funded schools and read state-approved textbooks, these textbooks establish the te [...]

Hitler’s War on Christmas

Every December a battle ensues over the acknowledgement that the 25th is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It’s called Christmas. Retailers who make a boat load of money during the Christmas season have tried to walk the narrow line of political correctness by using the less religious “Happy Holidays” greeting. They don’t want to offend atheists, New Agers, and Satanists who do not celeb [...]

Was Jesus a Liberal?

The American Family Association is promoting a “Naughty or Nice?” Christmas campaign by listing the top retailers and how they recognize Christmas. There are three categories: 1. Companies that use the term “Christmas” on a regular basis are considered Christmas-friendly. 2. Companies that refer to Christmas infrequently, or in a single advertising medium, but not in others. 3. Compani [...]

American Pulpits and Politics: The Hope of Our Nation

While driving to Charlotte, North Carolina, I heard Pastor John MacArthur encourage Christians to vote. It wasn’t that long ago that he left the impression in his book Why Government Can’t Save You ((John MacArthur, Why Government Can’t Save You: An Alternative to Political Activism (Nashville, TN: Word Publishing, 2000).)) that Christians should resist putting too much emphasis on politics. I was [...]

Mobocracy in Action

“We Are What Democracy Looks Like!” is a popular slogan and sign used by the Occupiers. If mob rule is the definition of democracy, then they are right. The thing of it is, America is not a democracy. Sure, there are democratic elements in our system of government, but Article IV, section 4 of the Constitution of the United States “guarantee[s] to every State in this Union a Republican form of Gov [...]