Should the Church ‘Only Preach the Gospel’?

Ed Dingess at Reformed Reasons responded to my article “Jesus Has Not Called Us to be Doormats” with “Gary DeMar: A Response to Christian Doormats.” I’ll extend him the courtesy of linking to his article even though he does not link to mine or even give the title of my article. Strange. It would also have been nice if he had been consistent with the spelling of my name. It’s DeMar, not Demar [...]

Are Christians Being 'Too Political’?

Is it any wonder that Christians are losing their hard-fought freedoms? Christian radio network K-LOVE found itself under fire after it initially refused to run promo spots on its stations for the newly released pro-life film, “Unplanned.” Please tell me what’s not political? Everything is political. That’s the point. The reasons Christians should be involved in politics is [...]

Jesus Has Not Called Us to be Doormats

Can the gospel and social activism co-exist? Should Christians involve themselves in the world by participating in politics, pursue advanced degrees in education, medicine, science, and law, produce films on a wide range of subjects, seek a career in journalism, and develop non-governmental programs for long-term social reform based on a well thought out biblical worldview? Or should Christians sp [...]

Stop using the Bible as an excuse to avoid politics

Does the Bible forbid Christians from being involved in politics? It would be a hard case to prove since there are numerous books of the Bible that are filled with politics—from Joshua, Judges, and 1 and 2 Samuel to 1 and 2 Kings and the Old Testament Prophets. King David is confronted by Nathan the Prophet (2 Sam. 12), Solomon is shown violating nearly every biblical admonition regarding kings th [...]

"Rapture" thinking and political paralysis

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is coming under fire for a speech he gave in 2015 while serving as a Congressman: Dangerous Christian extremist: Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is caught on video promoting the Rapture. Social media is on fire after a 2015 video has been rediscovered showing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo discussing the Rapture. In the video Pompeo expresses his opposition to [...]

More fake news on Bible prophecy and the "rapture"

According to a recent popular video on the rapture, “Evangelist Greg Laurie has suggested that a massive Jesus revival in America could lead to Christians being snatched from Earth, removing the U.S. from the End Times conflict.” But why couldn’t a massive Jesus revival in America instead lead to Christians changing America? In his interview with PureFlix, Laurie “recalled that one of the earmarks [...]

Should preachers address politics from the pulpit?

Several posts on Facebook are asking this question: Should pastors address politics from the pulpit? I don’t understand why this question keeps getting asked. If the Bible addresses politics (or anything else), then pastors must address politics and anything else the Bible addresses. It’s that simple. Joel McDurmon, President of American Vision, writes: [I]f it is true that pastors may not weigh i [...]

Are Christians "confusing the Gospel with Christian nationalism"?

Many Christians refuse to get involved in politics for any number of reasons. Here are some of them: Jesus didn’t get involved in politics. God’s kingdom is not of this world. We’re to render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s. We’re living in the last days. We’re just to preach the gospel. Politics is not mentioned in the Great Commission. The Christian’s citizenship is in heaven. There’s a s [...]

Soft-Selling Communism and Stalinism in the 'Trumbo' Film

My wife and I sat down the Saturday before the Academy Awards to watch the 2015 film Trumbo. Dalton Trumbo is played by Bryan Cranston who did a marvelous job, certainly worthy of the Academy Award nomination he received for Best Actor. It’s loosely based on the Hollywood screenwriter, author, and self-admitted Communist Dalton Trumbo (1905-1976) who was cited for Contempt of Congress for which he [...]

Why Bother if the End is Near?

People have been trying to identify a particular antichrist for centuries. Christopher Hill’s book on the subject just deals with antichrist in seventeenth-century England. (There were many more through the centuries and in other countries.) The candidates included Protestants, the Pope, radical sects, bishops, the Crown, the “‘Establishment’ generally,” the universities, and “the Turk,” an early [...]

We Should be More Concerned About Deflated Freedoms than Deflated Footballs

Deflated footballs are in the news. In fact, the story is so popular that all the major networks led with the story even though almost nobody in the United States will be financially affected by the outcome. No one will lose any freedom, be forced to pay a tax, or have a pile of new regulations stacked on them. “On Thursday night, the ‘big three’ of ABC, CBS, and NBC each covered the news that the [...]

Newsweek's Bible-Bashing Article Says Criticizing the Government is a Sin

Newsweek magazine has published its first 2015 issue with the lead article “The Bible: So Misunderstood It’s a Sin” written by Kurt Eichenwald. The question is, however, who is misunderstanding the Bible? Could it be that Mr. Eichenwald is the one doing the misunderstanding? Certainly a lot of people do misunderstand the Bible. Much of the misunderstanding comes from a simple lack of Bible knowled [...]

Hillary Clinton Uses Jesus to Promote the Welfare State

Liberals love the Bible when they can turn it into theological Silly Putty. They can find support for every leftist doctrine as long as they skip words, read verses out of context, and read their own views into specific texts. Even the Devil quoted the Bible (Matt. 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13), so we shouldn’t be surprised if we encounter politicians who peddle the Devil’s wares with the Devil’s methods. [...]

CNN Says Those on the Right More Deadly than Jihadists

Peter Bergen is CNN’s national security analyst, a director at the New America Foundation. The New American Foundation is funded by George Soros. Bergen also uses the mega-fundraising radical leftist organization the Southern Poverty Law Center as one of his sources. These associations in and of themselves do not mean that everything Bergen writes is incorrect, but it is important to note the sour [...]

Atheists Attack Christian Gov. Walker for Bible Tweet

Whatever happened to “freedom of religion”? According to the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF), it does not exist. The latest anti-God tyranny concerns a Twitter post by Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin. Here it is. Get ready. It’s ominous. It’s devastating: “Philippians 4:13.” That’s it. Gov. Walker didn’t even cite the content of the verse which is, “I can do all things through Christ who st [...]

Why Did Obama Back Off From the Romeike Homeschooling Case?

Everything Obama and Co. does is to grow the State and give it more control and power over our lives. So why would Homeland Security and later the Justice Department decide not to deport the Romeike family after pursuing the deportation order through the courts where it ended up at the Supreme Court with the nation’s highest court letting the lower court ruling stand? The Romeikes were initially g [...]

How Liberals Love to Mix the Bible and Politics (Sometimes)

[caption id=“attachment_7573” align=“alignright” width=“300”] Copyright 2013 Riley Yates -[/caption] Liberals will use the Bible with their politics when they believe it defends a position that supports their agenda. You’ll even find liberals using the Bible to support homosexual marriage by quoting familiar passages like Matthew 7:1–2 and Mar [...]

The minimum wage is bad for employers, workers and the economy

The minimum wage is about freedom. Think about it. The government is forcing employers to pay people a certain amount of money. It’s no wonder that a majority of voters have no problem with the government taking ever higher amounts of money from workers in the form of taxes. When the minimum wage goes up, union wages and benefits also go up. That’s why unions are always behind an increase in [...]

A Pastor Speaks Out on Christians and Politics

More pastors are speaking out on the relationship between the Bible and politics. Unfortunately, some of them are creating a false dichotomy between the gospel and everything else, including politics. The gospel is the first step not the final step in regeneration. That’s why it’s called the “new birth.” The writer of Hebrews calls on his readers to leave behind “the elementary teaching about the [...]

Obama Administration Forces Bible Publisher to Pay for Abortions

The Obama administration is arguing that Tyndale House Publishers, a Christian publisher of Bibles and ministry material, is not religious enough to qualify for an exemption to the contraception mandate — which includes drugs many Christian groups say are abortifacients. The First Amendment does not make a distinction between for-profit and non-profit religious groups: “Congress shall make no law [...]