My Response to John Piper's 'Paths to Ruin' Article

My Response to John Piper's 'Paths to Ruin' Article

Pastors are supposed to be prophets, not in the sense of foretelling but in forthtelling. The Old Testament prophets were critical of the immoral—lawless—actions of Israel’s religious and civil leaders, and they were never nice about it (e.g., Jer. 2:20; 3:1–3; Jer. 5:7–8). Jesus was equally critical and used harsh language to call out the religious establishment of the day: Jesus said, “You brood [...]

We've Substituted the True God with a False God

We've Substituted the True God with a False God

It’s a cliché to say that this is the most important election in our lifetime. But I feel strongly that this is the most important election in our lifetime. There is so much at stake. Above all is the question of whether we will continue as one nation under God. Will we embrace America as founded or will we completely jettison all pretense of our national motto—In God we Trust? [...]

Famous Actress Thanks God For Killer Virus

Famous Actress Thanks God For Killer Virus

If there are any more Never-Trumper GOPers, pro-Biden Evangelicals, or Third-Party voters left, you need to pay attention to this message from the queen of Leftism, Jane Fonda. She fits all the criteria of a modern-day Leftist — privileged, rich, arrogant, and out of touch with reality. When the system comes crashing down on us, she’ll be above it all, looking down on all the paeons she has no use [...]

Selling One's Soul For Social Acceptance

Selling One's Soul For Social Acceptance

All of a sudden, Democrats have found religion. Religion is now OK … but only if you are a Democrat and you need religion to brainwash and woo ill-informed so-called Evangelical Christians and Roman Catholics to help win the White House. Biden is said to be a “good and faithful Catholic.” This is the same rhetoric that Nancy Pelosi has used for years. Hillary Clinton followed a similar strategy. I [...]

The Third-Party Dream that’s a Nightmare

The Third-Party Dream that’s a Nightmare

After the first debate between Pres. Trump and Joe Biden, I saw some people on Facebook say they are going to vote for third-party candidates. Really? How is that going to help? They claim it will send a signal to both political parties. Neither party cares unless it damages one party or the other. The most affected party wins the election. This is important: Only one of the two major parties wins [...]

The Dogma of the anti-Christian Bigots

The Dogma of the anti-Christian Bigots

Should being an active Christian bar you from public service? Yes, say many pundits today. It would seem that the left wants to impose a religious test to bar anyone who truly believes in Jesus from serving in government. The death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg left a vacancy on the Supreme Court. In the days following her death, all of the candidates on President Trump’s shortlist to repla [...]

Is There a Time to Stop Praying and Start Doing?

Is There a Time to Stop Praying and Start Doing?

For decades, Christians have been reluctant to get involved in politics. These Christians either don’t vote or when they do vote they do so in terms of what government can do for them. The government is seen as their earthly savior. They are more concerned about where their next flu shot is coming from rather than the appointment of judges who with one vote can turn the Constitution on its head. [...]

How Can Christians Vote for a Party That Wants to Blow Up the System?

How Can Christians Vote for a Party That Wants to Blow Up the System?

“Sedition: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority.” Wikipedia’s definition is more comprehensive: Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent toward, or resistance against, established authority. Charging membe [...]

What are Gun Sales Telling Us about the State of the Union?

What are Gun Sales Telling Us about the State of the Union?

When some loudmouth spouted off about how he was going to do so-and-so to this guy or that guy, a guy who was really tough would often say, “You and who else?” or “You and what army?” An opposing force is only as effective as its ability to win battles. “In the waning days of WW II, during a discussion of the future of Eastern Europe, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill cautioned Joseph Stali [...]

The Reasons Behind the ‘Anonymous’ Report About Pres. Trump

The Reasons Behind the ‘Anonymous’ Report About Pres. Trump

“The story is not true. It has become a very dangerous time when anonymous sources are believed above all else, and no one knows their motivation. This is not journalism. It is activism. And it is a disservice to the people of our great nation.” —Melania Trump Everyone knows by now that the ultra-liberal magazine The Atlantic that colludes with the Democrat Party has written an article that claims [...]

The Attack on Christ in Modern America

The Attack on Christ in Modern America

With violence in the streets of many of our most prominent cities, there is an underlying subtheme that is also troubling. Christophobia, which attacks anything Christian, is surely on the march. Perhaps the latest example is the burning of Bibles in recent Portland protests. On 8/2/20, Washington Examiner noted, “Portland protesters were filmed burning Bibles and the American flag as protests con [...]

The Church of the Woke

The Church of the Woke

During these days of COVID-19, when many churches remain closed by government mandate to keep the virus from spreading, a new religion has arisen in the country…and it’s all based on a myth. Citizens Free Press (7/25/20) posts a video in Portland, Oregon, where you can see worshipers of the “Church of the Woke,” participating in an outdoor religious service. This consists of hundreds, perhaps thou [...]

How Black Americans Can Save Our Nation

How Black Americans Can Save Our Nation

What we are seeing happening in and to our nation is nothing new. The ideologies driving the revolution have been around for a long time. The universities are filled with ideological radicals aligned more with Marx and Marcuse than Burke and Kirk. Their radical ideas have trickled down to the high school level where multiple generations have been polluted with dangerous and counter-productive idea [...]

Is Politics Outside the Scope of the Christian Worldview?

Is Politics Outside the Scope of the Christian Worldview?

There’s a scene at the end of the film The Martian where Mark Watney (played by Matt Damon) lays out what is inevitable in space travel. It’s a lesson that can and should be applied to every area of life: At some point, everything’s gonna go south on you… Everything’s going to go south and you’re going to say, this is it. This is how I end. Now you can either a [...]

Should Pastors Address the Subject of Politics?

For decades pastors have been timid about preaching politics from the pulpit. The Old Testament prophets would have been stunned by such timidity. A good many modern-day churches believe that they have some very good biblical reasons for not touching on the subject of politics from the pulpit. Many believe they are prohibited from doing so because it will jeopardize their tax-exempt status. It won [...]

How Far the Democrats Have Fallen (And the Republicans Aren’t Far Behind)

Who said the following? “I am a Christian, I am a Protestant, I am a Baptist … [and] my own personal religious faith . . . has developed out of my own personal experience in life as well…. [T]he tradition of which I’m a part recognizes the importance of personal communication with the deity, along with the lessons that come from Scripture.” ((From Kenneth Woodward, “Finding God,” New [...]

Romans 13 and the Persecution-Seeking Christian

Whenever we ponder Christianity and government, you can almost wager some well-meaning believer will argue that we can’t expect rulers to be just because Paul actually had the Roman Emperor Nero Claudius Caesar in mind when he penned Romans 13. Like many of his predecessors in the Julio-Claudian dynasty, Nero was a bit of a beast. He had his own mother killed. The Roman historian Tacitus had this [...]

Is the Christian Right Driving Liberals Away From Religion?

Michele Margolis is a political science professor at the University of Pennsylvania and the author of From Politics to the Pews: How Partisanship and the Political Environment Shape Religious Identity. She writes, “some people on the left are falling away from religion because they see it as so wrapped up with Republican politics.” As someone who identifies with the Religious Right, I could just a [...]

The Bible Has Some Very Unsavory Political Figures that Would Upset a Lot of Christian Voters

Consider the following scenario: There are two people running for political office. You have inside knowledge of what these candidates will do in the future. The first candidate will expand the military, implement confiscatory taxes, enrich some of his trusted political allies with property stolen from the people. The second candidate will commit adultery, be an accomplice to murder, be identified [...]

Hodge v. Horton: Two-Kingdom Schizophrenia

Michael Horton, the J. Gresham Machen Professor of Theology and Apologetics at Westminster Seminary (California) since 1998, Editor-in-Chief of Modern Reformation magazine, and President and host of the syndicated radio broadcast, The White Horse Inn, describes Reconstructionists as “zealous postmillennialists” who “are in danger of turning law into gospel” and “confusing salvation and earthly uto [...]